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BNP membership list has been put online.

No it doesn't, i would think long and hard about putting info that meant people lost jobs in the public domain, you on the other hand come across like all Trots as someone who will say, the end always justifies the means'

I haven't said anything of the kind, if could be arsed to read post. And if we are talking about how one comes across, you come across like all pathetic, whingeing, dreary, liberals, 'ooh, thats bad, but since it's there....'

Anyway, any chance of you spelling out what you mean by 'abandoning principles'?
is the full list still online?
You can get it the same way you can get other 'illegal downloads' (music/movies/games/porn/etc) ... so there isn't really any way to stop it being online for people who want it.

The only things that could get in the way would be things that people try to counteract illegal file-sharing: releasing 'wrecking' or infected decoys, the deterrant effect of serious legal action or filtering action at the ISP level, none of which are likely to happen or be possible/successful.
Yeah and when you do a search on certain search engines there is the cache link, which kinda makes things difficult to remove.

Yeah and when you do a search on certain search engines there is the cache link, which kinda makes things difficult to remove.

Theoretically the major internet players could be ordered to clean up? I read that they do this with child porn for example. This wouldn't apply to p2p tho' presumably?
Like someone else said, with email addresses you can get pictures through a facebook account. (Just wanting to put a face to a name etc, no genuine hint of violence etc)

Looked up one lad round the corner from me, hes listed as being in anti BNP group and hes bi-sexual :confused: do I take it, hes no longer a member?
The Guardian have posted up an article about it:
The entire membership list of the British National party has been posted on the internet, identifying thousands of people as secret supporters of the far right and exposing many to the risk of dismissal from work, disciplinary action or vilification.

Around 13,500 names and home addresses were posted on a website late on Monday evening, apparently by a disgruntled member of the party's own leadership.

As well as names and addresses the list includes the home and mobile phone numbers and personal email addresses of BNP members. It is thought that the list may include lapsed members of the party and the names and addresses of people who have expressed an interest in joining the party, but have not signed up.

Many of the members' occupations are listed, revealing a small number of police officers, two solicitors, four ministers of religion, at least one doctor and a number of primary and secondary school teachers.

It's going to totally fuck up their hopes of attracting new members. Who's going to sign up to this useless bunch of incompetent Charlies if there's a chance that their name, address and personal details could end up being plastered all over the web?

Shame, that, what? :D :D :D

Last night, internet chat rooms frequented by British supporters of the far right were buzzing with anger, indignation - and considerable alarm. One typical posting said: "The most shocking thing is some of the comments by the names! God help anyone who is in the army, the prison service, healthcare, a police officer or a teacher."

It is thought that the information commissioner, who enforces the Data Protection Act, may investigate the matter, looking not only at the posting of the membership list, but at the amount of information that the BNP has been storing about its members.
In which case, since the Times admit in their article to ringing people up on the list and publishing some of its details surely they will get fucked over this?

The injunction was taken out at Manchester High Court against six members of the BNP over an allegation of breach of confidence pending a civil suit.

Depending how it was worded, I don't think it's likely that The Times itself would be bound by that injunction [?]
It is thought that the information commissioner, who enforces the Data Protection Act, may investigate the matter, looking not only at the posting of the membership list, but at the amount of information that the BNP has been storing about its members.

Shame, that, what?

:D :D :D

aah yes, any such info must contain only that that is strictly relevant and necessary. Any comments about those on the list must be equally relevant. So 'documentation seen' (or whatever the phrase re seeing the dole card/pension book was) is fine, but reasons for leaving are highly dubious. Oh dear.

Will the liberals getting in such a huff about this 'shameful' leak now suddenly change their minds, considering the BNP were shamelessly breaking the DPA all along, i wonder?
I pmed a couple of people asking for it - don't worry - a google gives about 40 sites with it - so I've got it.
I found it :D

I won't say where as it seems there is an injunction but Google is your friend :D

I saw your dog on it. :eek:

On a serious note, there are going to be a lot of families on their witts ends over the next couple of days, all because one stupid cunt in that family joined up to the scum.
Much as I disagree with the BNP's racially obsessive, anti-immigration stance,
and their history of homophobia and anti-semitism, I'd like to sound a note of caution
regarding the premature jubilation over the publication of this list.

Whatever people might think about the politics of the BNP or BNP members
it is appalling that their confidential membership list has been published in this way.

Some people might think it perfectly acceptable that during the most severe, unfolding
recession in decades, BNP members working in teaching, the police, nursing and other areas
now face seeing their livelihoods and that of their families put at risk.

I do not. It is like McCarthyism in reverse, and we know what a tumult that era turned out to be.

It would seem more than coincidential that during the biggest economic crisis of capitalism in decades, when socialism and progressive, pro-people movements are in the ascendency, that this list should be leaked at this time. The publication of this list runs the serious risk of provoking a mini-war between the left/far left and far right.

Never forget the words of Jay Gould (known as the 'Mephistopheles of Wall Street'):

"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half."

Don't fall into the trap.
as the boss says, don't bother posting it.

if you know how to use google or twitter you can find the site within about 30 seconds.
Enter into google
BNP membership list download
and the top link is to a bittorrent download (apols if this info already posted ...)

Seeding now ...
...Some people might think it perfectly acceptable that during the most severe, unfolding recession in decades we should strive to prevent a fascist resurgence
Fixed it for you.
2 points - one, Griffin's just been on the radio bleating on about why there's nothing to be ashamed of about being a BNP member, so why would their members fear losing their jobs unless quite clearly there is a wider public revulsion for their quasi-racist policies? Two, Griffin invoked the Human Rights legislation and the right to privacy as being their strategy for purusing legal action with the cops, despite the fact that one of their policies is the abolition of this legislation - a tad hypocritical to say the least methinks.
2 points - one, Griffin's just been on the radio bleating on about why there's nothing to be ashamed of about being a BNP member, so why would their members fear losing their jobs unless quite clearly there is a wider public revulsion for their quasi-racist policies? Two, Griffin invoked the Human Rights legislation and the right to privacy as being their strategy for purusing legal action with the cops, despite the fact that one of their policies is the abolition of this legislation - a tad hypocritical to say the least methinks.

quite. It doesn't take any vigilanteism or anything for this leak to have an effect. The simple fact of it being out there is going to cause the BNP a huge amount of problems in itself. In terms of recruiting, of image, of exposing inconsistencies and hypocrisies.
2 points - one, Griffin's just been on the radio bleating on about why there's nothing to be ashamed of about being a BNP member

He was quite desperately trying to put a good spin on events, claiming that the revelations showed what a diverse and well educated bunch they are.. yeah, I bet they're thrilled to be on so many new Christmas card lists....
Without doubt, the most damaging thing about this list, is the vast amount of BNP members who are also parliamentary candidates and members in other parties.
An interesting comment form the NorthWestNationalists' blog at blogger.com.

Speaks for itself, really.

* waves at local fascists
2 points - one, Griffin's just been on the radio bleating on about why there's nothing to be ashamed of about being a BNP member, so why would their members fear losing their jobs unless quite clearly there is a wider public revulsion for their quasi-racist policies? Two, Griffin invoked the Human Rights legislation and the right to privacy as being their strategy for purusing legal action with the cops, despite the fact that one of their policies is the abolition of this legislation - a tad hypocritical to say the least methinks.

I don't he has any choice but to put a brave face on it.

I wonder if the uber-fuhrer will resign over it? I bet he doesn't.
meanwhile, over at Uber-Fuhrer's BlogSpot HQ...

Happy Days are Here Again....


"I've got a phD, you know"

"Ooooh you saucy tinker"
tbh, fuck all the nazi hugging - they deserve it. The very fact that they're members of a fascist organisation is evidence enough that given half a chance they'd do the same to all of us that oppose them, and more, is enough for them to lose any sympathy.
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