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Blaming Russia

On the recommendation of someone here I've been watching the series The Americans, about 2 Russian spies embedded in the US living as an apple pie family. It's not bad.

Leaving aside the spy stuff, and the wigs, and the murders, all of which are very watchable, it’s the best TV writing about marriages and parenting that I’ve ever encountered. It improves every season, as well. You’re in for a treat.
Dunno about that but I'm pretty sure the late Alan MacSimóin was originally in the officials.
That couple who didn't get executed were as well. I mean, there's a lot of couples who didn't get executed, but the Murrays came closer than most:
Can anyone remember what this thread was about?
I follow RT on Gab (the US right wing social media site) as a way of monitoring right wing activity. It is clear where they stand. The same themes keep getting pushed, anti immigration, homophobic/ transphobic, anti progressive left, pushing narratives of West falling apart, heading for civil war, media untrustworthiness, censoring free speech (no hint of irony with the last 2).

Russia has promoted right wing movements around the world which is one of the reasons I cant understand how any one on the left can be an apologist for Putin. The Right love Putin as to them he represents traditional white conservative Christian values standing up against the debauchery of Liberalism. The same reason they love Viktor Orban.

The question about how much this influence affects the results of elections is harder to quantify. But what is clear the MAGA movement borrowed a lot from the tactics of Putin in shaping public opinion with the firehose of falsehood model which Steve Bannon proclaimed the media is the enemy and we are going to flood that zone with shit.

The biggest influence of Russia has probably been to relativize and to subjectify what is a fact and what is reality. Alexander Dugan the influential Russian thinker when asked does the The kremlin ever lie his answer was no because it says what it believes. He drew on the difference between Western thought and Russian thought. He said The West is based on reason Russia on faith. What is a fact is what you believe to be true. Something that sums up Trumpism to a tee.
Congrats on the first post. I’m not sure I agree about Russia as a global epistemic destabiliser: it benefits from a post-truth climate but it lacks the subtlety and skill it would have taken to have engineered one. Still, it’s an interesting thought.
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spacelab - are you going to put that post back? I’m not sure I agree about Russia as a global epistemic destabiliser: it benefits from a post-truth climate but it lacks the subtlety and skill it would have taken to have engineered one. Still, it’s an interesting thought.

Yeah its not a black and white thing with Putin sitting pulling strings and causing The West to implode. What there is no doubt of is a concerted influence campaign to sow division and confusion in The West. How successful it is up for debate. The bottom line is they are doing it and they have a very receptive audience on the Right and some parts of the Left.
Anyone who thinks Putin and Russia aren't involved in undermining, to say the least, other countries, needs to give their head a wobble. Bannon and co have been at it for years, with Flynn found guilty, but pardoned by the desperate cheeto, for his involvement with Russia. The Biden administration has released more info today on RT's influence.

I pay heed to this genius, with how he can condense the issues so brilliantly and hilariously, but fact based 🤣 .

  • Ransomware threat groups, through offering jurisdictional protection and maybe some tech transfer
  • Publicising and mainstreaming other types of cyber exploit

These two are nailed on, and it’s about causing chaos in the west and being able to build a picture of Russia needing a strongman to avoid being like the west.
The biggest influence of Russia has probably been to relativize and to subjectify what is a fact and what is reality. Alexander Dugan the influential Russian thinker when asked does the The kremlin ever lie his answer was no because it says what it believes. He drew on the difference between Western thought and Russian thought. He said The West is based on reason Russia on faith. What is a fact is what you believe to be true. Something that sums up Trumpism to a tee.
Yes western politics was notoriously reason-based before the arrival of the malign Russian influence

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
Huh, kind of an interesting story, and I suppose this thread is as good a place as any for it:

Omali Yeshitela perhaps best known for his influence on Dead Prez, he's the person sampled on Wolves and Police State. Augustus Romain is better known as Gazi Kodzo of Black Hammer, which is a whole very long story in its own right:
That couple who didn't get executed were as well. I mean, there's a lot of couples who didn't get executed, but the Murrays came closer than most:
Can anyone remember what this thread was about?
Thanks for this. I had heard about the IRSP people being accused of the Train Robbery, but not about the two Irish anarchists sentenced to death.
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