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Biker gangs / "patch clubs"

starryeyedsarah said:
Yeah you ask those kent lot "do as thou will shall be the whole of the law" Crowley.
And wot about
Rule: must be able to read colours at 100 yards

O and Hey did anyone ever catch kent president, herman on Kilroy? bout 199? ;)
I'm not sure I understand what you mean?

Are you saying that Hells Angles have a rule that says "must be able to read colours at 100 yards"
used to, nice clean patches and all that.
But I,m talking a while ago now.
Had a mate, along time member who got asked to leave for not riding his harley, prefered his Zthou .Who wouldn't?
And all that wearing a pinny to clean the club house when you prospecting.
Wess said:
I really try to like you Tobes...but when you come out with rubbish like that...just cause some fucken drunk say's it..it doesn't make it so.

What drunk? The information about the Mongrel Mob comes from a serious book, and TV series about gang culture world wide. I happen to have met a couple of people with experience of them, neither of who were drunk.
There is an old saying toby
Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.
When you read that book it was someone elses opinions ay?And the TV show,has that been put in front of the clubs to see if it was factual before it went to air?
Gimme a break,the mongrel mob are a disorganised rabble who thieve bikes,mug drunks,break and enter and sell their grannys teeth to survive.They are a bunch of dropkicks and if you ever meet one don't invite the cunt around for tea because next morning ya bike will be gone,ya cat will have been fucked and ya flip flops will be missing
snowypat said:
Gimme a break,the mongrel mob are a disorganised rabble who thieve bikes,mug drunks,break and enter and sell their grannys teeth to survive.They are a bunch of dropkicks and if you ever meet one don't invite the cunt around for tea because next morning ya bike will be gone,ya cat will have been fucked and ya flip flops will be missing

I had already gathered that from the TV program and the two people I spoke to.
snowypat said:
There is an old saying toby
Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.
When you read that book it was someone elses opinions ay?And the TV show,has that been put in front of the clubs to see if it was factual before it went to air?
Gimme a break,the mongrel mob are a disorganised rabble who thieve bikes,mug drunks,break and enter and sell their grannys teeth to survive.They are a bunch of dropkicks and if you ever meet one don't invite the cunt around for tea because next morning ya bike will be gone,ya cat will have been fucked and ya flip flops will be missing

i have been reliably informed by someone who once baby sat for someone who had a mate who once saw a member of the mobs sisters boyfriends great uncle that flip flops are banned by the secret mongrel code (code named kevin) so you are obviously talking out of votre derrier.

*passes pipe so aforementioned bollocks can be placed therin to be smoked*
Pingu said:
i have been reliably informed by someone who once baby sat for someone who had a mate who once saw a member of the mobs sisters boyfriends great uncle that flip flops are banned by the secret mongrel code (code named kevin) so you are obviously talking out of votre derrier.

*passes pipe so aforementioned bollocks can be placed therin to be smoked*

Fuck off,flip flops are part of the kiwi,s national dress code,must be black and white for formal functions
there is no mongrel mob in the uk but the is the mongrels mc that are nothing like the mongrel mob in nz , just to put things right ok
from the prez of mongrels uk
mongrels-uk said:
there is no mongrel mob in the uk but the is the mongrels mc that are nothing like the mongrel mob in nz , just to put things right ok
from the prez of mongrels uk
No worries cob.I did not know that.I respect any MC as their own identity.I think toby may have been a bit confused.Just as a matter of interest would your club condone riding around in a car wearing ya patch as toby has said is common amongst the H A's.Over here you would get a hiding or worse for that indiscretion
snowypat said:
No worries cob.I did not know that.I respect any MC as their own identity.I think toby may have been a bit confused.Just as a matter of interest would your club condone riding around in a car wearing ya patch as toby has said is common amongst the H A's.Over here you would get a hiding or worse for that indiscretion

yea thats right we are a bike club not a car club and no one in the mongrels even drives a car lol
mongrels-uk said:
there is no mongrel mob in the uk but the is the mongrels mc that are nothing like the mongrel mob in nz , just to put things right ok
from the prez of mongrels uk

Did you just happen to chance upon this thread through searching tinternet, or is someone here connected ?

Maybe it could be a poster perhaps signing up under a different name.

The prez of the mongrels UK and only two posts. . both on this thread

WOW you didnt just sign up to do that did ya ?
fact I saw four hells angles in a motor in Benidorm about 3 years ago, all with their gear etc, they where having some big meet up in the town, all the spainish where bricking it. We had no trouble in the place where I worked and they seamed like an ok bunch, better than the tipical english piss head holiday makers.
Hell's Angels are all just middle-aged accountants having a bit of fun at the weekend aren't they? ;)
djbombscare said:
Did you just happen to chance upon this thread through searching tinternet, or is someone here connected ?

Maybe it could be a poster perhaps signing up under a different name.

The prez of the mongrels UK and only two posts. . both on this thread

WOW you didnt just sign up to do that did ya ?

is there a problem????
Late in on this thread...

But a question nonetheless: where to the Mongrels locate in relation to the Angels/Outlaws conflict??

I say this not with an axe to grind: I attended University many years ago with the late great Dr Maz Harris, but in more recent times have crossed paths with some 'Outlaws' who seemed both pleasant & in a UK numerical majority...
mongrels-uk said:
is there a problem????

Its uncanny that out of all the forums in all the world you just walked into this one and straight onto this thread.

I know enough slaves in the real world, to know to respect your colours. Just like I would any other patch club. But I'm not in your club and not bound by your rules. So if you want my respect you'll have to earn it like every other poster or person I meet.

If you wanna walk on here throw your weight around and demand respect, just cos you say your the prez of the mongrels in the uk then your in the wrong place. I could sign up as Charles Mansun it dont make me him does it.

So if you would like there to be a problem then I'm sure I can be accomodating as well as many other posters I'm sure

Sorry but this aint a mongrels uk BB so your position means nowt.
djbombscare said:
Sorry but this aint a mongrels uk BB so your position means nowt.

i am just statting the fact that there are no mongrel mob in the uk but there is a mongrels that i am part of and proud to be part off we have githun a hell of a lot of respect to get where we are now
Fair enough.

And like I said I will respect your colours if I come across you in the real world.

But on here mate It doesn't mean fuck all.

To ask if I have a problem suggest that you want me to show you respect and throw your weight around because of your title. Which I wont do. I dont give a fuck who anyone is.

On here age, position, social standing or where you are up the foodchain does count for shit or mean anything, its the points you put across that earn you other posters respect and will also wind up others.

I'll stand by you and fight with you as if I was a memebr in your club if I think you've got a valid point.

If I think your wrong I'll give you my opinion and why I think its wrong. And argue the case til you prove me otherwise.

But walk in say 2 things and ask me if I've got a problem. . .

If I did that in your clubhouse I'd expect to be minus an eye probably my nose, and wouldn't be going home.
djbombscare said:
Why not go and ask some.

You could film what happens and call it "My last moments before death"

you reckon they will offer to make him ride pillion on a twisty road then?

Pingu said:
you reckon they will offer to make him ride pillion on a twisty road then?

Nah, make him pop a fatboy onto a centre-stand (if they had one before the pedants start) :p)
Pingu said:
you reckon they will offer to make him ride pillion on a twisty road then?


Nah they're probably so secure in thier own sexuality that questions like that wouldn't bother them in the slightest :)
Fair enough.

And like I said I will respect your colours if I come across you in the real world.

But on here mate It doesn't mean fuck all.

To ask if I have a problem suggest that you want me to show you respect and throw your weight around because of your title. Which I wont do. I dont give a fuck who anyone is.

On here age, position, social standing or where you are up the foodchain does count for shit or mean anything, its the points you put across that earn you other posters respect and will also wind up others.

I'll stand by you and fight with you as if I was a memebr in your club if I think you've got a valid point.

If I think your wrong I'll give you my opinion and why I think its wrong. And argue the case til you prove me otherwise.

But walk in say 2 things and ask me if I've got a problem. . .

If I did that in your clubhouse I'd expect to be minus an eye probably my nose, and wouldn't be going home.

mongrels-uk didnt ask if you had a problem he asked "is there a problem????"
big difference.

it seems to me that its you djbombscare that is seeking respect?

as far as i could tell mongrels-uk was just protecting the reputation of his MC by making it clear that his MC had no affiliation to any other organisation bearing a similar name. for that alone he gains my respect.

btw i did sign up to the forum just to say this (hope that isnt a problem)
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