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Biker gangs / "patch clubs"

tobyjug said:
You can come and tell that to the HA who turn up at the Lion Rally in taxis, if you like.
are you telling me you have seen with your own eyes patch wearing hells angels jumping out of cabs with their patches on?if you say you have seen this i will call you a liar as i am 100 percent sure this would never happen.
BTW Toby,you have not replied to the answer about the street gang mongrel mob and the fact that they are not an outlaw motorcycle club.was i right or was i right?
where is my fiver?
OK I’m not going to involve myself in an argument on this thread but I will add what I know and have seen.

The Mongrel Mob is not a Motorcycle club.

I have seen on a number of occasions; namely the Kent custom bike show, the Bulldog bash Hells Angels arriving by car and van wearing patches, I also have a friend in Amsterdam who lives with a Dutch Hells Angel and I have also seen him and others getting out of vehicles wearing their patches.

Where does this talk of it being illegal come from?
tobyjug said:
Jesus H Christ, the Windsor Chapter had an argument amongst themselves what must be about 40 years ago. When the shooting had stopped the survivor got jailed for murder.
My Brother-in-Law was a member of the notorious Tin Cans at the time.
The current Windsor ones are the rip off.

I remember the windsor shoot out, thought it was inter club?
knew the shooter, didn't it turn into all england after this?

Bike clubs are limited bussinesses these days.... Canada H.A. club house boasts, plrivate planes, heated pools etc......MAD!!!!

And whats with 'outlaw bike clubs having more ules than the rest of us????

When you in a club you think everyone looking up to you, when you not in a club scence you don't take no notice!!
snowypat said:
you fuck off,for a start how can you be a member of an outlaw motorcycle club if you dont own a bike?secondly,to become a member of the mongrel mob you must have served time in prison.thirdly,they tried to start a chapter in perth w a about 16-17 years ago but for the first time in australian outlaw bikie history, the gypsy jokers,the coffin cheaters,the club deroe's and gods garbage all sent reps around and shot the mobs leader and they all done time for it.needless to say they would have shot the lot of them but the rest of them pissed off out of w a never to be seen again.i know the gods garbage rep that did the time so you ask ya mongrel mob mate about that.he is probably in england hiding from the law over here.i wouldn't trust any of the bastards and if you do good luck because one day you will need it

speaking from experience there is not much scarier than a new Zealand m/c club, or Aussie for that matter, but them n.z, well you've seen madmax, use your imagination. I kid you not.
Minnie_the_Minx said:
I remember a few years ago, one of the most well-known Angels died and his funeral cortege went up Brixton Hill. Hundreds and hundreds of bikes and trikes(sp?), escorted by police. Was a brilliant sight. Bought the whole of Brixton Hill to a standstill :cool:

Maz Harris I think, died road testing a Buele m/c, spokesman for the Kent H.A
political represenative, Degree in philosopy and one of the best. R.I.P.
starryeyedsarah said:
Maz Harris I think, died road testing a Buele m/c, spokesman for the Kent H.A
political represenative, Degree in philosopy and one of the best. R.I.P.

fair enough EPICURUS regarding patch wearing H A's jumping out of vans over there.
and i apologise to tobyjug as well but i was flabbergasted that it would happen.in australia,i know for a fact that if a member was seen doin that he could expect a fine or pennance of some kind and maybe a nom would get a flogging for wearing the bottom rocker in a car.i know hells angels members in melbourne,adelaide and darwin and i know that it would never happen out here.it is part of their culture.to have a man getting out of a car with a patch on for christ sake would make a mockery of everything that the 1 percenter culture stands for.
any member of any 1 percenter club in aust,if his bike brakes down for instance,always will remove his cutoff and hold onto it if he rides in a car .but if they are heading out for a night of fun and frivolity and not riding their bikes they do not wear their cutoffs but club "t"shirts or windcheaters with club markings on them.
and to STARRYEYEDSARAH,thanks for putting things into perspective and MADMAX was made in australia.another good bikie film made in the seventies here was STONE.good yarn and a bit of a laugh.sounds like ya knock around the bike scene a bit do ya?
yeah seen Stone, that was actually bike club members in the film eh?
Been around the bike scene in uk and in Qld.
Good luck to them.
What I can't stand is the nouveu H.D riders over here....(searches for sick bag)
starryeyedsarah said:
yeah seen Stone, that was actually bike club members in the film eh?
Been around the bike scene in uk and in Qld.
Good luck to them.
What I can't stand is the nouveu H.D riders over here....(searches for sick bag)
qld ay.not a bad part of the world.been over there a bit.i live in nor west wa,a place called dampier.plenty of harleys here but its a long way to get any fucken where.originaly from alice springs,been over here for 2 years same sort of roads,long and hot.
stone is still been shown at times on the telly here,bit of a cult thing.didnot know there were members in the film but ya learn something every day ay.and i thought i knew everyfuckenthing lol :rolleyes:
AFAIK, there's a biker underground in Northern Ireland.

Don't think they get up to too much dodgy stuff, that's already a monopoly of the paramilitaries.

I met some - pretty old guys - in the Empire on Botanic Avenue one night. We were chatting away and half way through one of them says, 'you know, we thought you were staring at us earlier. . . then one of us spotted you were watching the big screen telly'.
the road rats are true outlaws , don't know if it still the same but HA had to get permission to ride through their manner. rule unto them selves, sure they still around.
Epicurus said:
I think the Maz you are talking about was a member of the Kent Chapter of the Hells angels.

His real name was Dr. Ian Harris phD and he is now dead iirc he died on his way to the Bulldog Bash in 2000.

He wrote the book Bikers: Birth of a Modern Day Outlaw & was the UK hells angels spokesman and press officer.

Sure he died rd testing a Buele, very much missed eitherway.
(no its ok, just a touch of hayfever) :(
snowypat said:
qld ay.not a bad part of the world.been over there a bit.i live in nor west wa,a place called dampier.plenty of harleys here but its a long way to get any fucken where.originaly from alice springs,been over here for 2 years same sort of roads,long and hot.
stone is still been shown at times on the telly here,bit of a cult thing.didnot know there were members in the film but ya learn something every day ay.and i thought i knew everyfuckenthing lol :rolleyes:

Yeah, and apparantly lot of bike gangs have their own agents for doing extra parts in movies, music videos. that stranglers song 'nice and easy does it' was written for an old HA friend of mine.
I' halfway up qld coast/bush
And tbh where arn't there loads of Harleys in Oz, been there done that ,now prefer something that doesn't grind away the footpegs when cornering and isn't an agricultural vehicle No offense, each to their own, and they are good for the distances, its just the whole status symbol thing that goes with them now, buy an image.

it's like when they started selling designer punk clothes :mad:
starryeyedsarah said:
Yeah, and apparantly lot of bike gangs have their own agents for doing extra parts in movies, music videos. that stranglers song 'nice and easy does it' was written for an old HA friend of mine.
I' halfway up qld coast/bush
And tbh where arn't there loads of Harleys in Oz, been there done that ,now prefer something that doesn't grind away the footpegs when cornering and isn't an agricultural vehicle No offense, each to their own, and they are good for the distances, its just the whole status symbol thing that goes with them now, buy an image.

it's like when they started selling designer punk clothes :mad:
i dunno how long ago you were here but harleys are like arseholes now,everyones got one.ya see a skinny pimply kid go in the front door of the bike shop and comes out the other end a true brand new biker boy resplendent from head to toe with willy g's hardcore biker fruit,bandanna,buckle and boots,harley t shirts and snot rag,fucken ashtrays and rings on every finger,lol.me mate in alice used to make thousands out of the new biker breed changing the plugs or oil and belts because the useless fucks would not have a clue.well thats progress i suppose with all the HOG chapters goin for their 100 kilometer sunday "run" pullin up at the todd tavern skiting about all the hard miles they have done.lol,lol.its entertainment and they always offer you the good drugs when ya put ya arm around their missus just to get ya away from her lol
sorry im just reminising.anyway after about a year of getting in the wind they tire of the charade and sell their bike to the next sucker and it starts all over again
snowypat said:
are you telling me you have seen with your own eyes patch wearing hells angels jumping out of cabs with their patches on?if you say you have seen this i will call you a liar as i am 100 percent sure this would never happen.

As HA arriving in cabs complete with back batches causes the marshalls and security a lot of quiet amusement. I am afraid you can think or do whatever you fucking like. I have been marshalling the event for several years and it has happened every year.
tobyjug said:
As HA arriving in cabs complete with back batches causes the marshalls and security a lot of quiet amusement. I am afraid you can think or do whatever you fucking like. I have been marshalling the event for several years and it has happened every year.
ahem tj i have already apologised for jumping the gun but your statement has been confirmed by other posters.i just found it incredulous that a member of the hells angels would arrive at a show without his bike and wearing his patch.that is something you would never ever see in australia.i know members that have a special chair for their patch when they remove it at home and leave it next to their bed or even sleep in it for christsake but in a car,NEVER
snowypat said:
ahem tj i have already apologised for jumping the gun but your statement has been confirmed by other posters.i just found it incredulous that a member of the hells angels would arrive at a show without his bike and wearing his patch.that is something you would never ever see in australia.i know members that have a special chair for their patch when they remove it at home and leave it next to their bed or even sleep in it for christsake but in a car,NEVER

As with many things, comparing what happens in England to any other country on the planet is a futile exercise.
tobyjug said:
As with many things, comparing what happens in England to any other country on the planet is a futile exercise.
jeez tj have you been taking too many valium or are you just a full time sad cunt.have a laugh son but asking that may be a futile excersise too
tobyjug said:
As with many things, comparing what happens in England to any other country on the planet is a futile exercise.

yep just cos you are white and speak english doesn't mean you have anything in common with other white english speaking people in the world.......
in fact you don't seem to have much in common with a lot of people,
nowt wrong with that tobijug ,nowt wrong with that.

but must say Oz nz usa and many others take their bike club rules v seriously, SOME in uk have rather sold out a bit

grabs leather...

but gotta say Kent custom aniversary show 88 the bussiness, lazers,fireworks, bands... all a happy little punter could want

apologise in advance for all the moaning that'll be done cos of my lack of political correctness,nothing personel, its just words...
snowypat said:
you fuck off,for a start how can you be a member of an outlaw motorcycle club if you dont own a bike?secondly,to become a member of the mongrel mob you must have served time in prison.thirdly,they tried to start a chapter in perth w a about 16-17 years ago but for the first time in australian outlaw bikie history, the gypsy jokers,the coffin cheaters,the club deroe's and gods garbage all sent reps around and shot the mobs leader and they all done time for it.needless to say they would have shot the lot of them but the rest of them pissed off out of w a never to be seen again.i know the gods garbage rep that did the time so you ask ya mongrel mob mate about that.he is probably in england hiding from the law over here.i wouldn't trust any of the bastards and if you do good luck because one day you will need it

Biker gangs/ patch clubs, don't know why you're getting all worked up over who drives what.

"wouldn't trust any of the bastards". I could apply that to people I meet in any number of professions during my work day.

So it took 4 Aussie gangs to resist one Kiwi gang...Say no more.
So it took 4 Aussie gangs to resist one Kiwi gang...Say no more.
...you cunts make me fucken laugh.

Perth has had a rule for many years (up until about 2 years ago) where they had Four clubs and Fours only....The Mongrel Mob tried to set up a chapter in Perth so the local clubs met and said fuck that...we have our clubs...So the President of the Mongrels went home with his Cock and Balls in a fucken sack....their clubhouse was blown up as well...

Like Pat say's...if you ride in an outlaw club (1 percent club) you follow the rules or pay the fucken consequences ...no fucken wannabes, no fucken prissy fucks and no fucken wearing colours while your in a car. Certain rules that apply to all 1 percent clubs.

I think you will find the Mongrels from New Zealand have the "honour" of being the most violent biker gang on the planet.
I really try to like you Tobes...but when you come out with rubbish like that...just cause some fucken drunk say's it..it doesn't make it so.

I was going to reply the other week but Snow was doing a good job of filling in the blanks so I didn't bother...
...the mongrels went to Perth and the club left with a president singing soprano and the rest of the fucken pussy cunts with their mongrel dog tails between their legs. End off.
Wess said:
...you cunts make me fucken laugh.

Perth has had a rule for many years (up until about 2 years ago) where they had Four clubs and Fours only....The Mongrel Mob tried to set up a chapter in Perth so the local clubs met and said fuck that...we have our clubs...So the President of the Mongrels went home with his Cock and Balls in a fucken sack....their clubhouse was blown up as well...

Like Pat say's...if you ride in an outlaw club (1 percent club) you follow the rules or pay the fucken consequeses...no fucken wannabes, no fucken prissy fucks and no fucken wearing colours while your in a car. Certain rules that apply to all 1 percent clubs.

I really try to like you Tobes...but when you come out with rubbish like that...just cause some fucken drunk say's it..it doesn't make it so.

I was going to reply the other week but Snow was doing a good job of filling in the blanks so I didn't bother...
...the mongrels went to Perth and the club left with a president singing soprano and the rest of the fucken pussy cunts with their mongrel dog tails between their legs. End off.

Yeah, a bit sensitive, four onto one and all that. :D

Edit: this is fucking stupid ball banging shit. All I wanted to say was that not every single member of the Mob is a cunt and the thread is about "biker gangs/patch clubs", not just bikers...
All this talk of rules & biker clubs is bollocks really isn’t it; the point is to live outside the rules and not conform.

Most “outlaw” biker clubs have very few rules, I remember chatting with the Hells Angle who lived with a friend (See my other posts) he told me there are only 3 rules
Look after your bike
Look after your woman
No needles (Drugs)

While he was just chatting in general I got the impression that was it, he said that most clubs have By-laws but they will change from chapter to chapter, so maybe where you guys come from that is a by-law; as I said before I have seem Hells Angles climbing out of the backs of vans and cars wearing their patches, both at the Kent Show and the Bulldog Bash.

He also said something about 2 principles most live by; fuck the world & do whatever you want regardless of the consequences.
Yeah you ask those kent lot "do as thou will shall be the whole of the law" Crowley.
And wot about
Rule: must be able to read colours at 100 yards

O and Hey did anyone ever catch kent president, herman on Kilroy? bout 199? ;)
Epicurus said:
All this talk of rules & biker clubs is bollocks really isn’t it; the point is to live outside the rules and not conform.

Most “outlaw” biker clubs have very few rules, I remember chatting with the Hells Angle who lived with a friend (See my other posts) he told me there are only 3 rules
Look after your bike
Look after your woman
No needles (Drugs)

While he was just chatting in general I got the impression that was it, he said that most clubs have By-laws but they will change from chapter to chapter, so maybe where you guys come from that is a by-law; as I said before I have seem Hells Angles climbing out of the backs of vans and cars wearing their patches, both at the Kent Show and the Bulldog Bash.

He also said something about 2 principles most live by; fuck the world & do whatever you want regardless of the consequences.
again you are partly right,look after your bike and club,never heard abouit the woman bit though.also no needles is right but FTW means forever two wheels a saying sonny berger was said to have used at times.fuck the world was used as well but not originally
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