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Bernie Sanders supporters were Russian Agents

Back to sanity for a moment: Have you ever noticed the perculiar use of the word "Russia" or "the Russians"?

Nothing suggests an individual like, for example "a Russian person" or "a group from Russia".

Just this impersonal monolithic "the Russians". It's dehumanising and racist, really.
Back to sanity for a moment: Have you ever noticed the perculiar use of the word "Russia" or "the Russians"?

Nothing suggests an individual like, for example "a Russian person" or "a group from Russia".

Just this impersonal monolithic "the Russians". It's dehumanising and racist, really.

Don't worry, they're increasingly being freudian-slipped as "the Soviets" again so it's fine.

Hurrah for fossil fuels and the Soviets, let the good old days never end.
Are Clintonites still trying to blame Bernie Sanders for their own shitty campaign?

They've been blaming the Soviets all this time. Meanwhile, as China kicks-off building the multi-billion-dollar industry that are the sustainable energy systems of the future, the United States goes back to digging in the ground like trogladytes because that's what they know. You go ahead an keep digging fellas, stick to what you know.
They've been blaming the Soviets all this time. Meanwhile, as China kicks-off building the multi-billion-dollar industry that are the sustainable energy systems of the future, the United States goes back to digging in the ground like trogladytes because that's what they know. You go ahead an keep digging fellas, stick to what you know.

The US taking to green energy as enthusiastically as they did to metrification and dollar coins.
So for any of you that expressed support for Bernie: I will be passing on your details to the appropraite secret services, you treacherous scum. [/progressive democrat]

Is true, comrades. I have been a Russian agent for decades. I only look like a middle-aged, slightly boring, book printer. I've been secretly sending messages in the margins of every book we print. On the right or left margin, if you read it vertically instead of horizontally, you'll see my secret messages to the Kremlin.
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Back to sanity for a moment: Have you ever noticed the perculiar use of the word "Russia" or "the Russians"?

Nothing suggests an individual like, for example "a Russian person" or "a group from Russia".

Just this impersonal monolithic "the Russians". It's dehumanising and racist, really.

What would you prefer Russians be called?
As more and more evidence of a variety of contacts between Russian officials and oligarchs and the Trump administration was appearing, the Trumpanzees dug deep into the nether regions of the internet to find all kinds of alternative facts about various Democrat's contacts with Russian to futilely try and take the heat off Trump.

Random maverick business billionaires are one thing... but at the level of government policy, especially a government claiming to be all about jobs and MAGA, it's laughable. The United States will be a steam-punk super-power locked in a cold war with the Soviets while Cyber-China builds and connects the world of tomorrow. So as not to threadjack... I wonder if Bernie would have been any better.
I like laughing at hysterical democrats as much as anyone but where does anybody in that video suggest that Sanders supporters were Russian agents? Unless I missed something the only suggestion of Russian agents on the ground is related to the presidential election campaign between Trump and Clinton.
Supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) reported earlier this month that during the 2016 election, their social media feeds and pro-Sanders Facebook groups were inundated with what they now believe were Russian bots spewing anti-Hillary memes including fake news stories about Clinton using a body double and murdering her ideological opponents. Over time the anti-Clinton online faction became known by the nickname “Bernie Bros.”
"Bernie Bros": Or as they say in Russian "Brat'ya Bernarda"
Random maverick business billionaires are one thing... but at the level of government policy, especially a government claiming to be all about jobs and MAGA, it's laughable. The United States will be a steam-punk super-power locked in a cold war with the Soviets while Cyber-China builds and connects the world of tomorrow. So as not to threadjack... I wonder if Bernie would have been any better.

Practically anyone would be better than Trump.

Nevertheless, Dogsauce said, "The US taking to green energy as enthusiastically as they did to metrification and dollar coins," yet it appears there is a lot of excitement over green energy, certainly a lot more than for metrification or dollar coins.
I like laughing at hysterical democrats as much as anyone but where does anybody in that video suggest that Sanders supporters were Russian agents? Unless I missed something the only suggestion of Russian agents on the ground is related to the presidential election campaign between Trump and Clinton.

Seems a tad hysterical to me, so now you can also laugh at Mikey Mikey.

I do.
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