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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

Laverne is back on now today after the far better Bethan woman yesterday, and she's been talking non-fucking-stop for about five minutes now. All I could hear before I turned it down was her rattling about the film she saw last night and the words, "Twitter" and "Tweet me" endlessly repeated.
Fucking hell. She's blathering on about her son's favourite toys and insisting people Tweet in to talk about theirs. Shut the fuck up woman. Play some fucking music.
here's their official remit, for interests sake.

i spose she can justify all this twitter and apps nonsense based on this.

BBC 6 Music programmes should exhibit some or all of the following characteristics:
high quality, original, challenging, innovative and engaging, and it should nurture UK
BBC 6 Music should deliver its remit by engaging people who are interested in music
and who want to learn more about it. Its music should focus on major artists and
material which do not receive much support from other radio stations. It should offer
a wide selection of music with new music, live music, less familiar tracks and the work
of UK artists substantially represented in its output.
There should be a strong element of newly recorded and archive live music in
daytime and in the evenings. Tracks, sessions and concerts from the BBC Sound
Archive should provide an important element of the output and the station should
add recordings of festivals, concerts and its own sessions to the archive.
The station should add context to the music through authoritative presentation,
features and documentaries which aim to develop an understanding of the music and
its context, or reflect the inter-dependence of musical and social trends. The schedule
should offer regular music news bulletins during daytime programmes, and the station
should also provide in-depth coverage and analysis of developments in popular music
through features and documentaries. Other aspects of popular culture should also be
BBC 6 Music should provide high quality content that encourages radio listening via
digital platforms. The broadcast output should be supported by a complementary
online service, including some use of visual enhancements, and listeners should be
encouraged to interact and communicate with the station. BBC 6 Music should use
new technology to ensure its audiences have the maximum opportunity to access
programmes as and when they want.
BBC 6 Music should contribute to BBC Radio’s commitment to commission some
output from independent producers.
here's their official remit, for interests sake.

i spose she can justify all this twitter and apps nonsense based on this.
I can't see the bit that justifies her talking about her kids toys in there.

What's so frustrating is that the music is great. It's just her idiotic, self-centred blabbering that drives me up the wall.
I can't remember who posted this up before, but let me extend another thank you. I've decided to spread the news:

Silence inane BBC DJ blather with Britify Spotify playlists

That was me in the Radcliffe & Maconie thread. You're very welcome. It's also very handy for the Radio 1 specialist dance shows for quickly hearing whats new and being able to flick from track to track.

Since moving to Los Angeles, it's been a welcome relief not listening to Laverne's constant drivel and that twat going on about apps all the time. I still try and listen to Tom Ravenscroft on iplayer though. I have also found a nice local public radio station, KCRW and they have a very 6Music-esque show called 'Morning Becomes Eclectic' every day for three hours. The DJ is very paletable, and they have live sessions a la 6Music (yesterday was Fleet Foxes). You can give it a go if you ever feel inclined.

Morning Becomes Eclectic - listen again available.
Eclectic 24 - 24hr sister station playing great music, streams online.
That Shaun Keaveny gets worse and worse - he now actually talks over the Star Wars theme tune and adds in Tony Blackburn-style novelty sound effects to his 'comedy' prattle. As soon as I get the radio networked downstairs, I'll turn him off for good too.
This bloke that's on now is way better than Tweet Laverne. Shaun Keaveny and his wacky Radio One sound effects is now totally unlistenable in the morning.
I've been listening to Radio 3 in the mornings for the past year or so. I love the way they allow the whole track to be played without any banter over it and pause afterwards so you can take it all in.
In back in London for a couple of weeks and have 6 Music on as per always. This guy is a heck of a lot less annoying than Laverne.
Aw I don't mind Shaun W Keavney....I only ever listen part he a part of his show before work. I esp like his 'middle aged shout out' item on a Friday & he has Murray Lachlan Young on and Brian Cox each week.

The guy on now is 'The Hawk' who is usually on before Shaun W. Keavney. I'm not too keen on him...in-fact when I first heard him I did wonder how he got a job on R6 as he seemed more suitable to a local radio station (sorry Hawk).
My 'beef' with R6 right now is too much Laura Marling....they are really pushing her to the point that I have started to dislike her beautiful songs...:(
like clockwork on a monday ed ;)

theres some decent tunes on at the mo tho, agreed.
I pay my licence fee so I'm entitled to moan! I use the the Spotify DJ-less playlists a lot now, but sometimes I just want live radio. Without a fucking idiot babbling all over the songs.
yeh. i agree. why can't they just have a station with *no* DJs, during the week anyway. just music and news bulletins. not much to ask surely.
I don't mind DJs providing a bit of context and offering things like an intelligent interview with a new band, but it's all the inane "Tweet your favourite food" style fluff that Laverne peddles about that drives me up the wall.
they are a good advert for enforced sterilisation arent they. well. maybe just summary execution.

they're currently talking about baths vs showers. i mean. seriously?
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