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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

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glad to see Jamz in on the Saturday afternoon.

no news about who's permanently replacing Nemone on the Fri night midnight slot? schedule just shows a filler mixtape on April 3, then doesn't go further ahead than that yet.
I know she grates on people when filling in daytime by bringing in the mindfulness therapy stuff. but her evening show's always been great. it's been a year now of Annie Mac -> Tom Ravenscroft -> Nemone that's kept me going through boring lonely Friday nights and I'll miss that.
"Jamz Supernova
Already a familiar voice to 6 Music listeners, having covered for both Mary Anne Hobbs and Chris Hawkins in recent months, Jamz Supernova’s own weekly 6 Music show will be broadcast every Saturday, 1pm-3pm. "

Stumbled across her at a festival and she was briliant - look forward to checking these shows out
Shes from New Cross too ✊

*also am new to Freak Zone, what a great show
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I give Lamacq a pass nowadays, because even if that indie landfill isn't exactly your thing, you can't deny his passion for it even after all these years and the way he's supported the live scene all this time. I had a good natter over a pint with him a couple of years back and his absolute love for what he does is still strong.
Fair enough, but he just sounds so fucking boring I can't bear to listen to him. Also that jolly nostalgia bollocks Please Sir theme music he always plays as background, ugh!
It’s like my love for Westwood. I find a lot of the hip hop he plays on his show fairly boring but there’s no denying his dedication and love for the scene since virtually day 1, so I give him a pass.
Thanks for all this PR1Berske Really interesting stuff.

It certainly feels like there's more chat than that. My main grumble with LL is that she plays too much pop though.
Hi I'm gonna jump in here because, like a moany old git, I have been mulling over whether to launch a #shutthefuckup campaign for ages now to get the increasing numbers of 6M Djs to stop talking OVER the music they play, (as it starts and as it ends) And I don't mean as it fades, which is fair enough, but when it still has a good minute to 30 secs left. Lauren Laverne is by far the worse at this, that she even starts talking over a track when there's still lyrics being sung fading it in and out so she can rabbit on. It's so fucking annoying and I just don't understand - the station is called 6 MUSIC not 6 TALK. My wife thinks it's because they have to play a certain amount of songs an hour and that the DJ cannot stand not to be heard. I just turn them off now, which is sad because I love 6 music and have done for nearly 20 years now. And don't get me started on the bloody news bulletins - fuck the news, if I wanted the news I'd listen to Radio Bore.
If only.

So Tom's losing his Saturday night show, not Now Playing, I can kind of understand that as I could never really get the point of that show tbh.

May have been nice to keep Nemone and put Honey/whoever in on Saturday night?

We'll see I guess.
That's shit, Nemone is one of the best and I'm always thankful when she covers Lauren Laverne. A proper DJ playing proper music (and not talking over it (much). Sigh, more bloody Radio 1 type DJs getting shows no doubt. Won't miss Kershaw, though. Just can't listen after the opening and grating "HIYA"
Hi I'm gonna jump in here because, like a moany old git, I have been mulling over whether to launch a #shutthefuckup campaign for ages now to get the increasing numbers of 6M Djs to stop talking OVER the music they play, (as it starts and as it ends) And I don't mean as it fades, which is fair enough, but when it still has a good minute to 30 secs left. Lauren Laverne is by far the worse at this, that she even starts talking over a track when there's still lyrics being sung fading it in and out so she can rabbit on. It's so fucking annoying and I just don't understand - the station is called 6 MUSIC not 6 TALK. My wife thinks it's because they have to play a certain amount of songs an hour and that the DJ cannot stand not to be heard. I just turn them off now, which is sad because I love 6 music and have done for nearly 20 years now. And don't get me started on the bloody news bulletins - fuck the news, if I wanted the news I'd listen to Radio Bore.

Afaik, all BBC radio stations have to carry a certain amount of news & current affairs. Besides, news (or just getting the headlines) is important to a lot of people and the bulletins are very short.
Afaik, all BBC radio stations have to carry a certain amount of news & current affairs. Besides, news (or just getting the headlines) is important to a lot of people and the bulletins are very short.
I don't deny that, but it is too much especially in the mornings. I think for a music station a bulletin before each DJ starts their shift is more than enough. Like I said if you want the news there are dedicated stations.
Well that wasn't fun. I mean.....he's a decent fella when he wants to be but that was not a fun hour to analyse.

Just wanna say that your charts are fab. Would you be up for doing one where you analyse how much DJs speak over the records they play? Lauren Laverne is one of the worse at this - just listen to any of her shows and you'll get my meaning, apart from the bit where she goes for her early morning shit and plays two back-to-back. And I don't mean where a record naturally fades out and they start speaking, I mean speaking when it's got a good few minutes left to play.
There was a great programme the other day, The First Time with Nitin Sawhney. Well worth a catch up if you like him

Also Phoebe Bridgers is their artist in residence and is doing a few shows, although I reckon she might be a bit of a niche taste round here, I like her.
We were treated to Lauren Laverne talking to a scientist for 10 minutes this morning about... cuttlefish. No, not a new Hoxton indie band with difficult haircuts. Actual cuttlefish.

Thanks Lauren.

Was that the maths of life thing? Tbf I don't find it too bad relatively speaking as it can be quite interesting.
Was that the maths of life thing? Tbf I don't find it too bad relatively speaking as it can be quite interesting.

Yes, in the grand scheme of things. But if I want to hear things like that on a Tuesday morning I'd tune into Radio 4. While I'm working I like music. Hence I tune in to 6 Music.
Some kinda pop day innit, and that's not an April Fool. Ravenscroft in for Hobbs at the mo. I guess she's feeling the effects of her jab..
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