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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

I'm not sure if anyone's listening right now but Keaveny just read my email out. Suggesting he shut the fuck up and play music or sign on.

Fair play to him for actually reading it.
Just listened to it. And he just carried on talking about slimming world or some other shit. The twat.

Oh and he's going on about your email again.
*turns off
Oh fuck he's just replied to me.

He's pretty hurt. I actually feel pretty bad now. Banging on about his kids and his mortgage.
I'm not sure if anyone's listening right now but Keaveny just read my email out. Suggesting he shut the fuck up and play music or sign on.

Fair play to him for actually reading it.
I did and I hope you took his suggestion to email Magic FM as well :p
Oh dear. He's just sent me another email in response. It's really sweet. Apologising to me back for being sensitive. He's even suggested we go out on the piss once this is all over.

I feel like I've punched a puppy.

Grating as his on air schtick is (and it really, really is) am told that he's a quiet and fair bloke in person.
Grating as his on air schtick is (and it really, really is) am told that he's a quiet and fair bloke in person.

Yes, he seems genuinely nice. Oops. I feel like a right prick.

I accept the apology and am equally sorry for being sensitive, usually I would have just laughed and engaged you in some prize winning badinage but I am having some heavy fucking internal weather today and frankly couldn’t be doing with it.
He may well be a nice bloke but he smothers what is supposed to be a music station with his self-indulgent shitty comedy persona. If he can't take some entirely valid criticism then he should get off the fucking air and do us all a favour.

This was his explanation for all the blathering. Lockdown.

Incidentally tho if I can counter-constructively-criticise, this station doesn’t belong to anyone but everyone, and itS always been a combination of company and music. We have found that the longer thiS pandemic has gone on, the more people value live aimless chat and interaction, it gets a lot of people through, especially people isolated and alone. I don’t apologise for super serving them, and I always say, if ya like your uninterrupted music, GET ON THE spotify!!
Shaun can be very funny and astute, and in a funny way is an heir to Wogan. But just as 1 is in a funny place with so many 40+ white men on a station which is not designed for that (it's in the small print of the target audience) I do wonder how 6 moves away from it's own outliers, and I'll have to include Lamacq in there, for whom the Evening Session has never quite finished.
I'm not sure if anyone's listening right now but Keaveny just read my email out. Suggesting he shut the fuck up and play music or sign on.

Fair play to him for actually reading it.
I've had 6 Music on all day. Can't believe I missed that. I'd have LOL'd. I have posted something similar on twitter, years ago. It was ignored

6 Music, quite rightly, pays a fee to the Performing Rights Society for each song played. I wonder whether they are all on a budget? 10 tracks per hour max, fill the rest of the airtime in with wittering?
I was actually wondering if anyone has been arsed to do a music to inane bullshit ratio study. I asked him if they ever survey their listeners for feedback and he said no. Some of them are much better than others. I actually like Mary Anne Hobbs in the morning, she keeps her links short and sweet usually. Doesn't indulge in 3 minute monologues like Keaveny.

As I told him, every place I've ever worked, where 6 is usually on, people bitch about his middle aged shoutouts and bollocks like that.
I was actually wondering if anyone has been arsed to do a music to inane bullshit ratio study.

I've certainly contemplated that, to try to prove my "max songs per hour budget" theory.
I was also going to do a pop rubbish/half decent analysis of tracks played by each DJ.

Don't suppose I ever will.
Probably said it before - I liked Keaveny in the morning. He certainly fitted my morning mood better than Laverne (whose chirpiness and touchy-feeliness just annoys me at that time of day), but I don't listen to him now in the afternoon.
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