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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

That Richard Bacon was on the other week. Saturday I think. 'Here we go', I thought, 'this does not bode well.'

Richard Bacon knows next to nowt about owt but no doubt he's looking for an out from where is it at the moment and an in to somewhere he doesn't belong.

They'll shoehorn him in somewhere.

I shake my head full of rufe.
shes been back all week. im on xfm in protest. it's marginally better, even with the ads about teen pregnancy etc.
actually xfm this morning is pretty good. minimal talking. ac/dc just on. fitting with my current mood. angry but happy.
Listened to Jarvis Cocker interviewing Leonard Cohen on catch up last night. Thats worth the license fee alone
That Richard Bacon was on the other week. Saturday I think. 'Here we go', I thought, 'this does not bode well.'

Him and that John Holmes. Total fucking shit. DJs should either:

- Play good music and shut up
- Play some good music and be interesting
- Play some good music and be funny

Those two do neither but impress themselves with how funny they are.
it is quite a massive increase actually...

BBC digital radio stations 6 Music and 1Xtra – which celebrate their 10th birthdays this year – have posted record audience sizes in the Q4/11 RAJAR figures.

Radio 4 added half a million listeners over the year, while Chris Moyles’ Radio 1 breakfast show has lost audience compared with this time last year.

6 Music’s audience has hit 1.44m (up 27% on Q4/10) while 1Xtra has gone to just over a million listeners for the first time ever. Radio 4 Extra, meanwhile, saw a slight increase on the quarter to 1.554m – but 5 live Sports Extra’s audience size dropped by almost 50% after a record high last quarter because of summer sports coverage.
Because she is one of those people who think that being 'perky' is a reasonable substitute for being funny or interesting.
Him and that John Holmes. Total fucking shit. DJs should either:

- Play good music and shut up
- Play some good music and be interesting
- Play some good music and be funny

Those two do neither but impress themselves with how funny they are.

I actually like Jon Holmes... It's a bit inane, but I quite like there being the occasional 'lighter' programme. He is actually a 'proper' comedy writer - he's worked with Armando Ianucci on quite a few projects, and has loads of Sony award for radio.

I can understand some 6music regulars not liking him, but, unusually for a DJ, he does have a recognised comedy career.
He knows his stuff. Got no problems with lamacq. He plays good tunes, talks about good tunes and is generally a decent dude. Not sure why anyone would have a beef with him.
Oh but come on.... he drones on and on about old gigs and lower league football (especially Colchester United) something chronic. Nobody under the age of 30 cares if he was at some early Mansun gig at Leicester uni in 1995 or whatever but he sure as hell will reminisce about it and drone on about some other self indulgent recollection of having been at [insert small gig venue] and [insert band] in [insert early nineties year] as well as encouraging callers to do so in good day bad day... Fucking yawn. Also his fondness for playing the same old Lemonheads records over and over is really tiresome.

I used to like him on the evening session in my teens but he's well passed it now. He doesn't have the wit, or taste in new music directions that kept Peel & Nightingale in their Radio 1 jobs for so long. He seriously needs to be packed off to humourless muso radio along with Bob Harris and Johnny Walker pronto.
Oh but come on.... he drones on and on about old gigs and lower league football (especially Colchester United) something chronic. Nobody under the age of 30 cares if he was at some early Mansun gig at Leicester uni in 1995 or whatever but he sure as hell will reminisce about it and drone on about some other self indulgent recollection of having been at [insert small gig venue] and [insert band] in [insert early nineties year] as well as encouraging callers to do so in good day bad day... Fucking yawn. Also his fondness for playing the same old Lemonheads records over and over is really tiresome.

I used to like him on the evening session in my teens but he's well passed it now. He doesn't have the wit, or taste in new music directions that kept Peel & Nightingale in their Radio 1 jobs for so long. He seriously needs to be packed off to humourless muso radio along with Bob Harris and Johnny Walker pronto.

He is matched in dull repetitiveness only by Mark Riley wanking on about Manchester and Joy Division
I just don't get how enough feedback hasn't gotten through that people would much prefer the likes of Cerys, Huey and Bethan Elfyn during the day than Radcliffe/Maconie, Lamaq, and Laverne. I can't believe that the opinion of us U75 listeners isn't generally shared by other 6 music listeners.
I just don't get how enough feedback hasn't gotten through that people would much prefer the likes of Cerys, Huey and Bethan Elfyn during the day than Radcliffe/Maconie, Lamaq, and Laverne. I can't believe that the opinion of us U75 listeners isn't generally shared by other 6 music listeners.
Why cant they be more like us :mad:
Oh but come on.... he drones on and on about old gigs and lower league football (especially Colchester United) something chronic. Nobody under the age of 30 cares if he was at some early Mansun gig at Leicester uni in 1995 or whatever but he sure as hell will reminisce about it and drone on about some other self indulgent recollection of having been at [insert small gig venue] and [insert band] in [insert early nineties year] as well as encouraging callers to do so in good day bad day... Fucking yawn. Also his fondness for playing the same old Lemonheads records over and over is really tiresome.

I used to like him on the evening session in my teens but he's well passed it now. He doesn't have the wit, or taste in new music directions that kept Peel & Nightingale in their Radio 1 jobs for so long. He seriously needs to be packed off to humourless muso radio along with Bob Harris and Johnny Walker pronto.

He talks over the best bit of some songs, too. Drives me fucking crazy. Too fader-happy.
Glad to see so many other Lamacq haters. I actually don't have a problem with Lauren Laverne, although her show (any show, tbh) is infinitely improved by a Huey Morgan takeover :oops: But Lamacq is so boring, boring, deadly dull. The music he plays is dull and there is DEFINITELY more than a hint of Smashie and Nicey about his patter. Ugh.

Was gratified to hear how much improved Radcliffe and Maconie's show was without Radcliffe there the other week. He is another serially boring old tosspot.

I listen to Chris Evans!!!1! in the mornings because Shaun Keaveney is such a useless fucking bonehead.
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