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BBC - Owen Jones

Owen isn't anywhere near as bad as Laurie to be fair - I don't think his opinions are strikingly new or original in any way at all though.
..and on Broadcasting House this morning. Apparently, it's bad that there's an increasing number of MPs who've never had a job outside politics. Obviously fine for 'voice of the working class' Owen Jones to have never had a proper job though...
This is his constant mantra - with the implicit suggestion that we need an an oxford educated type whose never had a job outside politics to protect us from, and speak out against, oxford educated types who've never had a job outside politics
I don't like his hair.

And therein lies the weakness of his position. :) I'm not so sure that I could rely on the strength of his convictions if things kicked off. Mind you I'm not sure that I could rely on meself these days but at least I've got the hair for it.
And therein lies the weakness of his position. :) I'm not so sure that I could rely on the strength of his convictions if things kicked off. Mind you I'm not sure that I could rely on meself these days but at least I've got the hair for it.

Off-topic, but funny as fuck...

This reminds me of a wedding when a mate, just out from severing a little bit of time for drug dealing, was marrying the daughter of Lord & Lady so-and-so, and the best-man made mention of the 'strength of his convictions', some heckler shouted, 'don't you mean length?'

This made us lot piss ourselves laughing, Lord & Lady so-and-so's party was not amused. :D
Back to the future with
poster boy of the new left and author of the bestselling politics book of 2011, Chavs: the Demonisation of the Working Class. He's on the train to Brighton to address the Unite conference. "There isn't going to be a bloody revolution in Britain, but there is hope for a society by working people and for working people," he counsels.


Apparently the 1974 Labour manifesto is where it is all at. The Labour government of that period actually saw the living standards of the working class fall, unemployment rise and the far right grow.
Back to the future with


Apparently the 1974 Labour manifesto is where it is all at. The Labour government of that period actually saw the living standards of the working class fall, unemployment rise and the far right grow.

He's claiming to have been mis-quoted in that on twitter, "A figure I never used. I said 'if you stand up for the bottom 70% they call you a class warrior' etc" which seems about right, but even still 70% seems awfully arbitrary.

Also, It's not it's the whole 1974 Labour manifesto, it's the phrase "Bring about a fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance of power and wealth in favour of working people and their families" that gets him going, which is just standard bennite stuff, but in abstraction it's a statement I can't disagree with. If our generation manages to halt the progress of neo-liberalism, and reverse it with fundamental shift in the balance of power towards the working class, then I'd consider that a great achievement. No, it wouldn't be socialist paradise, but it would be a the first major victory for the left following 30 years of decline and defeat.
He's claiming to have been mis-quoted in that on twitter, "A figure I never used. I said 'if you stand up for the bottom 70% they call you a class warrior' etc" which seems about right, but even still 70% seems awfully arbitrary.

Also, It's not it's the whole 1974 Labour manifesto, it's the phrase "Bring about a fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance of power and wealth in favour of working people and their families" that gets him going, which is just standard bennite stuff, but in abstraction it's a statement I can't disagree with. If our generation manages to halt the progress of neo-liberalism, and reverse it with fundamental shift in the balance of power towards the working class, then I'd consider that a great achievement. No, it wouldn't be socialist paradise, but it would be a the first major victory for the left following 30 years of decline and defeat.

Manifesto versus what actually happened situation.

Lets not go back to those days when a small army of well meaning leftists thought that drafting the Labour manifesto was actually meaningful only to see the Labour right refuse to implement most of it.
Manifesto versus what actually happened situation.

Lets not go back to those days when a small army of well meaning leftists thought that drafting the Labour manifesto was actually meaningful only to see the Labour right refuse to implement most of it.

Well you're right, but I did say in abstraction, in practice it's a different story. A skim through the benn diaries between 74-79 is a good documentary record of how this failed to be achieved. The history of that Callaghan government is an important one for understanding what we're going through today I think, but that's a different topic that would require a thread of it's own. I don't recall Jones being quoted in that article as actually endorsing the entire 1974 manifesto, just that isolated quote, which personally isn't a statement I find really objectionable.
He's stated he has had a 'proper job', selling hearing aids, on one of the programmes I saw him on. I'd rather him as a talking head than some of the other twats that are around.
Manifesto versus what actually happened situation.

Lets not go back to those days when a small army of well meaning leftists thought that drafting the Labour manifesto was actually meaningful.

Which is exactly what the group he is around from Unite and this new CLASS think tank are trying to do...
he's bound to be - money from loads of Beeb appearances/Indie/Unite work - got to be doing alright. Guido Fawkes reckons he's paying top rate tax
he's bound to be - money from loads of Beeb appearances/Indie/Unite work - got to be doing alright. Guido Fawkes reckons he's paying top rate tax
Nice to see your sources now. (*compares to lengthy list of attempted smears that you've made on basis of source*). Odd that you said before that he had to do this and would be on pretty much fuck all.
he's bound to be - money from loads of Beeb appearances/Indie/Unite work - got to be doing alright. Guido Fawkes reckons he's paying top rate tax

He won't be paying top rate, he'll probably be on 40% tax.

He won't normally get paid for most of his tv appearances

The Indie will pay a bit and with Unite it's hard to tell if he is on a fulltime contract for CLASS it will be between 30 - 40k per year, if it's piece work who knows?
round 203 in the eternal Butchers vs Articul8 exhibition slugfest to get underway here, shortly. Ding Ding, seconds out!
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