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BBC - Owen Jones

Pretty pointless thread isn't it:

Dear BBC, can you please stop featuring Mr Owen Jones in discussions because I don't like his politics. Yours, Mr Angry
Given that he had spent 5-6 years in Oxford (and after that moved to London) some of which were spent writing his book, he was asked why he hadn't made any attempt to make the short trip down the Cowley Road from Oxford University to BlackBird Leys to see in practice the attempts being made there by the IWCA to do something about the crisis in working class representation that he was writing about in theory

His response at the time was that he had wanted to interview someone from the IWCA when doing research for his book but 'ran out of time' so didn't bother but he 'wished he had done' and was still very interested in doing so. All of the above exchange took place publicly on twitter where he was making all the 'right noises'

Then in a private email he was given the opportunity to make that contact that he 'wished he had done' and 'still very interested in doing' and since then we've never heard a word back from him since.

Quite a number of years ago, I was in a class taught by a leftist (anarchist, I think) lecturer which dealt in a bit of detail with the gentrification of Hoxton and some other bits of East London. At that time the IWCA was active locally (I believe this was the branch which later split rather than one of the ones which just disappeared) and the lecturer pointed everyone towards their local website as a resource. He did however tell the class that the IWCA didn't like questions from students or academic types, so don't email them!

This cracked me up.
"OWEN JONES, a columnist [eek!] with The Independent, has accused Martin Amis of showing contempt for Britain's poor. Jones made his views known during an introduction to an interview with the British novelist about his latest novel, Lionel Asbo, on BBC 2's The Culture Show.

Jones, who is also the author of the book Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class, calls Amis's latest novel "a cardboard cut-out of broken Britain" and "a caricature of people he's in no position to know anything about".
Lionel Asbo is set in a fictional deprived London borough where the eponymous protagonist, Lionel, a thuggish criminal, wins the lottery and is catapulted to instant celebrity. Jones says that throughout the book, Amis revives the old distinction between the "deserving" and the "undeserving" poor, drawing on a long tradition of contempt for the lower orders among privileged liberal writers. He cites interwar British writers such as HG Wells, Virginia Woolf – and even George Bernard Shaw – who, Jones says, showed contempt for the unwashed masses."

Poster comment:

"William_Brown4 days ago It's a work of fiction, so let's not over analyse and immediately take offence.
Owen Jones is, as is his wont, just grabbing on to Amis's current 'new book out' headlines and doing his best (and failing) to be a trendy antagonist. Frankly, he's a University College, Oxford educated poser who likes to pretend to be 'down' with the working class. As a lifelong member of the working class, you don't fool me sir, so go sing another song, this one's becoming tedious and I really am tired of your patronising noise."


What was Jones' upbringing prior to university?

eta: actually don't bother answering. I just read his Wikipedia entry. Apologies for my laziness.
The ever greater rise of Owen Jones is a mystery. He is certainly loved by the media:

"In September 2011, he was voted the most influential left-wing thinker of the year by readers of the Left Foot Forward blog.[21] The Daily Telegraph placed him as one of their 'Top 100 Most Influential People on the Left 2011'.[22] The Independent newspaper named him as one of their top 50 Britons of 2011 "

And yet this avid self promoter seems to have no noticeable activist socialist credentials to speak of at all. Indeed he seems to have pinched most of his "Chav - defence of" stuff from reading the IWCA website, and I've never been awestruck with the originality of anything he's actually said on the many media outings I've seen/heard him on. Stand by for his full recantation of these "youthful immature views" in a few years , as he rebrands himself and moves decisively to the neo Liberal Right, and gets a "voice of the ordinary man" column on the Daily Mail !

Ridiculous, he was involved in the LRC, helped organised John McDonells's abortive leadership bid and rally, wrote Chavs which is more successful and influential than most left wing people could hope for, and certainly more than former leftists like Zabo....
However, I will accept he should be more aware of his age and lack of real life experience, wonder if they ever said that to Danny The Red?
"Less than 5% of the Stockport population are from minority ethnic backgrounds. This is reflected at the Marple campus where ‘White-British’ students make up 97% of the 16 to 18 year old students. The borough of Stockport is relatively prosperous although pockets of social and economic disadvantage exist. The catchment area of the Cheadle Hulme campus includes 32% of students who live in areas with ‘widening participation’ postcodes."

Didn't he reject, or fail to even acknowledge, an invitation by IWCA members to visit and talk to them about their pro-working class activism? Activism which doesn't have as its guide an analysis which may as well involve writing people off as 'chavs,' and inherently racist?

eh, his whole book was about the repudation of the term 'Chavs' and deconstructing its use in the media, etc......
Well, according to this they don't really accord with my understanding of FE colleges (I used to work in FE colleges): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixth_form_college

They're more like somewhere you'd go to do your A levels (similar to our Highers) if your school didn't do A levels.

Yes that's correct they are not classed as FE at the moment, although with all the restructuring, consolidation, cuts, and academisation the bounderies are shifting.
'It’s the first time something like this has happened to me: an apparent member of the mythical squeezed middle, at least not your average protester, knowing all about us and pronouncing on our behalf. Maybe I was being arrogant, but I couldn’t help thinking that she wouldn’t immediately have thought of Philip Green if it wasn’t for UK Uncut. The experience was a timely indication, I thought, that UK Uncut is gaining significant traction."

The thing is on the visibility and outing of tax dodgers like Green she is right, Uk uncut seized the moment, WILOTL didn't....
Well, according to this they don't really accord with my understanding of FE colleges (I used to work in FE colleges): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixth_form_college

They're more like somewhere you'd go to do your A levels (similar to our Highers) if your school didn't do A levels.

OK, fair enough, athough I know colleges that are FE and still offer A-Levels so that's probably where the confusion lies. I can never keep up with all the name changes and mergers of these places, that's for sure.
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