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to be fair, surely it isn't the number of votes but doing the slow patient work in the areas that historically the SP has been quite good at.
to be fair, surely it isn't the number of votes but doing the slow patient work in the areas that historically the SP has been quite good at.
Well I'm not saying that it was wrong to have stood necessarily (although you'd think they'd be evaluating the wisdom of that), but that it's wrong to use a very poor result to claim "authority" for things in the future
to be fair, surely it isn't the number of votes but doing the slow patient work in the areas that historically the SP has been quite good at.

As you might expect from me, I think that the grassroots work is the most important work of local politics, and that's something the three main parties have pretty much residualised. Back in the '70s and '80s you could generally contact a ward councillor and expect to see them in person within a week. Now, you're more likely to have to attend a fortnightly or monthly surgery (usually over-subscribed), or try and sort stuff out by phone or e-mail (if you have access to either). I'd much rather an SP councillor who takes their ward responsibilities as the primary purpose of their councillorship, than a Labour, Tory or L-D councillor who sees their ward duties as a drag on the business of promoting themselves and climbing the greasy pole.
It's like when Dave Nellist lost his seat, seeing all the Labour arseholes rejoicing at the fact they'd beat him like it was some sort of grand achievement. What an achievement.

And articul8 "Well I'm not saying that it was wrong to have stood necessarily" surely it's absolutely necessary for a Labour party member to disagree with standing rival candidates against them? Infact isn't supporting a non-Labour candidate something you can technically get expelled for? You might be a bit ambiguous about this here but I bet when you're back in the bubble you're nothing like as vague.
Yes I couldn't publically support a non-Labour candidate without inviting expulsion (although they didn't expel Ken Livingstone for calling for a vote for the Rahman bloke in Tower Hamlets). I'd be unlikely to campaign in favour of a rubbish Labour candidate if there was a TUSC candidate in the race. And of course in the privacy of the polling booth...
You're a living breathing walking cop out articul8. If you're gonna be a Labour hack at least fucking defend being in Labour, god I managed to grit my teeth and do it for a while I'm sure a high-flyer like you can manage it.
I can do defend being in Labour. At a General Election I will be campaigning for whatever no mark careerist gets selected to contest our, highly marginal, seat - if only to see Sarah Teather turfed out on her arse - irrespective of whether TUSC stand. But not at a local level. I'll find myself very busy with work commitments.
oh yeah just wondering, will the SWP be part of TUSC in the future? Coz I'm not voting for TUSC if it's got a load of SWP loyalists in it, no chance.
You're a living breathing walking cop out articul8. If you're gonna be a Labour hack at least fucking defend being in Labour, god I managed to grit my teeth and do it for a while I'm sure a high-flyer like you can manage it.

articul8's theme tune: "Embarrassment" by Madness. :)
a turd with some gold in it
But still not a neo-liberal turd right? And if you think it's a turd why have you dived face first into it and spread it all over your self like some some mad eric heffer on a dirty protest? And now you're running around spreading it on everyone else, come on in, the shits lovely...
Leaving aside the LP/Articul8 baiting the fact is that the TUSC Brixton result was shockingly bad even by the pathetically low standards set by the left to measure success.

Here was one of the leading SP figures (an ex local councillor in fact), the ward was leafleted and canvased, there was media coverage and the result was 72 votes.

What I was asking is if there are any signs of some reflection by the SP or the RMT (who presumably bankroll the TUSC jaunt and pick up the lost deposits tab) on the result? Is there an acceptance than the conditions were as good as they probably could be for this sort of election?

Seemingly the answer is no and no. So what are TUSC expecting whern they stand in 400 places with lower profile candidates, no resources to leaflet and canvas many of them and media indifference?

In other words at what stage will it be noted that the horse is in fact dead and the flogging should stop?
But still not a neo-liberal turd right? And if you think it's a turd why have you dived face first into it and spread it all over your self like some some mad eric heffer on a dirty protest? And now you're running around spreading it on everyone else, come on in, the shits lovely...

This metaphor is getting out of hand. :facepalm:
I've just published an article arguing labour councillors should refuse to vote for any cuts. I am not defending their decisions
Yeah? Good luck with that but there are plenty of lily-livered (and Blairite) Labour councillors who will. I know Luke Akehurst will vote for cuts. He's that kind of cunt.
I've just published an article arguing labour councillors should refuse to vote for any cuts. I am not defending their decisions
And what exactly did your party do to those councilors who did vote against cuts? And yet you defend the party. All over the shop. And why didn't you say that you are a member in the article?
I've just published an article arguing labour councillors should refuse to vote for any cuts. I am not defending their decisions
Of course you are, you are giving them your money, you're promoting precisely this sort action by your stupid 'vote Labour' policy. This is exactly what the party you area member of stands for, and it's what you support however much you squeal about it.

Fuck you and fuck your party.
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