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BBC - Owen Jones

Nobody is saying he's perfect, but he's as good as there'll be on the platforms he's allowed access to now

There is a big difference between out and out snakes and idiots like sunny Hundal and LP, and Owen Jones, who is basically one of the good guys.
Not to me he's not, his support for Labour makes him (and Toynbee, articl8 and all the rest) part of the problem not part of the solution.
He's all well meaning and sort of "nice" which means I feel guilty whenever I'm having a go at him, as if I'm tormenting a kitten or something. I said that to button a couple of nights back when the Moore row broke out. Button's response was "yeah, fuck that. It's bullying, AND?" :D

That whole well meaning/nice thing makes me pull punches, rather than go for it. Does anyone else feel like that?
The difference being that Mr. Jones made Iain Duncan Shit squirm with words. Some of the people on here want him to squirm on the end of a spear.

As long as by spear you mean sharp stick, and by squirm you mean a slow, agonisingly painful death, then yes I'd agree with you, there are some on here who would want that.

If Owen dropped his support for labour and electoral politics I'd probably agree with most of what he says, and although he has a brand i think there's an honesty to his beliefs and writings, so he hasn't just chosen his brand cos he thinks that is what will sell.
Hopefully he'll radicalise with time, though it'd cost him what he has.
Labour cannot sustain itself for any significant progressive reformist measure. Even something simple like extending the NHS will not fly, nor will any mass job-creation programme, nor any increase in benefits, nor any mass extension of council housing, nor any restriction of property ownership... none of these measures - when you get down to it - matter a damn in Labour's hands.
Given that Labour are wedded to the notion of a deserving/underserving poor in their rhetoric and policies (new deal, hard-working families rhetoric), id agree that there is almost no chance of there being an increase in benefits under a labour government, apart from maybe, in-work benefits. Which is a shame really, because in the midst of failed economic policies like quantitative easing, (designed to get more buying and selling happening through increased money supply but instead rested in bank ledgers instead of filtering down the real economy), an argument for increasing benefits to stimulate growth could be made in fairly uncontroversial neoclassical economic terms of the fact that poorer people having a greater marginal propensity to consume, that is if they get money they will spend it rather than surpluses languishing around banks doing nothing. Ok this is hardly radical stuff, but thats what i reckon could have made it implementable since its fairly sound according to the economic assumptions that are held. The problem is that labour are definately not a 'dole scum' party and that choices like that are off the table as a result.

Also, Owen Jones whenever i've seen him on the telly seems to emphasise the impact that the benefits cap will have on in-work benefits, thus tacitly going along with the skivers/strivers or hardworking families rhetoric that prevails
No one with any brains would drop Labour for TUSC.

Drop Labour to work to encourage and support working class self organisation by all means but that is a different thing.

Yeah, somewhere down the line there might be some kind of left split or something from Labour that would mean he could stop supporting labour whilst continuing to remain with electoral politics.
He's all well meaning and sort of "nice" which means I feel guilty whenever I'm having a go at him, as if I'm tormenting a kitten or something. I said that to button a couple of nights back when the Moore row broke out. Button's response was "yeah, fuck that. It's bullying, AND?" :D

That whole well meaning/nice thing makes me pull punches, rather than go for it. Does anyone else feel like that?

He's like that Irish singer Mrs Doyle bakes a cake for. I suspect his bashful and youthful looks make a lot of people want to ruff his hair like a naughty puppy.

The said singer, with a puppy.

Last week in The Independent he sorted out the Indian rape case and all the causes of rape. Today he's offered a penetrating insight to the Mali war. It'll soon be over when they have read his polemic. Thank You Owen.

Is there no end his talents and worldy expertise?
Fuck me! He has blocked me because I asked him why he chose to mention that she is Muslim. The PCS agreed with me and said they didn't seem it necessary to mention it either.

An inspiring new face for the trade union movement: @pcs_union in Wales is now led by a young Muslim woman

What a cunt.
Can you ask him, cesare, he seems to like you :D

Bet he says the predictable speil that muslim women are under-represented yada yada.
Well he replies to you, which is more than he does to other people who ask him to clarify or expand upon something.
Well he replies to you, which is more than he does to other people who ask him to clarify or expand upon something.
Oh, ok. Tbh, I just said a couple of things amongst hail of tweets he was batting back, and then wandered off :D
He's all well meaning and sort of "nice" which means I feel guilty whenever I'm having a go at him, as if I'm tormenting a kitten or something. I said that to button a couple of nights back when the Moore row broke out. Button's response was "yeah, fuck that. It's bullying, AND?" :D

That whole well meaning/nice thing makes me pull punches, rather than go for it. Does anyone else feel like that?
He's an autolabourist prick whose response to criticism is "BUT THE TORIES."

Fuck him. :)
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