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BBC - Owen Jones

All I want to know is why he mentioned she was Muslim.

Reminds me of when ninjaboy of all people left a job after a day because the manager welcomed the first black member of the sales team by getting everyone to give her a round of applause.

The prick.

As cesare siad he reduced it to pure tokenism. Focus on her skills jot her faith.
Fuck me! He has blocked me because I asked him why he chose to mention that she is Muslim. The PCS agreed with me and said they didn't seem it necessary to mention it either.

What a cunt.

He loves the 'trade union tops', so that tweet is unsurprising. I've never seen a single word directed against trade union structure - the enemies are "Tories and Liberals" (obviously) and "Blairites" (everything bad in Labour ever).

My favourite Owen Jones article was this one for The Sun.


Producers go out of their way to present the working class families in the most negative light possible — work-shy, unable to look after kids, bigoted, fag-smoking and the rest. The lives of real working class folk have been airbrushed from our screens. We used to be spoilt for choice. Think of The Likely Lads, The Rag Trade and Auf Wiedersehen Pet. These were classic British TV shows that celebrated working class culture.
It has become frowned upon in this country to verbally attack women, ethnic minorities and gay people and rightly so. But it has become totally acceptable to vilify working class people. Look at how mainstream “chav”-bashing has become. Some say “chav” is just used to describe tracksuit-wearing teenagers. Tell that to those who say it stands for “Council House Associated Vermin”, a slur on the overwhelmingly decent ten million people in social housing. It’s a disgrace.

The Likely Lads and the Rag Trade display "the lives of real working-class folk" not very well/in careful stereotype.
sihhi it does not stand for Council Housing Associated Vermin, that is utter bollocks. It comes from "charver", an ancient NE term (romany in origin IIRC) for anyone who was not afraid to go against the grain of what is deemed as socially acceptable or a bit of petty crime.

It's been used by people around here for years with no negative connotations. I can remember using it at first school to describe the kids who poked holes in your milk bottle tops ffs :D
sihhi it does not stand for Council Housing Associated Vermin, that is utter bollocks. It comes from "charver", an ancient NE term (romany in origin IIRC) for anyone who was not afraid to go against the grain of what is deemed as socially acceptable or a bit of petty crime.

You are writing as if I said that, OWEN JONES said it. It's in quotes!
Yeah, can't be a coincidence that there is a Spanish word "chaval" meaning "lad" which has been taken from gypsy culture and absorbed into Castillian.
I have been classed as a chaver for years now I am 19 and since I was about 12 I have been classed as one. I dont wear fake trainers and tracksuits nowt but the best for me. I may be a charver but I gan to college and have been going for 3 years now and plan to be a barrister. I gan to the new monkey and used to go every week. All I can say is dont judge a book by its cover.
Owen Jones is a fucking prick, Council House Associated Vermin my fucking arse. How many other anagrams (thats not the rigbt word is it? :D ) did he cross out before sticking to that one?

What a prick.
sihhi it does not stand for Council Housing Associated Vermin, that is utter bollocks. It comes from "charver", an ancient NE term (romany in origin IIRC) for anyone who was not afraid to go against the grain of what is deemed as socially acceptable or a bit of petty crime.

It's been used by people around here for years with no negative connotations. I can remember using it at first school to describe the kids who poked holes in your milk bottle tops ffs :D
But the people that use it in a derogatory way about working class people aren't exactly interested in its etymology.
The worst thing is I've just ordered his book on Amazon and if he's got something as basic as that wrong I'm not in for a good read am I?
But the people that use it in a derogatory way about working class people aren't exactly interested in its etymology.

But why is perpetrating his made up definition instead of correcting people to it's true origin? It doesn't make sense to me.
sihhi it does not stand for Council Housing Associated Vermin, that is utter bollocks. It comes from "charver", an ancient NE term (romany in origin IIRC) for anyone who was not afraid to go against the grain of what is deemed as socially acceptable or a bit of petty crime.

It's been used by people around here for years with no negative connotations. I can remember using it at first school to describe the kids who poked holes in your milk bottle tops ffs :D
It's a different word.
But why is perpetrating his made up definition instead of correcting people to it's true origin? It doesn't make sense to me.
Because he doesn't get the linguistic leap from Romany to everyday slang; so he's tried to make it into an acronym instead?

Words evolve from other words, language is fluid. Sorry for patronising you, not my inteion, but the reassemble between chav and charv is far too close to say they're different words.

When I was growing up a bit further north 'chav' was a word used for little pesky kids. Also used as a verb for stealing. 'Did you chav that?'.
The worst thing is I've just ordered his book on Amazon and if he's got something as basic as that wrong I'm not in for a good read am I?

Part of a review from Socialist History Society:

"At its best Chavs reads like The Road To Wigan Pier for modern Britain; and like Orwell, Jones is sometimes prone to sweeping generalisations. For instance, when Jones visits Ashington in Northum-berland we are told that if you ‘take away the heart of a community [by deindustrialisation] it will wilt and begin to die’. Indeed, a local resident confirms that ‘the community just disintegrated’. However, Jones also believes that ‘there’s a real community spirit in the air’. Whilst these two statements might not be contradictory, the book does sometimes feel like it is trying to make two opposite points at once. For instance, Jones mocks the middle class obsession with teenage pregnan-cies, but also admits that ‘Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Western Europe. It is also impossible to deny the class dimension of this issue’.
... unlike Orwell, the author’s ambiguous class position is never fully scrutinised. For instance, in a passage about the middle class complexion of Parliament, Jones neglects to mention his own former role as a parliamentary researcher."
My family is from Ashington, I worked there, I know it very well. I am even a member of the Fell Em Doon club... do I really want to read further than that or will I burst a blood vessel?

Actually there is a massive sense of community in Ashington, no one talks to the police or goes to them for help. Everything is sorted within the community; it's a shit hole but if you're known there it is one of the greatest places you could live. So long as you don't upset the Purvis family.

There are several daft acronym etymologies out there. There's the one about "fuck" being "Fornication Under King's Consent". They're invariably S.H.I.T.E.

I never knew about the chaval thing btw, made a mental note of that.
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