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BBC - Owen Jones

The wee fucker didn't reply to me on Twitter when I corrected him on Thatcher's infamous slamming down of Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty on the table ("This is what we believe"!). He said it was The Road to Serfdom. Pillock. :D
It's all kicking off on twitter re: Owen Jones
I haven't got a clue what it's all about
Maybe Firky can fill in the details, LOL
Nobody is saying he's perfect, but he's as good as there'll be on the platforms he's allowed access to now

There is a big difference between out and out snakes and idiots like sunny Hundal and LP, and Owen Jones, who is basically one of the good guys.
Grandma Death said:
I like Owen-he's got a big platform at the moment and he's using it well-sure some may not say effectively but hes out there saying a lot of good stuff-and he pissed off IDS too which ticks my box.

Nobody is saying what he is saying on tv. And he's saying it well.
It's all kicking off on twitter re: Owen Jones
I haven't got a clue what it's all about
Maybe Firky can fill in the details, LOL

Suzanne Moore, who's a bit of everything really and stood as an independent for stokey, made a somewhat clumsy comment that suggested that trans women are basically "men with their dicks cut off". Twitter goes nuts, other journalists jump into defend her, including Owen Jones who to his credit usually has a bit more common sense than to defend such slips, ( distancing himself from Laurie Penny when she declared an IWCA article racist).

That's about it really, I kept an eye on it on twitter but did not want to get involved too much. Pointless anyway as my card has been marked by just about every journo now!

Owen Jones is one of the better ones out of the whole bunch but I think he's being a prat about this. It's as though they're scared to criticise one of their own for fear of being ostracised from the champagne dinners.
"People on the left should be working to obliterate lib dems not calling for labour to go into coalition with them"

The best and worst of O Jones there in one sentence. The best is pretty good though.
The problem with Jones is he clings to the idea that if only Labour would pretend to be a bit more left wing then everything would be OK.
The problem with Jones is he clings to the idea that if only Labour would pretend to be a bit more left wing then everything would be OK.

The people who 'quite like him' think 'he's the best of a bad bunch' never explain that they also share that view do they? The politics he pushes died in the 80's and help strengthen the narrative that the left alternative is top down statism that the working class have rejected time and again.

I fucking loathe him.
Owen Jones@OwenJones84
@krasejc Pro tip: I've never claimed to be the "spokesman" of anyone, but yes I'm vile liberal counter-revolutionary scum and THE REAL ENEMY

Owen Jones@OwenJones84
@AbiWilks @krasejc I'm sorry, but there are people here who relish exposing anyone on the left with a mainstream platform

Owen Jones@OwenJones84
@krasejc @AbiWilks Because the real enemy is the near enemy! Ask any Communist in 1932 Berlin

What's the deal with him referencing Communists when losing an argument? It's not the first time he's done this.
there was the one where he called his detractors, what was it- third period stalinists?

something like that. Either way, lol.
The problem with Jones is he clings to the idea that if only Labour would pretend to be a bit more left wing then everything would be OK.

I still find it surprising that people think Labour is left wing let alone think they're a viable alternative.

Am I in the minority thinking he's a bit of a nob?

Nah, I am not keen on him but at least he doesn't make me seethe. He does have some self-awareness and is vastly more mature and composed than LP or Moore.

He's part of the 'Cool Britannia' generation brought up under NL.

People like him because he made IDS squirm - well so fucking what?
no. He'd be ok if it wasn't for his labourite pipe dreams.

No, he isn't like Dave, with an expensive purple Hitler hairdo, but he's still got a 'brand' and he's also part of the problem, re top university, connections, mainstream platform as a self-appointed middle class voice of the working class.

He reminds me of an annoying sixth-former. Opinionated, wet behind the ears and a different class.
there was the one where he called his detractors, what was it- third period stalinists?

something like that. Either way, lol.

Is the same (15 year old) Owen Jones? I was trying to Google his tweet about third-period Stalinists.


We are in full agreement on this point. BTW, I just noticed
Owen Jones unsubbed himself this time. Owen was removed
from the M-L list some months ago but way back I had
some reasonable discussions with him on all sorts of things
and I am tempted to say he had some potential being on
account of the fact that he's merely 15.

BTW, comrade, could you please tell us your first name. I
don't even bother if it's made up but for the sake of clarity
and transparency every subscribers should at least provide
a name the others can refer to. Thanks. Sven.
I don't know what third period Stalinism is but I suspect that is his point. Most people don't.

Captain Hurrah is my go to authority on all things wussian.
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