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BBC - Owen Jones

the real, human face of the radical student youth, eyes blazing from laptop glare, and revolutionary zeal at the insult of the background 'norm' music growing ever stronger.

wow have to say i found it quite heartening watching that owen jones video, might scour youtube to catch the rest of it. good seeing these scumbags and complacent loonbins being challenged...

You can watch the whole show here:

wow have to say i found it quite heartening watching that owen jones video, might scour youtube to catch the rest of it. good seeing these scumbags and complacent loonbins being challenged...

I find watching/listening to him profoundly depressing. He might look young but his politics are decrepit.
Well that's the conventional wisdom well and truly ripped to shreds.

It's official: Owen Jones is shit.

You are now no longer allowed to like Owen Jones. Liking Owen Jones will lead to smirks behind your back and insinuations that you don't know anything about politics and that you're an idiot.
Well that's the conventional wisdom well and truly ripped to shreds.

It's official: Owen Jones is shit.

You are now no longer allowed to like Owen Jones. Liking Owen Jones will lead to smirks behind your back and insinuations that you don't know anything about politics and that you're an idiot.
We are all like the left face of labour
Apart from herself at one point.

Yes indeed - i think she may well be right that no one who graduated from Oxford in 2008 had a job in 2010. She is also right that middle class graduates should recieve higher benefits due to the shock factor of having no money, in the same way that MPs get re-integration grants when they lose their seats:

Laurie Penny, 23, never imagined she would find herself enmeshed in a world of poverty and the grip of the benefit system when she graduated with a 2:1 degree in English from Oxford University in 2008. Even with that name on her CV, she and her contemporaries have found it fiercely difficult to get work.

"It is hard to think of anybody who graduated with me in 2008 who has a job," she said. "People have tried and not been able to find anything, particularly when the recession hit, and you simply cannot live on £50-a-week jobseeker's allowance."

Penny and her friends found their dreams crumbling soon after graduation. Seven of them crammed into a house meant for three, able to go nowhere and buy nothing, living on cheap food which she says made them ill in the winters. Describing herself now as a welfare activist, she writes and blogs on the plight of the young unemployed, who she says have no voice.

"We were living like a scene from Withnail & I, except there was no space to move," she said. "It was very miserable. People get very depressed – that level of poverty has a bad effect on your mental health, it makes people feel that nothing will ever get better. I know that is the situation for a lot of people, but for young graduates, middle-class people, it is a real shock. It is not sufficiently recognised at all – how poor the rates are in the benefit system."
Note that she doesn't actually say that she is/was on benefits - considering that she was writing for the large newspapers and magazines at least a year before this point , had been working for the labour party and so on i don't believe that she was. It's the usual bullshit attempt to appropriate others situations for herself. To use others peoples situation to promote yourself. A little unveiling of this period of crushing poverty would be very instructive i think.
Note that she doesn't actually say that she is/was on benefits - considering that she was writing for the large newspapers and magazines at least a year before this point , had been working for the labour party and so on i don't believe that she was. It's the usual bullshit attempt to appropriate others situations for herself. To use others peoples situation to promote yourself. A little unveiling of this period of crushing poverty would be very instructive i think.
I can't remember where she mentioned it, but her inheritance came in handy did it not?
I can't remember where she mentioned it, but her inheritance came in handy did it not?

I've only ever read about this mythical inheritance on here, never seen her write about it let alone put a figure to how much she allegedly was given...
Just watched that question time. Owen Jones very much out on his own - thought he acquitted himself very well. Dimbleby was an utter cunt to him, not letting him speak for long, not letting him deviate and repeatedly allowing him to be interrupted. Everyone else was allowed to waffle on interminably. Duncan Shit losing his rag was hilarious all red faced 'Now just you listen young man'
Charles Kennedy seemed to be phoning in his performance from planet mogadon.
I've only ever read about this mythical inheritance on here, never seen her write about it let alone put a figure to how much she allegedly was given...
Guido fawkes mentioned it, and he's a cunt so I dunno, but I think she said something about it herself somewhere.
I've only ever read about this mythical inheritance on here, never seen her write about it let alone put a figure to how much she allegedly was given...

laura said:
The internship system is already expensive enough to exclude all but the richest and most fortunate young people from popular jobs. I could pretend, for example, that it's my winning smile and blatant genius which have enabled me to find work as a journalist - but a year's unpaid interning, during which I survived on a small inheritance from a dead relative, had just as much to do with it. Any graduate or school-leaver without the means to support themselves in London whilst working for free can currently forget about a career in journalism, politics, the arts, finance, the legal profession or any of a number of other sectors whose business models are now based around a lower tier of unpaid labour.
Just watched that question time. Owen Jones very much out on his own - thought he acquitted himself very well. Dimbleby was an utter cunt to him, not letting him speak for long, not letting him deviate and repeatedly allowing him to be interrupted. .

I just watched it as well and roundly agree with this ^ . He put one of the architects of the Tories miserable welfare 'reforms' on the spot, clearly making him uncomfortable; just unfortunate he wasn't allowed to go into deeper detail with regard to the multitude of suicides and deaths which IDS and his cronies are responsible for. (Interesting the beeb kept that topic until last, wasnt it? Gave a convenient cut-off point before it got too heated.) He also was the only guest who presented an opinion on Gaza etc which was remotely credible, as the rest of them lamely toed the standard Western line.

It's always going to be difficult to go deep enough into reasoned argument and debate on QT, particularly when some minor celebrity off dragons den is distracting the audience while offering a lack of insight befitting of someone locked in a cellar for the last few years.

In the grand scheme of things, he did ok. I'm fairly ambivalent towards him in general, but lets face it - he was the only one talking any sense, even if occasionally his arguments weren't that thoroughly explained, which, from a charitable position, it could be argued was down to the format of the show, the meddling of dimbleby, and the parroted guff of the rest of them.
Guido fawkes mentioned it, and he's a cunt so I dunno, but I think she said something about it herself somewhere.

Yeah I wouldn't use GF as a source tbh...until I see some actual links to her words I'm going to take it as urban75 mythology at work I'm afraid...
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