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BBC license fee ‘to be abolished in 2027’. What will that mean?

If Mad Nad thinks she will be anywhere near the levers of power by the time it comes to implement this she’s more delusional than anyone thought.
it did cause me to have a read about her just now, how she voted against gay marriage and attempted to get the abortion time limits reduced, and how her novels (which look like knockofff mills and boons) are completely free on amazon most likely because nobody would pay to read them.
Constituency next to mine. Universaly hated, especially by local Torries ! Caught out in public lies a few times. Refused to support a pan Bedfordshire initiative supported by all other MPs ( Tory and Labour) . Cheated on a reality TV program where Tory MPs lived on benefits for a fortnight to prove the poor were feckless simpletons by smuggling a £50 note on and bragging about it on camera. Only where she is now through hitching her wagon to BoJo’s train of corruption.

As you can see, I’m on the fence.
If Mad Nad thinks she will be anywhere near the levers of power by the time it comes to implement this she’s more delusional than anyone thought.
This basically, whatever you think about whether this is a good idea or not, it's all part of Operation Save Boris Johnson's Sorry Ass and will just get forgotten about if he goes. TBF if it works and he survives the current scandals, it will get forgotten about come 2027 when they decide it's just too hard to come up with a workable alternative that isn't a vote loser.
You’re right, we should be lobbying the Tories to abolish the BBC and replace it with a decentralised network of independent worker-owned media outlets.
I'm reminded of the early 1990s when there used to be a programme on Channel 4 'Manhattan Cable' showing highlights from Manhatan's public access cable channels:

Considering this government somehow spaffed £37 billion on the track and trace app, I'm shocked that the BBC budget is so meagre in comparison.

When it comes to spending on public services, this government is all about counting pennies, but when it comes to spending on the bloated expenses of private consultancies who they are chummy with, money is suddenly no object.
Fair enough, nothing to do with BBC bloat though.
Auntie is the Fox News of the left:

It’s possible that the term “left” has become meaningless now. I used to think OK, it’s a blunt instrument, but it’s useful in broad terms. But maybe it’s just not useful at all now if people can apparently sincerely use it of something so clearly an establishment institution as the BBC.
must admit the Tory party is trying to decrease British culture impact on the world stage getting rid of the BBC is a great way to do it

no more BBC world service is a great way to start
It’s possible that the term “left” has become meaningless now. I used to think OK, it’s a blunt instrument, but it’s useful in broad terms. But maybe it’s just not useful at all now if people can apparently sincerely use it of something so clearly an establishment institution as the BBC.
I guess that progressive social ideas were adopted initially by radicals and thus got associated initially with the economic ideologies of those radicals? And then as time passed, the social ideas became mainstream and were adopted first by ideologues across the economic spectrum, as they realised that these social policies did not interfere with and even benefited the efficient reproduction of labour, and then by the establishment itself, as these were the primary source of the economic right wing. So we’re left with an association in socioeconomic terminology for something that no longer has any actual relationship with that terminology. David Cameron and Rishi Sunak can now be happily associated with “left wing” ideas like marriage rights equality and thus called centralists despite being hard-core right wingers in all meaningful senses of that word. And the BBC can be called left wing despite being the establishment mouthpiece.
I guess that progressive social ideas were adopted initially by radicals and thus got associated initially with the economic ideologies of those radicals? And then as time passed, the social ideas became mainstream and were adopted first by ideologues across the economic spectrum, as they realised that these social policies did not interfere with and even benefited the efficient reproduction of labour, and then by the establishment itself, as these were the primary source of the economic right wing. So we’re left with an association in socioeconomic terminology for something that no longer has any actual relationship with that terminology. David Cameron and Rishi Sunak can now be happily associated with “left wing” ideas and thus called centralists despite being hard-core right wingers in all meaningful senses of that word. And the BBC can be called left wing despite being the establishment mouthpiece.
We cover this in the ACG Identity pamphlet. A lot of the social liberalism of the 60s was carried forward by the neoliberal elite of that generation into neoliberalism.

“[The identity agenda] became adopted by neoliberalism because they had identity issues that they wanted to address. As David Harvey in A Brief History of Neoliberalims (2005), the neoliberal project offered to those who had been the radicals of the 1960s the compromise of freedoms for some, instead of equality for all. This is why, in the sense we describe identity politics, has become effective in ensuring diversity in the managerial classes, but these advantages don’t seep into the working classes.”

The owning class of today is dominated by people who went through the social changes of the 1960s: they’re socially liberal. Equal marriage was brought in by the Cameron government.
We cover this in the ACG Identity pamphlet. A lot of the social liberalism of the 60s was carried forward by the neoliberal elite of that generation into neoliberalism.

“[The identity agenda] became adopted by neoliberalism because they had identity issues that they wanted to address. As David Harvey in A Brief History of Neoliberalims (2005), the neoliberal project offered to those who had been the radicals of the 1960s the compromise of freedoms for some, instead of equality for all. This is why, in the sense we describe identity politics, has become effective in ensuring diversity in the managerial classes, but these advantages don’t seep into the working classes.”

The owning class of today is dominated by people who went through the social changes of the 1960s: they’re socially liberal. Equal marriage was brought in by the Cameron government.
say what you like about david cameron but i don't think he really went through the social changes of the 1960s and even if he did i doubt he noticed

people who went through the social changes of the 1960s as adults or teenagers would now be in their seventies or thereabouts
say what you like about david cameron but i don't think he really went through the social changes of the 1960s and even if he did i doubt he noticed

people who went through the social changes of the 1960s as adults or teenagers would now be in their seventies or thereabouts
Holy fuck, man. Don’t you ever let an opportunity for pointless pedantry just pass?

The neoliberal project, having imbibed certain 60s values and traded equality for all for freedom for some, continues to see those causes as their territory, so that later Tories such as Cameron felt equal marriage was a natural cause for them.

As everyone else was able to infer.
We cover this in the ACG Identity pamphlet. A lot of the social liberalism of the 60s was carried forward by the neoliberal elite of that generation into neoliberalism.
people who went through the social changes of the 1960s i suppose

“[The identity agenda] became adopted by neoliberalism because they had identity issues that they wanted to address. As David Harvey in A Brief History of Neoliberalims (2005), the neoliberal project offered to those who had been the radicals of the 1960s the compromise of freedoms for some, instead of equality for all. This is why, in the sense we describe identity politics, has become effective in ensuring diversity in the managerial classes, but these advantages don’t seep into the working classes.”
again, people who went through the social changes of the 1960s
The owning class of today is dominated by people who went through the social changes of the 1960s: they’re socially liberal. Equal marriage was brought in by the Cameron government.
and then this bit which isn't about people who went through the social changes of the 1960s yet for some reason to raise that is apparently pointless pedantry.
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Holy fuck, man. Don’t you ever let an opportunity for pointless pedantry just pass?

The neoliberal project, having imbibed certain 60s values and traded equality for all for freedom for some, continues to see those causes as their territory, so that later Tories such as Cameron felt equal marriage was a natural cause for them.

As everyone else was able to infer.
and 'as everyone else was able to infer' you mean two people who liked it or at most 3 as killer b didn't say anything about it. a very poor contingent of everyone
The owning class of today is dominated by people who went through the social changes of the 1960s: they’re socially liberal. Equal marriage was brought in by the Cameron government.
but giving it the meaning you say you intended, i don't think that the cameron government or its successors have been so socially liberal. things that cost very little, yes, things like your equal marriage example. but very illiberal in so many other ways, through the introduction of tuition fees at an eye-watering rate. the attacks on benefits. on the nhs. on immigrants. on local authorities and so on. yeh sure you can cherry pick a few things. but look across the board and socially liberal isn't the most obvious way to describe the conservative governments of the last decade.

the owning class of today may think themselves socially liberal. they may even be in their personal lives socially liberal. but i don't think that their wider actions further this social liberalism you say there is.
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must admit the Tory party is trying to decrease British culture impact on the world stage getting rid of the BBC is a great way to do it

no more BBC world service is a great way to start

Tories have been trying to break up, sell off and destroy British industry, culture, inventiveness and innovation since 0AD. I always find the idea they're a patriotic party laughable.
It's always been clear that in terms of culture war politics Cameron was basically a liberal. That's why he got on with Nick Clegg and why social conservatives like Simon Heffer and Hitchens minor have never liked Cameron.
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BBC news as it is right now:

View attachment 306585
"I'm glad I've found you Boris, let me take you back to the hospital where it's nice and warm and you can take your medication. You've got to stop wandering around the park telling people that you're the Prime Minister. We've had complaints from parents that you're acaring their children"
Pushback against Dorries from Sunak et al; ‘last settlement’ wasn’t cleared through Cabinet:

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