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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

I was in the newsroom at the BBC two days after the attacks, as presumably confirmed by my posts at the time.

This is how I know most of the shite Jazzz serves up as fact is utterly and woefully wrong.

I watched the original feed tape recordings from Waterfront NYC as they were fed live on the day, in full digital clarity, watched the non-missile carrying planes hit the towers in crisp 625 line DVCam slow motion, no fucking holograms or squibs or any of that.

If this latest desperate salvo of horseshit from Urban75's resident Icke-worshipping nutjob proves anything, it's that WTC7 sustained serious damage prior to its collapse, and wasn't suddenly demolished by "squibs".

Besides, anyone who takes prisonplanet seriously must be retarded.

Fuck off Jazzz.
free spirit said:
unlikely as that'd mean it took 35 minutes for anyone on urban to comment on wt7 collapsing
Unless it took that long for the BBC to report it.
That's true.

How about "fuck off Jazzz you puppet for the anti-semitic propaganda movement"?
Flavour said:
what difference does it make?
thi is the important thign to me what difference does it make who did it?

who really gives a fuck i mean hoenstly if it is some big old conspricsy then so what? what are we the little people gonna be able to do about it?

fuck all that's what...
pk said:
That's true.

How about "fuck off Jazzz you puppet for the anti-semitic propaganda movement"?






presenter... "what more can you tell us about the collapse?"

reporter... "well only really what you already know, details are very, very sketchy, the whole of the areas of down town new york around the world trade centre have been completely closed of..."

ie the reporter on the ground knows fuck all about it, and they've got no way of checking anything first hand seeing as they can't get access to the down town area. OK so she could maybe have worked out that she could still see tower 7 standing, behind her, but unless you'd previously studied the layout of the wtc buildings, would you really want to go on national tv and state that it hadn't collapsed if you'd just been told that it had.

the entire report seems to have been based on rumour and heresay, this is yet more bollocks from alex jones.
I think this thread is a load of rubbish, but I have just read the thread which was running on here whilst the story was breaking, and it is fascinating! Not in a good way, of course, because it has brought it all back to me, but it's still fascinating. 9 September 2001. One of those dates where we will always remember where we were.
Well let's see, who am I going to trust...? The BBC who had reporters within eyesight of the Trade Center complex, or the five year old observations of some maladjusted muppet with a puppet who believes in David Icke's reptilian revolution?

Do me a fucking favour...
Jazzz said:
This wasn't broadcast as unconfirmed report.

How come there is such a frenzy of posts before anyone could have even watched the video?

We don't *need* to watch the video, because we are all in on the conspiracy.

We all *know* about the cover-up, the lizards, and everything else. ;)

Guineveretoo said:
I think this thread is a load of rubbish, but I have just read the thread which was running on here whilst the story was breaking, and it is fascinating! Not in a good way, of course, because it has brought it all back to me, but it's still fascinating. 9 September 2001. One of those dates where we will always remember where we were.
Tell me about it! I was on a BA flight heading for JFK airport, got diverted to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Couldn't get in touch with an obviously upset missus for hours. The Canadians were absolutely brill though, really looked after us well.
editor said:
Why on earth would 'they' involve the BBC, their reporters, producers and technical team and, presumably, their captions operator?!

Even by Jazzz's low, low, low standards, this is one of the daftest theories yet.

And surely, if "they" had deliberately blown up this building, "they" would not need to do a special press release, would they?

I mean, why make things complicated? You blow up the building, why not just let the news media notice and announce it as it happens?

Why on earth would you want to fuck about with a "prepared announcement" that might get released too early? You don't need one, no-one will miss this huge building collapsing, will they?

I was on holiday in Ireland with some friends. We were visiting one of those villlages where they build replicas of ancient buildings, and you wander around in it all in the rain. We went into the gift shop and cafe, and the woman behind the counter told us about it.

We didn't know what to do, so we tried to carry on with our wander around Irish touristy things, but Ireland called a day of National Mourning and all the pubs and shops were closed, and we had no alcohol, and only a couple of television channels, both of which were only showing programmes about what had happened.

It was a bit of a bleak holiday. And it was in the middle of me trying to move to London, too, so I was already stressed and feeling sorry for myself, and wondering if I was doing the right thing moving to London (which happened a couple of weeks after I got back from the Irish trip).

But this is still a conspiraloon thread :)
This is like a rather stupid dog running up to you with a damp rotten stick in it's mouth, expecting to be praised for its' wonderous find when you know you threw a tennis ball.

Not the greatest analogy, but i think it works well as far as describing the lack of thought that goes into these momentus discoverys.
Jazzz said:
Is there anyone who knows NY well enough to say that that is WTC7 behind her? (just to the right of her head)
It would be a good analogy, except that I don't believe the OP is being naive and innocent. I think s/he knows exactly what rubbish they are spouting.
untethered said:
I remember thinking, "In two days' time, everything's going to change forever."
I was burning the midnight all freelancing for some secretive organisation writing press releases about various buildings collapsing for an urgent deadline a couple of days later... not sure I'm meant to be telling anyone about that actually;)
Good god this is a bit fucking desparate isn't it? After the failure of the hologram missile planes, the invisible passengers, and the CD theories, the whole edifice is now reliant on one news reports time code?
Oh incidentally, not that it actually matters particularly, but I've got sound now and am looking through the bits which say "time check!!!11". I can't find any indication of anyone saying the time. Can anyone point me to any points where the announcer says "It's X o'clock and this is the news" or similar?

(N.B. since this is BBC World I'd assume all of their stated times would be GMT, not BST, as with the World Service.)
untethered said:
I remember thinking, "In two days' time, everything's going to change forever."

That's exactly what I thought.

It was kind of sad really, having heard it personally from David (Icke, that is) and the lizardmen, just waiting for it all to go off!

I *know* it collapsed far after midnight. It was on TV.
The US'ers filmed all of this 9/11 in advance in a studio to convince people in the US that there was an attack by terrorists. Everyone knows they did the same with the moon landing. Of course it was all the Jews... Who else directs the US and Hollywood, hm?

Here's a screen grab showing the WTC more clearly, from the live interview when the woman moved out of the way

Jazzz said:
Here's a screen grab showing the WTC more clearly, from the live interview when the woman moved out of the way
Fascinating. And what's this non time-stamped image supposed to prove, please?

Oh, and can I just clear this up. Do you believe that the BBC were in on it too?
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