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BBC announced collapse of WT7 before it happened!

bluestreak said:
i'm saying nothing, but i'd suggest bringing occam's razor into play.
Ocaam's razor is blunt after all the shaving it's had to do recently :(
Jazzz said:
Gosh... amazing that this only comes to light now. Astonishing. And moreover it's been under all our noses all this time!

Here is the BBC feed from around about a half hour before WTC7 collapsed, hosted on liveleak.com with a few comments.

They announce that WTC7 has collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did, and not merely as an unconfirmed report but as part of the 10pm BST (5pm EDT) headlines. And then it gets even crazier when there's a link to a NY reporter and you can see WTC7 still there in the background!

A further interesting point is that our very own Nemo beat the BBC to it by 2 minutes reporting the collapse right here on urban75 at 8.55pm UTC (4.55pm EDT). Take a bow, Nemo.

WTC7 actually collapsed at 5.20pm EDT.


Right, well how do the conspiracy denialists fancy trying to wave this one away? :D

Seriously, where is the evidence of the time when this was broadcast, anyway? All I see is something which was clearly added by the website people.

Where is the evidence of what time it was clear that the building had collapsed?

Where is the evidence of when any press notices went out, which were picked up by BBC?

What conclusion are you trying to reach? That the BBC were behind it? That the people who were behind it sent a press release? That the BBC reporters can time travel?

Seriously, what?
Jazzz: so you think that the BBC were in on it too, yes?

That would be the presenters, producers, directors, outside broadcast crew, admin staff and fuck knows who else, all handed press releases before the collapse.

And then some rookie presenter fluffed the lines! Doh!

But if you believe that a foreign broadcaster like the BBC were dished out press release beforehand (and never, ever, ever spoke of them again, natch), who else was in on this ever growing conspiracy?

Go on. Do tell me more because I know I'm going to enjoy this one.
It is simply ludicrous to suppose that some US government official whispered to the BBC, "We are about to the bring that building down but please don't announce it until after we've done it". "Oh shit. Don't say you already have!"
Jazzz said:
A further interesting point is that our very own Nemo beat the BBC to it by 2 minutes reporting the collapse right here on urban75 at 8.55pm UTC (4.55 EDT). Take a bow, Nemo.

WTC7 actually collapsed at 5.20 EDT.


Right, well how do the conspiracy denialists fancy trying to wave this one away? :D

Actually look at the posts in that thread Jazzz, reports of Car bombs at the Capitol Building, Fifth planes, Helicopters hitting the penatgon. All from people typing what they heard on the media that day. And you're threating this error as a smoking gun? Really?
I've always wondered if there's any theory the 9/11 conspiraloons would reject as being too nutty to take seriously. Do they filter out loads of stuff before they go forth and spam the interweb with shit like this and holograms and silent invisible bombs?
They seem to mainly filter out stuff like real planes containing real people, fire being able to weaken steel, kerosene falling down elevator shafts, al-qaeda, that sort of stuff.
It's behind you!

And? And? There were loads of completely bonkers reports all that day. All it takes is someone on a phone get hit by a bit of debris by the building to say "omg! the building's coming down!" and the rolling news quickly bangs that up on screen as if it's fact.

Of course, nobody can prove this. It could all be a slip-up in the conspiracy. But without knowing either way, this no more 'proof' than the PNAC document.
Flavour said:
what difference does it make?

well, in option 1.a, not much to any of us. option 1.b. suggests that the american government or agents unknown destroyed the building for nefarious purposes but went to all that trouble only to fuck up the press release, and option 2 makes a difference only to jazz's ego.
Jazzz said:
Source: prison "unbelievable shite for gullible cunts, liars and fuckwits only" planet.


Seeing as you've declared it to be a fact, tell me more about the BBC being 'in on it,' Jazzz. Were all the other international news agencies involved too?
Crispy said:
Of course, nobody can prove this. It could all be a slip-up in the conspiracy.
Why on earth would 'they' involve the BBC, their reporters, producers and technical team and, presumably, their captions operator?!

Even by Jazzz's low, low, low standards, this is one of the daftest theories yet.
editor said:
Why on earth would 'they' involve the BBC, their reporters, producers and technical team and, presumably, their captions operator?!

Even by Jazzz's low, low, low standards, this is one of the daftest theories yet.

to be honest, if jazz is right, the bbc don't have to be in on it do they? they only need to do what journos often do and report hearsay as fact.
trashpony said:
doesn't hendo work for the bbc?

*narrows eyes*
Come to think of it, he was seen studying a document in a suspicious manner in the Albert on the 10th September while making evil cackling noises and rubbing his hands...

The pieces of the jigsaw are beginning to fall into place....
bluestreak said:
to be honest, if jazz is right, the bbc don't have to be in on it do they?
Err, Jazzz is insisting in his very first post that it's all part of an evil conspiracy. Oh and some loon fuckwit on the other thread was insisting that the BBC were in on it.
I'm so glad I don't pay the licence fee. I'd really hate to have this on my conscience.
editor said:
Err, Jazzz is insisting in his very first post that it's all part of an evil conspiracy. Oh and some loon fuckwit on the other thread was insisting that the BBC were in on it.

maybe at the top level, but only one person has to be in on it there don't they, everyone else just does as they're told i spose.
bluestreak said:
maybe at the top level, but only one person has to be in on it there don't they, everyone else just does as they're told i spose.
And how likely is it that the US government would say, "Hey BBC head honcho! Keep this under your hat but we're going to be mass murdering own citizens soon and sneakily demolishing a great chunk of New York, so we thought you'd like a timetable to ensure that your scheduling goes smoothly. But don't forget - Mum's the word!"
The mistake could have happened right at the source though. The 'fake news' agency has a man walking around in a headset and a bank of operators fiddling the international news feeds. I can picture the scene.

"WTC7 collapse report..... go!"
"No! Shit! Wrong cue, that's next hour. shitshitshitshit"

"Too late boss, it's gone out"

"I'm gonna get lynched for this"

And fade from the burning towers...camera 3 ready to go with the WTC7 in an hour..... pan camera 12 away from WTC1 as we want to miss the explosive charges and then.. WHAT?!... who the fuck put the WTC7 caption up?!!
bluestreak said:
maybe at the top level, but only one person has to be in on it there don't they, everyone else just does as they're told i spose.

Have you ever been in the gallery of a newsroom? Or a newsroom in the midst of a crisis? It's chaotic. You really think Greg Dyke or someone from the Board of governors walking in and handing a script to the Director wouldn't have seemed freaky?

Hell the head of news on any station is rarly in the gallery. The situation you are suggesting is incredibly implausible and would not pass without comment. It'd be all over the newsroom in seconds. Considering how freelancers comprise a significant proportion of staff in all tv newsrooms, it'd be all over every newsroom and newspaper office in the country within days.
no, i haven't been in a newsroom. the security always drag me away before i get close enough. but what this little debate has revealed is that is is unlikely that one single high-ranking person at the bbc could have been in on it, and it is unlikely that if the bbc realised they had sent incorrect info out that it wouldn't have been noticed before, therefore what might the problem be here? either EVERYONE at the BBC is in on it, or.... ?
Jazz, rest assured that everyone got it wrong.
It collapsed far past midnight = the following day. Hence the US'ers had it on film *before* it was down.
How is that for a conspiracy theory?
I should start writing books on this.

bluestreak said:
, and it is unlikely that if the bbc realised they had sent incorrect info out that it wouldn't have been noticed before, therefore

Live news is wrong all the time. Do you know what Sky News' unoffical staff motto is? "Sky News. Never wrong for long!"
Not sure if this is relevant, but many 'computer time stamps' change when you move from daylight-saving to normal time. That's because date's are stored in UTC, and are dynamically adjusted for display. The computer looks at the original date/time and adjusts it according to whether daylight-saving is in effect right now. So perhaps that's what has happened with Nemo's post.
TAE said:
Not sure if this is relevant, but many 'computer time stamps' change when you move from daylight-saving to normal time. That's because date's are stored in UTC, and are dynamically adjusted for display. The computer looks at the original date/time and adjusts it according to whether daylight-saving is in effect right now. So perhaps that's what has happened with Nemo's post.
unlikely as that'd mean it took 35 minutes for anyone on urban to comment on wt7 collapsing, and IIRC there were urbanites scouring pretty much every media source available on the day and posting it up on urban - can't see nemo taking 35 minutes to report it back and still being the first.
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