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Battlefield 5

Managed to get a round in of BF5 in today and I'm really liking it.

DICE wanted it to be more tatical and for you to be reliant on squad mates and it's definitely that.

It's going to take me a while to get used to not spamming the R1 button to spot enemies and the cool down on throwing out ammo was a bit :hmm: at first but now it makes sense.

Some players have hit max rank already :eek: , after two years of BF1 I only got to level 136. DICE must up the max rank or they're going to lose a lot of players very quickly.
Managed to get a round in of BF5 in today and I'm really liking it.

DICE wanted it to be more tatical and for you to be reliant on squad mates and it's definitely that.

It's going to take me a while to get used to not spamming the R1 button to spot enemies and the cool down on throwing out ammo was a bit :hmm: at first but now it makes sense.

Some players have hit max rank already :eek: , after two years of BF1 I only got to level 136. DICE must up the max rank or they're going to lose a lot of players very quickly.

How you finding it now?
How you finding it now?

Had a friend staying with me this week so only managed to play three rounds of conquest, she's off in a couple of hours so will have all of Sunday to catch up and find out how it plays.

DICE are looking to change the time to kill / time to die in the up coming patch (December 4th) which is causing a bit of a stink on Reddit / Twitter.

From what I've played so far I've enjoyed it, it feels like BF3 more than BF1.
Any update on this? I finished my 10 hour trial on Xbox last night, was really getting into it and then it cut off... :mad: Not forking out 50 quid for it though.

I enjoy the team element of it and reviving people is a good touch, even if loads of fuckers in my squad don't even seem to bother even if they're a medic. :rolleyes:

When the trial ran out I booted up Battlefield 1 just to compare and BF1 seems even better. Crisper graphics, nicer gameplay, just all round better to play, so I'm going to stick with 1 for now, till I can get BF5 for a tenner or so.
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I got it, am enjoying the story so far and the introduction level is quite cool.

I've not done much multi player yet.
Haven't played much RDR2 since it came out 6 weeks ago...think I'm gonna give this a miss until it's dirt cheap in a sale next year...
At its core it's a good game but they've delayed the 'Live Service' that was due to launch today, I would give it a couple of months and look at it again.

I read somewhere that the PC version is already 50% off :eek:
Just a heads up, when I loaded up BF1 on XBox one there was an offer to buy the deluxe edition of BF5 for 40 quid or the standard version for 30. Might pull the trigger for 30 quid.

Not sure if there are similar offers on the ps4 but possibly. :thumbs:
Just had another play on multiplayer, it is a good game. Treated myself for me birthday.

Is the single player worth a go?

I'm a single player hold out. I enjoy the mission element of it.

4 games. Tank - loved it. French Colonial soldier - loved it. Also good for the context it provides and the different narrative from the usual AMERICA FUCK YEAH.

Just started the other 2 but they're a bit sneaky sneaky for me. I like kicking the doors in and shooting Nazi's. From the safety of my sofa (for now).
I would hold off until the January patch to see if that fixes the majority of the bugs.

At its core it’s a good game but the bugs can make it a very frustrating experience.

I've had games where I thought it was the best BF ever and the next round I want to throw my PS4 controller at the wall.

Oh dear this sounds a lot like BF4 release to me...think I’ll get it in the summer sale then when they’ve sorted the game out...

I would hold off until the January patch to see if that fixes the majority of the bugs.

At its core it’s a good game but the bugs can make it a very frustrating experience.

I've had games where I thought it was the best BF ever and the next round I want to throw my PS4 controller at the wall.

I've not noticed too many bugs, what have you been getting?
It's not that bad :D

BF4 was unplayable at release. I remember getting in a tank on Golmud Railway and being teleported halfway across the map due to the horrid netcode :facepalm:

Lol but any game that makes you want to throw the controller against the wall isn’t one I want to play![emoji6]

It's not that bad :D

BF4 was unplayable at release. I remember getting in a tank on Golmud Railway and being teleported halfway across the map due to the horrid netcode :facepalm:

Only time I have ever been bothered enough to contact the developers of a game to tell them what I thought was BF4.

Was an absolute shitshow.
I've not noticed too many bugs, what have you been getting?

One frame deaths (TTK bug), deploying bipod issues, assignments not unlocking ever though you've completed them, spawning on a dead squad mate and finding yourself in the middle of a fire fight with the enemy, getting stuck on the smallest of objects (This as been an issue since BF3 and I don't see it ever getting fixed)

There are others but these are the ones that annoy me the most.
Just had one of those 'Battlefield Moments'

Flying a Spitfire MK VB on Fjell and I see a squad mate in another Spitfire being chased by two German Stuka's.

They are in trouble, big time. I'm not a great pilot in Battlefield, but this time I nailed it.

Got the first one without too much trouble but spent about half a minute chasing down the second enemy plane.

With about fifty rounds of ammo left I managed to take out the second Stuka, my squad mate limps on and repairs.

We won the round.

My heart rate was going crazy :D

In other news two new big updates are coming this month and it looks like the price of the game has dropped by 55% on the PSN so if anyone is thinking about buying it then this could be the month to do so.
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