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Avoiding coronation

I'd sort of assumed the 'Billionaire Gets a New Hat Ceremony' would be on the Bank Holiday Monday. Only just discovered it's Saturday, so I'll have to bring forward my avoiding plans. It will probably involve some mixture of walking in the countryside, weed and box sets.
Do we know what time people are supposed to do the loyal chant? Have to turn the avoiding up to 11 at that point. :(
i haven't managed to organise anywhere to hide yet

i did make a few enquiries about leaving the country for the whole thing, but can't really get any time off work either side of the bank holiday and may just need to go out for work one day over the weekend.

neighbours here will probably organise a party in the communal garden here (i've not seen them to talk to this week, so don't know which day i need to have a prior engagement) and if i go to mum-tat's i will have to sit through the whole thing on the telly and not make rude comments...

It's going to be near on impossible to completely miss it. Son Q and Pollyanna fly to Lisbon tomorrow and Son reckons he won't be able to totally avoid it even there.
As for me well there is going to be nothing else on the telly all frigging day is there? So I will do my best to find things around the house to do and if not then it will prove once again what value for money Netflix and Amazon Prime are.
I might give in and watch the actual crowning ceremony itself at 12pm, I'm kind of hoping when it comes to pulling the sword out of the stone and shouting "Behold The True King" might be too much for him.
Beside Mrs Q will be expecting me to make derogatory remarks and I wouldn't want to disappoint her.
Allotment. It's a wonderful sensory deprivation zone. On the odd occasion I see someone else and they say hello, conversation sticks to subjects like best tomato variety or methods for supporting climbing beans or how many rain water butts do you have.

There could probably be an extinction level event and it would pass me by there so a trifling change of ambassador should be no problem.
Fortunately I live in Scotland so I'll be able to go to a football match (most of English football seems to have been postponed / cancelled in a snivelling orgy of forelock-tugging).

There I will be able to pretend it is not happening.

Being at a Scottish game is about as close you can get to avoiding the whole thing whilst remaining in the UK. Hopefully there'll be a sing song or two as well.

Fortunately I live in Scotland so I'll be able to go to a football match (most of English football seems to have been postponed / cancelled in a snivelling orgy of forelock-tugging).

There I will be able to pretend it is not happening.

Being at a Scottish game is about as close you can get to avoiding the whole thing whilst remaining in the UK. Hopefully there'll be a sing song or two as well
This wouldn't be the best game to go to in terms of proximity, there's rangers fans on the other side of the pitch there waving union jacks adorned with that cunt's face
The thing that's pissing me off is that a number of people brought up the whole 'should we have a street party' conversation on the neighbour/street WhatsApp group, but there's been no definitive response as to whether it's happening or not & I don't know if those who want one have thus formed a WhatsApp breakaway coronation party group & tbh I couldn't care less, other than to know whether it's happening or not I'm assuming that we would have to be informed? I will be spending the day getting battered- my wife's away & my sons have no interest in it.
Half wondering if I sack of going into London and just go back home after the dentist and stay in the house with the curtains drawn
This wouldn't be the best game to go to in terms of proximity, there's rangers fans on the other side of the pitch there waving union jacks adorned with that cunt's face

You couldn't pay me to go to a game involving one of the bigoted arsecheeks and I have been watching football for 35 years now.

That said Celtic fans have been getting a lot of praise online today from all corners of the Scottish game for their chanting, including from some actual Rangers fans.
Was going to go to the allotment but it seems likely the entire site will be crowded with other avoiders so may just hang out in the greenhouse instead (enough freaking pricking out to do).

I seem to live in an utterly bunting free zone - not a sniff of anything monarchical on the whole estate so could also go and smoke spliffs in the graveyard (which is looking particularly lovely thanks to numerous cowslip and welsh poppy colonies for which I am claiming considerable credit, at least in my own head).
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