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Australian election may 18th

ALP should win but NSW state election showed that it's not a foregone conclusion. And the ALP are so fucking shit that I can't muster a lot of enthusiasm.
The 2019 Australian federal election will be held on 18 May 2019 to elect members of the 46th Parliament of Australia.
All 151 seats in the House of Representatives (lower house) and 40 of the 76 seats in the Senate (upper house) will be up for election.

Current seats:
Scott Morrison - Coalition Party - 74 seats
Bill Shorten - Labor Party - 69 seats
Richard Di Natale - Greens - 1 seat
Bob Katter - Katter's Australian Party - 1 seat
(No Leader) - Centre Alliance - 1 seat
The 2019 Australian federal election will be held on 18 May 2019 to elect members of the 46th Parliament of Australia.
All 151 seats in the House of Representatives (lower house) and 40 of the 76 seats in the Senate (upper house) will be up for election.

Current seats:
Scott Morrison - Coalition Party - 74 seats
Bill Shorten - Labor Party - 69 seats
Richard Di Natale - Greens - 1 seat
Bob Katter - Katter's Australian Party - 1 seat
(No Leader) - Centre Alliance - 1 seat

Who're you gonna vote for john?
I am living in Canada. But, Canada and Australia are similar countries because they were both British colonies. Good luck, voters.
Have you ever been to Australia John?

Because I've lived in both, and while they might have both been colonies they are very different places. The politics of Canada is much closer to that of the US than the UK, while the politics of Australia is much closer to the UK's than either the US or Canada's.
This literature is hard to read. It takes quite an effort in English class. I wonder how many people really read and understood it.

What are you on about? Anybody would think you were a machine responding to the key word 'shocker' in the thread title. Care to explain?

Algorithms don't have the vote yet. How unfortunate.

I too am not sure John Orbson is flesh and blood. I await their response with interest.
I have never been to Australia. Here are some similarities. Counting active duty and reserves, Canada has 100,250 personnel in its military. Australia has 77,339 personnel in its military. Today the IMF ranks Canada’s economy 12th largest by GDP, followed by Australia at 13th. 20.6% of Canada’s population is foreign born. Australia with 26.8%.
Bob Hawke has died, at the age of 89.

And has been given a suitably 'Strayan send off courtesy of arch twitter fiend Eleanor Robertson:

Seriously, will this help Shorten over the hurdle? From what I remember of the Hawke years in Fourecks, things went pretty well, at least for most people.
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Seriously, will this help Shorten over the hurdle? From what I remember of the Hawke years in Fourecks, things went pretty well, at least for most people.
Don't think it will make all that much difference, but certainly won't hurt the ALP.

Also don't believe all the hype about Hawke, he was an ALP "moderniser"
Bill knifed Rudd to install Gillard then knifed Gillard to install Rudd and then became leader after Rudd lost the "save the furniture" election to Abbott. The voters are accommodated to a degree of treachery from politicians but come on... By contrast ScoMo wasn't perceived as the assassin when Turnball was offed. That was the work of Peter Dutton abetted by Abbott. ScoMo was just the Not An Orc candidate for the leadership candidate once Turnbull was gone.

The Labor message in this election was diffuse and Bill had a tendency to retreat to his political comfort zone of industrial relations and why the unions should have more power as the answer to any possible policy problem.

The Coalition ran a very simple and consistent message which is vital when we have compulsory voting. This image and its very pithy slogan was absolutely everywhere and it worked.

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