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Attacking trade unions and trade unionism

Louis MacNeice

Autumn Journalist
So we have the Tories proposals to expunge what it left of trade unionism in the UK.

1. Impose the demand for a 50% turnout in industrial action ballots.

2. Impose the demand for 40% of eligible member to vote in favour of industrial action in 'essential services' including transport and education.

3. Make the presence of more than 6 pickets a criminal rather than civil offence.

4. Allow employers to contract casual workers to cover strike days - this is alongside the two weeks’ notice demanded for strike action.

5. Limit facility time afforded public sector trade union reps.

6. Subject unions to an expanded regime of fines for a widened range of potential offences.

There is more but you get the picture. These proposals are aimed at attacking the most effective unions (e.g. RMT and PCS) and undermining the very idea of organised labour, the notion of being a trade unionist, of belonging to a union.

Unsurprisingly it's more of the same neo-liberal ideological attacks which are trying to finalise the social cleansing of social housing.

Louis MacNeice
The purpose is to remove any viable opposition before the attacks on workers rights to sick pay, holidays and any other benefits begin.
Public service workers, NHS and transport would be in my experience the first victims of these insidious, lower than snake belly bastards.
The only hope is that unions and workers realise a bad law needs breaking repeatedly and force legislation to change.
Whilst all those workers who moan about unions having too much power by causing transport disruptions can experience the shit storm coming when they get their holidays and salaries reduced.
They would reintroduce slavery if they could.
Masters and servants, they will be expecting cap touching soon!
The purpose is to remove any viable opposition before the attacks on workers rights to sick pay, holidays and any other benefits begin.
Public service workers, NHS and transport would be in my experience the first victims of these insidious, lower than snake belly bastards.
The only hope is that unions and workers realise a bad law needs breaking repeatedly and force legislation to change.
Whilst all those workers who moan about unions having too much power by causing transport disruptions can experience the shit storm coming when they get their holidays and salaries reduced.
They would reintroduce slavery if they could.
Masters and servants, they will be expecting cap touching soon!
they'll want more than their caps touched :(
forelocks tugged
yeh, it's the same with my job, it's not something you can do just by turning up. although i don't have charge of 1,000 tons of fast-moving train :(

They try to multi skill the managers for strike days - and the trainers refuse to train them. So they'll need a B squad of trainers.
All true and very sad.
This decline started following Grunwicks, the desire by all governments since has been the eradication of unions.
I have been involved since I was a sixteen year old apprentice, politicised by some good old men and women striving for change.
Perhaps it's time to walk away and leave it to others.
good luck comrades!

Maybe join Derek Hatton setting up cycle schemes.:D
All true and very sad.
This decline started following Grunwicks, the desire by all governments since has been the eradication of unions.
I have been involved since I was a sixteen year old apprentice, politicised by some good old men and women striving for change.
Perhaps it's time to walk away and leave it to others.
good luck comrades!
"perhaps it's time to walk away and leave it to others"? :eek:

i never had you down for 'brave sir robin' :mad:
Walking away from this attack is just what the nasty party / vermin want.

If only people would realise that almost all the benefits - like paid holidays and 35/40 hour weeks and the state welfare system - are the ultimate result of pressure from an organised workforce, and that means trade unions and collective bargaining.
Rights which need to be protected, and now.
They *have* to do a lot immediately and all through the summer forcing the MPs away from recess and spoiling their summer holidays - aiming for October is too late.

What and disrupt workers (teachers this means you) on their holidays.:D
I know it may come across as 'in the good old days' but when we had grass roots, rank and file organisations within our workplaces we were capable of instant effective action.
The Unions themselves have allowed a divide to grow between the leadership and the workers.
This is as big a cause of union membership decline as any legislation from Westminster.
The Labour movement lurched to the Right in an attempt to woo the middle class generation that only exist because of the struggle to achieve social mobility brought about through workers commitment to no return to the pre war squalor and deprivation.
It is these 'I'm alright jacks and Jaquelines' that have no idea of the fight that previous generations have fought.

We require and should be demanding the repeal of all anti trade union legislation.
The Labour Party should be cringing in shame and I have no doubt if it comes to votes in the commons that the SNP members will vote against any new laws but not surprised if Labour abstain.:mad:
Where the fuck have we ended up - a place where the only real chance of any of this being changed is the house of lords. :(

Everything about this is vile and a sign of much we've lost. The only possible positives are that in order to get a strike, union officials and reps - at least where there are enough of them - will have to get out and talk to members. And who knows, there might be the development of new creative tactics to get round this legislation.
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