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Athens Greece: Cops murder a 16 year old

The military machinations and the rumours attached have the potential to be very dangerous indeed.
Regarding the military stuff I could really use some more articles about this news. Worrying.

Look what I found when I went looking for more info.


“Instead of pouring euros down the drain, it would be much wiser for Germany to sponsor a military coup and solve the problem that way.” No, this extract is not from a fascist blog. It is from Forbes magazine and it’s just another one of the provocative articles that follow this insane ongoing anti-Greece campaign of international media.
The article circulates a joke going around the financial markets at the moment that Greece’s only chance to be saved is a junta. “What’s so sad, or bitter if you prefer, about the joke is that, if we ignore the little problem of it being a military dictatorship, this would in fact be a good solution to Greek woes.” This “little problem” Mr. Worstall so cynically refers to, doesn’t sound very funny to Greek people who have already been through one dictatorship, from 1969 to 1974 during which Greek people suffered enormously.

I haven't found the Forbes article in question so I don't know what else it said.
Found the Forbes article, which has had heavy disclaimers added and a change of headline :facepalm:


This is a dark and bitter comment on the EU, not advocacy of a course of action.

Like fuck it's not, it is exactly the advocacy of a course of action dressed up as a comment on a jo0ke. The writer is a member of the Adam Smith Institute, cunt would cream his pants at a coup and some financial medicine a la Pinochet.
I think it's more likely to be a badly concealed threat,either accept what we say or you know how this will go.
What I have seen from an Irish political blogger is the theory that the Greek Military may have gone to the PM and told him that they fear that they could not hold the line. This provoked him into making the referendum offer and his cabinet revolted and acted by sacking these military chiefs.

Not sure how much water this holds but it does seem to have the potential to be a fast moving situation.
Have to say I've never seen news castors talk with such a nervous tone as I have today when they spoke about Greece and what would happen next...
Wouldn't a military coup trigger withdrawal from the EU and the Euro anyway. I don't see how the EU could politically accommodate a junta in it's midst and it would be equally impractical for Greece to retain the Euro yet not be full EU members.
Wouldn't a military coup trigger withdrawal from the EU and the Euro anyway. I don't see how the EU could politically accommodate a junta in it's midst and it would be equally impractical for Greece to retain the Euro yet not be full EU members.

Well lets hope that if Greece's exit from the EU appeals to some others in the EU, that they don't think a military coup is the best way to achieve this, a convenient excuse for kicking Greece out that isn't as messy on certain fronts as other EU exit strategies might be.

Personally I have absolutely no idea about any of this, I do not suggest that the above is likely or plausible or even makes sense, I'm just throwing it out there as a random musing in response to the Forbes article and what you have said.
Yes all military chief have been sacked suddenly yesterday and a lot of people are curious why that happened. Actually not only the chiefs got sacked but a number or army officials, so the new chiefs are not the ones who were second in command but further down the list. I believe that they did that in order to ensure that the new chiefs for a number of years will be PASOK supporters and voters, because we are pretty close to elections and the new government is definitely sure that it will not be PASOK.
Personally I believe that this referendum is a bluff. That today Papandreou will meet with Merkel and Sarkozi and that he is going to inform them that he is bluffing. What he managed to do with that ? To spread fear to the greek public for one more time. In a way he "proves" that if the haircut agreement will not be achieved that Greece will default. His argument to the greek public tomorrow will be something like "You see I questioned the agreement for a single day and chaos got created. Therefore do not question this agreement and accept it". So in this way he buys some time again and if the referendum ever happens the question will be completely irrelevant and the outcome will not mean anything really.

Of course that is just a theory that comes in my mind. We must also not forget that a Papandreou brother who is not a politician has bought an number of CDS so he will get super rich if Greece will ever really default, so maybe there is a motive to his decisions.
Personally I believe that this referendum is a bluff. That today Papandreou will meet with Merkel and Sarkozi and that he is going to inform them that he is bluffing. What he managed to do with that ? To spread fear to the greek public for one more time. In a way he "proves" that if the haircut agreement will not be achieved that Greece will default. His argument to the greek public tomorrow will be something like "You see I questioned the agreement for a single day and chaos got created. Therefore do not question this agreement and accept it". So in this way he buys some time again and if the referendum ever happens the question will be completely irrelevant and the outcome will not mean anything really.

Of course that is just a theory that comes in my mind. We must also not forget that a Papandreou brother who is not a politician has bought an number of CDS so he will get super rich if Greece will ever really default, so maybe there is a motive to his decisions.

I don't think it is a bluff, he only has enough Parliamentary support for a constitutional referendum, not fiscal. ie In euro out of euro. He had already promised one in June, the Commission now acting like they own the place must be ruffling a few feathers, and having an opportunistic opposition(Samaras) that wants to be in the EUro but not take the EFSF deal can't be helpful. And like you say his family now owns all the CDS.
What I have seen from an Irish political blogger is the theory that the Greek Military may have gone to the PM and told him that they fear that they could not hold the line. This provoked him into making the referendum offer and his cabinet revolted and acted by sacking these military chiefs.

Not sure how much water this holds but it does seem to have the potential to be a fast moving situation.

Yes that it is, they squeezed prime minister into a strategic error, thus effectively bringing his government down opening the way for a grand coalition.
There is a demo organized to start right now in the center of Athens towards the parliament square. Some other movements have also called for a gathering in parliament square. The police has blocked some of the tube stations that are close to the square in order to block the people from approaching easily. I am off for there as well, I will keep you posted for any more news etc later.

Tomorrow the vote will take place and KKE has called for a gathering at parliament square as well. Rings any bels ?
Some actions

1. Toll-road fares were not collected when police abandoned monitoring a site where 'breaches' are common.
Hundreds of drivers got through without paying.
Part of the 'Then pliro' movement (means I will not pay) - started in 2009 slow start, but still going.


Result of police action broken neck etc.


2. Prescription and clinic charges were blocked for around 100 patients in the morning when the cash office "was blocked"


3. Census workers on strike indefinite strike until wages are paid and redundancy threats are taken back.

4. People's health clinic open for a few days for the elderly, uninsured and undocumented.


5. Darkness strike. Collective shut off of lights.

Movement will extend to non-payment of bill increases

6. Give-and-swap day for children's clothes and books, including liberated goods:

with creche:


7. Solidarity actions by the self-employed in support of refuse collectors strike/overtime ban.

There is a demo organized to start right now in the center of Athens towards the parliament square. Some other movements have also called for a gathering in parliament square. The police has blocked some of the tube stations that are close to the square in order to block the people from approaching easily. I am off for there as well, I will keep you posted for any more news etc later.

Tomorrow the vote will take place and KKE has called for a gathering at parliament square as well. Rings any bels ?

Once again the usual BS about KKE! So what is your point? KKE is not allowed to hold demonstrations in Syntagma square? Maybe I should remind you that the last ones who wanted to prohibit demonstrations of KKE in that square were the British in December 1944 and had to resort to violent means to do so:


You find, therefore, yourself in "good company".
Where did I say that I want to prohibit KKE demos ? Nowhere you make all that out form your twisted stalinist mind as always.

You are here on the boards only to "defend" KKE ? I do not see you doing anything else since you first joined this site... So your priorities in here are to defend your party rather than inform every one else about the situation in Greece and the movement ? Of course I forgot for you the working class movement is only KKE all the rest are agent provocateurs that want to damage KKE .....
Dimitri, you seem to be losing your temper and engaging in insults! I was responding to your "ring any bells" comment about the KKE demonstration today. WHAT is the meaning of that comment? What are you suggesting? Please enlighten us! And, while you do so, also inform everyone on this board how your "massive" demo last night went. Did you storm the parliament building and take over the reigns of power?
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