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Assange to face extradition

They add the key proviso of 'as long as he does what we want him too' - ie they can go back on their promise on a whim. (see The US diplomatic assurances are inherently unreliable. Julian Assange must be released)

The Espionage Act has no public interest defense. Assange is the first publisher to be prosecuted under it so it would set an important precedent. The fact that he is in many ways a crap journalist does not alter the fact that this amounts to an attack on any and all journalists. What better way to start such a move than with the prosecution of someone who has done many indefensible things (just not the ones he's being extradited for)?
Googling for what seems to have been promised in court, it looks like there is this caveat, but it also doesn't look like it amounts to the Americans being able to just do what they like on a whim. Assange has to do something to warrant transfer (ie he has agency). It's not clear to me what the threshold is, but the US are unlikely to want to invoke it lightly, because it would then be brought up in every extradition case until the end of time.

I don't think we can say that the case is an "attack on all journalists" before it has started. For one thing, the trial may give us some insight into why Assange is being prosecuted and not his many journalist abettors, so to that extent it may give clarity to journalists in terms of what they are free to do. It's impossible to know in advance, of course. But there's two different questions. Should journalism be a defence to espionage? Of course. Should someone who's pissed any credible journalism defence up the wall still benefit from it? Not really.
Googling for what seems to have been promised in court, it looks like there is this caveat, but it also doesn't look like it amounts to the Americans being able to just do what they like on a whim. Assange has to do something to warrant transfer (ie he has agency). It's not clear to me what the threshold is, but the US are unlikely to want to invoke it lightly, because it would then be brought up in every extradition case until the end of time.

I don't think we can say that the case is an "attack on all journalists" before it has started. For one thing, the trial may give us some insight into why Assange is being prosecuted and not his many journalist abettors, so to that extent it may give clarity to journalists in terms of what they are free to do. It's impossible to know in advance, of course. But there's two different questions. Should journalism be a defence to espionage? Of course. Should someone who's pissed any credible journalism defence up the wall still benefit from it? Not really.
Every journalists union disagrees with you. As do Amnesty who clearly recognise this as an attack on a free press.

I can’t help but be reminded of the line from Matewan - “that ain’t a union. It’s a club”
Every journalists union disagrees with you. As do Amnesty who clearly recognise this as an attack on a free press.
I wonder if Amnesty are also investigating the whereabouts of the many people identified to their governments by Assange.
Interview with susan sarandon, it is 11 minutes long.
Summary - Highlighting issues around free speech, media bias, and the major usa newspapers ignoring the news.

Quel surprize. It is what a fair majorty on here would charge as echo chamber report, I think it needx to heard, in my opinon.
Interview with susan sarandon, it is 11 minutes long.
Summary - Highlighting issues around free speech, media bias, and the major usa newspapers ignoring the news.

Quel surprize. It is what a fair majorty on here would charge as echo chamber report, I think it needx to heard, in my opinon.

She’s talking nonsense. He is not "being prosecuted for asking questions” at all. He’s potentially facing espionage charges in relation to illegally procuring and publishing stolen secret material. And it wasn’t just reports of allied bombings he published. There were millions of pages of stuff, some of which may well have been helpful to “enemy” regimes. Like it or not, there is a need for some things to be kept secret. You can argue about what those things should be, but Julian fucking Assange shouldn’t get to be the arbiter of that.
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Interview with susan sarandon, it is 11 minutes long.
Summary - Highlighting issues around free speech, media bias, and the major usa newspapers ignoring the news.

Quel surprize. It is what a fair majorty on here would charge as echo chamber report, I think it needx to heard, in my opinon.
That cranklib channel is a perfect example of what I was on about earlier.

cranklibs syria.jpg
Boycott some stuff - there you go - fighting the system
I might send an email to my MP who will then email me back a pre written response to a slightly different issue.

Thing is, I do sometimes do indirect “action” - sign petitions and march up and down with other people - but I’m struggling with chronic fatigue at the moment so I try to focus my activity on direct action and supporting direct action (unmediated action directed at the source of the problem carried out by the people affected).

Should Sleezy Jules be extradited to the iniquitous US for doing what journalists do? No, he shouldn’t. But I’m afraid responding in any meaningful way is not on my to do list.
I can't remember if I've posted this before, but think it qualifies as someone with a fairly unique perspective on Assange - a call recorded with Jeremy Hammond, who at the time of recording was approaching the end of his original federal prison sentence for hacking, but had that interrupted to serve an additional sentence for contempt of court for his refusal to cooperate with the grand jury targeting wikileaks:
It is very long, if you just want to listen to the discussion of the grand jury experience that starts at 46 minutes in, and then the most relevant discussion of Assange is just from about 1:20-1:34.

I'd also completely forgotten about the whole Trump impeachment spectacle of early 2020, being reminded of it is... well, I can see it would be a tad irritating if you were in prison for contempt of court for refusing to cooperate with a government investigation.
I might send an email to my MP who will then email me back a pre written response to a slightly different issue.

Thing is, I do sometimes do indirect “action” - sign petitions and march up and down with other people - but I’m struggling with chronic fatigue at the moment so I try to focus my activity on direct action and supporting direct action (unmediated action directed at the source of the problem carried out by the people affected).

Should Sleezy Jules be extradited to the iniquitous US for doing what journalists do? No, he shouldn’t. But I’m afraid responding in any meaningful way is not on my to do list.
Liked, though not for you feeling poorly of course. :( Yeah, I'm the same on this: don't like Assange or his celebrity status, but I do think he shouldn't be prosecuted. Also, that nothing good comes from this for anyone else on the left. But in terms of what you can do? There's a lot of other people I'd support before him, but I would do... something. I'd no doubt sign some meaningless petition, but anything else? Probably not.
It’s terrible etc but what did he expect might be the outcome of releasing thousands of classified documents? That the US state apparatus would just shrug and respect independent journalism? That the UK wouldn’t bow down to them?
Interview with susan sarandon, it is 11 minutes long.
Summary - Highlighting issues around free speech, media bias, and the major usa newspapers ignoring the news.

Quel surprize. It is what a fair majorty on here would charge as echo chamber report, I think it needx to heard, in my opinon.

Jesus fucking christ that channel. Have a word with yourself posting that.
Is it a loon channel? :D I need to see loon channels. I doubt a thread on here will go down well but where’s the best place to go down the rabbit hole? I guess Icke’s forum might yield.
googling "assange", "plandemic" or "bitcoin" would probably lead to some loon stuff if you trawl through the results. Depends what variety of loonness you want :D
Is it a loon channel? :D I need to see loon channels. I doubt a thread on here will go down well but where’s the best place to go down the rabbit hole? I guess Icke’s forum might yield.

Make sure you film yourself doing increasingly deranged videos so we can watch your decline to the dark fetid depths of Piers Corbyn from the comfort of our sofas.
Ok one vid, it is about 11 or 12 minutes long, so put the kettle on and find a comfy chair.

Covering live at the time, the strike at one of the Amazon packing sheds

This loon what is he doing?
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