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Assange to face extradition

No one would choose Assange as the poster boy for press freedom, but, as some old beardy bloke pointed out, we don’t get to choose the circumstances in which we make history (or not). That’s why the society of editors oppose his extradition - pretty bloody quietly, which is also shameful, but they still do.

the fact that he is deeply unpleasant and often supported by assholes who shout off without paying sufficient attention to what their ‘opponents’ have to say doesn’t alter the fact that once precedents are set they can’t be unset.
Precedents can be made irrelevant or otherwise bypassed, for example by reforming the relevant extradition treaty.
No one would choose Assange as the poster boy for press freedom, but, as some old beardy bloke pointed out, we don’t get to choose the circumstances in which we make history (or not). That’s why the society of editors oppose his extradition - pretty bloody quietly, which is also shameful, but they still do.

the fact that he is deeply unpleasant and often supported by assholes who shout off without paying sufficient attention to what their ‘opponents’ have to say doesn’t alter the fact that once precedents are set they can’t be unset.
We've seen examples of that on this very thread, including from you.

Just because posters are critical of Assange (and let's face it, there's plenty to be critical about) doesn't mean they are actually supportive of the US state's attempts to prosecute him.
So for the US charges he has a ‘case to answer’ but for the Swedish charges you’ve already found him guilty. Uhuh.

and this has nothing to do with ‘assange the man’ it is entirely to do with his activities as a journalist. It’s a classic tactic from the right to try to strip away their enemies support by peeling off the soft layers through lambasting them (the enemy) for unassociated acts. Letting Assange be deported will not do anything to reduce sexual abuse, or make him pay for any such crimes, it will just weaken the tights of journalists.

Nope, wrong again. You're still having the argument you want to have rather then the conversation that is happening. I don't think we can go much further with this. Two ears, one mouth etc etc
The interesting thing will be to see the Judges ruling explained...

It's no secret that I'd like to see him in an orange jumpsuit handcuffed to the floor of a USAF C-17 and on his way to 500 years in supermax, but I'm interested in why the judge has ruled as she has - if she's ruled that the US justice system is so flawed that it's simply impossible for anyone to get a fair trial then it's going to be something of an ask to get her to change her mind. Conversely of course it's just a problem with the paperwork - which has happened many times before - then our friend may not be as safe as he thinks he is.
The interesting thing will be to see the Judges ruling explained...

It's no secret that I'd like to see him in an orange jumpsuit handcuffed to the floor of a USAF C-17 and on his way to 500 years in supermax, but I'm interested in why the judge has ruled as she has - if she's ruled that the US justice system is so flawed that it's simply impossible for anyone to get a fair trial then it's going to be something of an ask to get her to change her mind. Conversely of course it's just a problem with the paperwork - which has happened many times before - then our friend may not be as safe as he thinks he is.
She's basically said that she doesn't think the yanks can stop him from killing himself whilst in their custody even though Belmarsh prison seemed to have managed fine. The Americans have 2 weeks to appeal. Let's hope that appeal is heard by someone sensible and the scrote is duly shipped across the pond.
She's basically said that she doesn't think the yanks can stop him from killing himself whilst in their custody even though Belmarsh prison seemed to have managed fine. The Americans have 2 weeks to appeal. Let's hope that appeal is heard by someone sensible and the scrote is duly shipped across the pond.

This result, it’s really bringing out the right wing string him up douche nozzles innit
Same basis as Lauri Love case and the Mackinnon one that Theresa May intervened on. Both still standing.
Two other questionable cases.

Baraitser has been absolutely hounded and pilloried by Assangists for almost a year.

Looks like it's finally got to her and she wasn't up to the job.
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