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Assange to face extradition

I mentioned on the other thread that I have no time at all for the guy and reckon he's proper dodgy in many ways. That being said there is a very good case that he shouldn't be extradited to the US.
Looks to be proper dodgy:

A Spanish security firm secretly filmed and recorded Julian Assange on the orders of Donald Trump associate Sheldon Adelson, the Wikileaks founder’s London extradition hearing has been told. Contractors hired by Adelson also discussed kidnapping or poisoning the Wikileaks founder and allegedly broke into the office of his lawyer, as well as passing on the information to US intelligence agencies....
Is this impartial site you are quoting called assangecourtreport for any reason relevant to the case, or is it just a coincidence?
The guy claims to be a reporter working mostly for Byline Times (see twitter handle). It looks like he's set the site up specifically to provide ongoing reportage on the case. As for bias which is what you seem to be suggesting I am guessing he may be sympathetic towards Assange. However the reportage looks to be factual.
The facts they are reporting are reported in many other places, as it is what was said in court.
The guy claims to be a reporter working mostly for Byline Times (see twitter handle). It looks like he's set the site up specifically to provide ongoing reportage on the case. As for bias which is what you seem to be suggesting I am guessing he may be sympathetic towards Assange. However the reportage looks to be factual.


None of it changes anything. And that fucking website is just an awful source of anything.

None of it changes anything. And that fucking website is just an awful source of anything.

What point are you trying to make? That Assange is a git doesn’t alter the fact that he is being treated abysmally for his journalism. This case isn’t about anything else, it’s about wiki leaks severely embarrassing the US government. That matters, doesn’t it?
Let’s just remind ourselves why the US state went after Assange and wiki leaks (hint: it has fuck all to do with sexual assault or Russian collusion)


What point are you trying to make? That Assange is a git doesn’t alter the fact that he is being treated abysmally for his journalism. This case isn’t about anything else, it’s about wiki leaks severely embarrassing the US government. That matters, doesn’t it?
Bahnhof Strasse To all of the above, why?

That trashy site, assangecourtrport is just that, trash.

Embarrassed the US government? He made Obama uncomfortable about the actions of a former administration, but he released Manning very early, so just how embarrassed where they? Probably enough to start the ball rolling in getting him nicked. What would have happened to Assange? We don't know as he went and hid in the Ecuadorian embassy to sit out the time limit on a number of Swedish rape charges.

Once US 'justice' gets going it can't stop, what we're seeing is it not stopping just cos he hid away.

Nothing in that report is new 'news', it has all been reported before, the bugging, baby DNA etc.

So teqniq, what's 'proper dodgy' here?
Bahnhof Strasse This is a new definition of trash that i have not come across before. The scum, the fail et al are trash but there we are. Yes the bugging has been reported on before but not as evidence in a court of law. Manning was released early but has now been back in prison for quite some time for refusing to give evidence to a grand jury regarding Assange. So much for US 'justice' more like revenge imo, this is borne out by their relentless pursuit of him. That Assange himself is dodgy I have taken on board, from his Swedish indiscretions to his politics but i still think he shouldn't be extradited to the U.S.
Bahnhof Strasse This is a new definition of trash that i have not come across before. The scum, the fail et al are trash but there we are. Yes the bugging has been reported on before but not as evidence in a court of law. Manning was released early but has now been back in prison for quite some time for refusing to give evidence to a grand jury regarding Assange. So much for US 'justice' more like revenge imo, this is borne out by their relentless pursuit of him. That Assange himself is dodgy I have taken on board, from his Swedish indiscretions to his politics but i still think he shouldn't be extradited to the U.S.

Rape = indiscretions.

I think we are done here.
Lol. It was never proven in a court of law though it look to be likely. He really should have gone there to stand trial.
Personally I believe the man is a really unpleasant twat. Egocentric, selfish, narcissistic, rapey, dishonest and a coward. I also increasingly don't think he should be extradited to the States, not because he hasn't a case to answer (he clearly has even if you make a greater good argument) but because of the lack of anything resembling justice that will meet him if he ends up there.

I don't think these are contradictory positions to hold. This being said I'm not going to be contributing to any bail funds for him soon and I won't be shedding many tears for his predicament.

He really isn't. Not in any legal sense. It is an extradition hearing to see whether he is going to be sent to the US because they want to apparently put him on trial there. That is not the same thing. The reason he doesn't have his liberty at the moment should be bloody obvious to even his most starry eyed supporters.
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