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Assange to face extradition

lulz.. he is also appearing in the simpsons 500th episode... way to go! stick it to man...

im hearing word that the wikileak crew will be evicting him soon... n get on with work as usual work... yup they is still at it, whilst julian baby is enjoying his 15mins

the thing that is really annoying me at the mo....
why isnt he SHOUTING Bradley Manning with all these new friends??????
why isnt he SHOUTING Bradley Manning with all these new friends??????

It would be rather foolish of Assange to give public, vocal support to Bradley Manning at this time, as that would give the US authorities and others ammunition to attack Bradley Manning, jeopardising his case in front of a military trial, so it serves no purpose, as I'm sure Assange is well aware.

From the Guardian piece posted by teqnig:

On Swedish public TV "experts" debate not the country's deepening militarist state and its service to Nato and Washington, but the state of Assange's mind and his "paranoia". A headline in Tuesday's Aftonbladet declared: " Assange's moral collapse". The article suggests Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks' alleged source, may not be sane, and attacks Assange for not protecting Manning from himself. What was not mentioned was that the source was anonymous, that no connection has been demonstrated between Assange and Manning, and that Aftonbladet, WikiLeaks' Swedish partner, had published the same leaks undeterred.
My emphasis.
hence the feds turning Sabu from #lulzsec trying to build a case.....

Although Assange has left Bradley out to dry, he should be seen to be supporting him... the onus is on the state to make the link....
They'll use every trick in the book to try to connect Manning with Assange, to the formers detriment, so Assange is doing the wise thing here and keeping schtum.
tbf Manning could have been facing death for his actions, prosecutors have stated that they'll not go for that. Why the fuck would a man who could still possibly be extradited to the US fess up to being in cahoots with someone on a knife edge of a death sentence? Call me a yellow belly, but I'd deny any association with that thankyouverymuch.
Pilger published a good rant about Wikileaks recently.

War by media, says current military doctrine, is as important as the battlefield. This is because the real enemy is the public at home, whose manipulation and deception is essential for starting an unpopular colonial war. Like the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, attacks on Iran and Syria require a steady drip-effect on readers' and viewers' consciousness. This is the essence of a propaganda that rarely speaks its name.

To the chagrin of many in authority and the media, WikiLeaks has torn down the facade behind which rapacious western power and journalism collude. This was an enduring taboo; the BBC could claim impartiality and expect people to believe it. Today, war by media is increasingly understood by the public, as is the trial by media of WikiLeaks' founder and editor Julian Assange.

Assange will soon know if the supreme court in London is to allow his appeal against extradition to Sweden, where he faces allegations of sexual misconduct, most of which were dismissed by a senior prosecutor in Stockholm. On bail for 16 months, tagged and effectively under house arrest, he has been charged with nothing. His "crime" has been an epic form of investigative journalism: revealing to millions of people the lies and machinations of their politicians and officials and the barbarism of criminal war conducted in their name.

For this, as the American historian William Blum points out, "dozens of members of the American media and public officials have called for [his] execution or assassination". If he is passed from Sweden to the US, an orange jumpsuit, shackles and a fabricated indictment await him. And there go all who dare challenge rogue America.

tbf Manning could have been facing death for his actions, prosecutors have stated that they'll not go for that. Why the fuck would a man who could still possibly be extradited to the US fess up to being in cahoots with someone on a knife edge of a death sentence? Call me a yellow belly, but I'd deny any association with that thankyouverymuch.
How does solidarity mean saying yes , there is a connection and here it is The one the prosecutors haven't come up with.
That's a terrible piece bernie. This para is why:

Assange will soon know if the supreme court in London is to allow his appeal against extradition to Sweden, where he faces allegations of sexual misconduct, most of which were dismissed by a senior prosecutor in Stockholm.

Pilger used to be better than this sort of i hope no one checks stuff - or maybe he got away wirth it more pre-internet. Either way, idiots like Assange have helped kill this sort of journalism...hopefully.
I have to admit, I'm a bit puzzled about your hostility to this whole thing. I mean, sure, there have been stupid claims that it means far more than it does, but still, for example seeing the state dept cables that show the new head of the IAEA is a US stooge is useful.
Leaks as a business model - commercial managment of whistleblowing, PR models applied to same. If they've inadvertently blown the doors off something then all good. Assange, no.
Ahhh .. OK, I begin to see what you have in mind I think.

Yeah that stuff did get discussed here once or twice in the past, you might find itby searching for cryptome as that guy had quite the rant about the wikileaks business model in the past. The cryptome rant probably went beyond the reality of this case but it opened up some interesting areas for discussion.

Even ignoring the most cynical and disturbing commercial possibilities behind Assanges wikileaks model, I had plenty else to rant about, ranging from the completely innaporpriate use of wiki in their name, to the way Assange has conducted himself on so many fronts.

Primarily Im pissed because there are a load of real important issues here and I would much rather have been able to read a Pilger article on the subject and agree with it, and shout my mouth off as part of a wider struggle to defend leaking entities, explore the way the world could work if sensitive information more routinely escaped into the public sphere, etc.

But no, almost every step of the way Assange did things I couldn't ignore, that shoot the whole cause in the foot. And as he casts himself in the mould of a cunning activist who was fully aware of the implications of his actions, aware that they would be out to get him, I had rather hoped he would actually be well prepared and that even if he personally got 'taken out' in some way, he would have defended a variety of vital concepts and beliefs. But no, at best he walked into an obvious trap and then said some horrible things whilst defending himself. At worst he committed crimes against individuals and then tried to shield himself from account by using his vehicle thats supposed to be about, ahem, holding people in office to account.

I was also critical of him because some of the things he has said make it sound like he hadn't actually tried to create an institution that was bigger than him, that could carry on if he was removed from the picture. But he does talk some shit sometimes so maybe wikileaks will be ok if the law gets him, we shall see.

Now given that various powers would be bound to want to get him, and the number of serious issues at stake, I ca appreciate why many people have defended assange and think that those who attack him are doing the devils work. Well perhaps I could have turned a blind eye to some of Assanges unattractive personality traits & failings, if only there had not been so many areas of hypocrisy right on wikileaks prime territory, double-standards that affect the very core of what wikileaks is supposed to be about. How can I possibly support an organisation that calls other to account but does not think that it should be accountable in anything like the same way?

And even more importantly, how can I fight for a cause whose cheerleader has a very dangerous attitude towards information? Assange is acutely aware of the power of information, and how concentrated that power can be when the information is only in a few hands. But does he want to throw that ring of power into a pit and destroy it forever? No, he is dazzled by the ring, he wants to wear it himself, and decide what it released, to whom, and when.

So he is Gollum to me, and I will only judge him kindly if he completes Gollums acts by sacrificing himself selflessly in the end :D
Yeah, I must admit I haven't paid much attention to that stuff. I've focussed more on the content of the leaks.

I did that too but surprisingly little forum chatter was sustained about the actual contents, and as Im often to be found talking to myself I didn't fancy repeating that phenomenon with all the interesting stuff I read. Im up for giving it another try though at some point if anyone fancies joining in.
The sexual side of this case was a struggle for me too. I know that such stuff is a good way to smear someone, but also I find it beyond depressing how many sexual crimes happen in the world, and how easily we can pick and choose which to take seriously and which to dismiss. And because Assange has admitted to having some kind of issue when it comes to how he deals with women in his life, I've not been able to brush it to one side just because there are big issues which affect more people than those affected by any possible sexual horrors.

I can't judge whether Assange committed a crime, I can't bet my life that he crossed the line. But I can be pretty darn sure that he was at least seen in the vicinity of the line, and am disturbed by the idea that this should never be looked into more by any legal system anywhere.
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