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Arsenal FC Season 2017/18 - FA Cup Holders - The Road To Europa League Glory


But this goes up to 11
OK - I'll kick off.

This kit launch seems optimistic - wonder if Sanchez and Ozil will still be wearing this at the start of the season:


Arsenal officially launch 2017/18 home kit
Watched a bit of the Emirates cup yesterday.

I almost spat my beer out when I realised arsenal were playing in blue. In blue! For fucks sake man!!! If I wanted to watch a blue team I'd support Cardiff.
What a cunt. Not even joking about aligning this to the fans of my traditional foes (all the right minded ones are calling him out on it too), but...just...what a cunt :mad:
Yep, I'm a Man u fan, so I'm used to having shitty owners, but this goes beyond football. Utter filth.
"There's no feeling in the world like shooting an endangered elephant": Arsenal owner launches TV channel dedicated to trophy hunting

:mad: Tosser - I beg to differ, there's no better feeling than shooting some rich fucker in the arse who thinks it's fun to shoot an endangered animal (or any animal) for fun.
If i was an Arsenal fan, this would end my allegiance dead in the tracks until the cunt had fucked off.
My youngest daughter has declared that she wants to go to an Arsenal game.

It seems i can't get tickets without being a member

Is that right?
Anyone requiring a free live stream for tonight's Leicester game, let me undermine a certain Mr. Murdoch and recommend to you an Android app - on the play store called 'Live Football (Full)' - a green circle logo with a white figure kicking a ball. Reviews look good, but no guarantees.

Go Gunners (but no gunning elephants down hey!).
There's a petition doing the rounds directed at the Arsenal Chairman but I don't the board has any power to require a shareholder to sell up
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