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Are you leaving Twitter?


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So a lot of people are talking about or actually leaving Twitter since Empty Husk's takeover (see what I did there?) - are you? Most people talking about going to Mastodon

I'm not planning to leave yet - will be interested to see if enough decent people leave for it change, in which case I may move on. TBH, I've always had pretty positive experiences there - no one has ever been more than mildly annoying and smug about anything, but then I don't tend to wade into arguments and keep my head below the parapet. Twitter was in fact genuinely useful in opening my eyes more to the day-to-day experiences of people outside my own social sphere.

After for a few years following people I disagreed with to avoid a 'bubble' had stopped following most of them because it just made me angry and upset. So not planning on going unless it really stops being informative/funny.

i'm not flouncing just quite yet - will see how things go. it's not as if i'm paying anything to the new chief twat.

apart from following a few political accounts (and not really getting involved) i don't do much politics on there because it gets either 'echo chamber' or fending off trolls, so it's a mix of friends / acquaintances, football, a few musicians / bands, local information (both where i live and SE London) london history and so on.

i'm aware a few have people i know on there set up accounts on mastodon as a placeholder rather than fully decamping there (i'm still trying to understand mastodon and working out which server to join - it all seems fragmented, which doesn't seem as good, and it seems a lot of effort to have one account for social, one for football, and so on... - or have i misunderstood it?)
I left Twitter in early October, as I couldn't cope with the tsunami of grief over Truss getting in.

I rejoined this month as it is where the local non-league football news etc happens.

This time I am sticking strictly to that, as well as "neutral" accounts like Map Porn & Whores of Yore.

I'd rather dump it forever, in the circumstances, but I need my footie updates. Sorry.
i'm aware a few have people i know on there set up accounts on mastodon as a placeholder rather than fully decamping there (i'm still trying to understand mastodon and working out which server to join - it all seems fragmented, which doesn't seem as good, and it seems a lot of effort to have one account for social, one for football, and so on... - or have i misunderstood it?)
Think I saw someone posting that you need to choose a Mastidon 'server' to be based on but you can follow someone on any server if you know their tag, but may have misunderstood that. :confused:

i'm not flouncing just quite yet - will see how things go. it's not as if i'm paying anything to the new chief twat.

apart from following a few political accounts (and not really getting involved) i don't do much politics on there because it gets either 'echo chamber' or fending off trolls, so it's a mix of friends / acquaintances, football, a few musicians / bands, local information (both where i live and SE London) london history and so on.

i'm aware a few have people i know on there set up accounts on mastodon as a placeholder rather than fully decamping there (i'm still trying to understand mastodon and working out which server to join - it all seems fragmented, which doesn't seem as good, and it seems a lot of effort to have one account for social, one for football, and so on... - or have i misunderstood it?)
You can just have one account and follow people from anywhere.
I got a Mastodon account. I’m still on Twitter, wait and see sorta thing. I‘ll miss Twitter if they fuck with it and ruin it, it’s one of my go-to’s for news along with here and some youtubers that we follow. Twitter never wound me up, but I block my triggers - Farage etc and I don’t get involved in flame wars or reply to trolls. Can’t be arsed to read any of their crap.
The only time I visit Twitter is following a link from U75.
Each time is asks me to join...the answer is always no.

The only places I go on the internet is facebook (to see friends) and Urban.
I use google news to see what is going on in msm, and I have a link to the government weather service.

The only app I use is achive.ph.
I've been on Twitter for 14 years, but I've never tweeted anything or interacted with another user beyond maybe liking the occasional tweet from people I follow, it's not that often I even read the replies to tweets, so my experience there has been positive, there's no shortage of interesting/funny accounts to follow.

If enough people migrate elsewhere I'll join them but no plans to leave for now - though I definitely won't be increasing my level of engagement and I'd sooner light a pile of cash on fire KLF-style than give any money to Elon Musk for using Twitter.
I use Twitter primary to learn when Glastonbury tickets sell out etc.

If Glastonbury festival could delete their account then I can happily delete Twitter.
I'm pretty much the same as Yossarian - I've been on it for 14 years, only post about stuff I care about (mainly ghost signs, Cornwall and medieval stuff) and only follow people with similar interests. If political shit does appear I just ignore it.

There's almost nothing I like on Mastodon yet, but I'll keep my eyes open and maybe move if Musk fucks it up too much.
I did love the response I saw from the guy who developed Mastodon when someone asked why he shut down any 'alt right' type groups, which was along the lines of 'Because Nazis are bad people and I don't want to give them a recruiting tool' :thumbs:
Find it interesting how different people's experience is, I mean, if your twitter is a cesspit of hate and fury isnt that due to your choices of who to follow and what to read? My timeline there is largely long nerdy threads on various topics, links to other reading and some pictures of cats.
Find it interesting how different people's experience is, I mean, if your twitter is a cesspit of hate and fury isnt that due to your choices of who to follow and what to read? My timeline there is largely long nerdy threads on various topics, links to other reading and some pictures of cats.
Wouldn't it also largely depend on whether you try to refute the posts that encourage the cesspit of hate and fury?
I have a twitter account but I barely go there... I never really got the point of me posting there, unless you're a celebrity, politician, activist or a journalist it just gets lost in the ether. Having said that I've used it to shame companies/council into action but even that has stopped working as they just ignore people these days.

I do understand its importance - but I personally get nothing from it - and everything else shows up on other platforms, so if I left it would make no difference either way.
My little corner of Twitter's pretty friendly. If that changes I'll look elsewhere

As others have said, it's all about who you follow/what you hit the like button on. If I've liked some political stuff and my timeline gets ragey I stop liking that sort of stuff and it quietens down again soon enough. If that changes, I'd probably give it a miss but for the time being I'm staying put.

I do hope that Musk gets the arse sued off him for the way he's treated his staff though.
Not leaving twitter. I barely use it, and whenever I click a link to read something there, I won't have to login.

I'm curious about Musk's game plan - removing all moderation in the lead up to the US mid-term elections. He's not playing about. Strange times ahead...
I'm still on twitter , and get into rows now & again 🤔 have looked at the Mastedon (wasn't there a metal band of that name?) but haven't done anything about leaving . I miss google+ and that was a proper cess pit.
Wouldn't it also largely depend on whether you try to refute the posts that encourage the cesspit of hate and fury?
Do you mean whether you choose to engage with nazis and stuff? Course that would rather change your experience if you chose to do that, instead of looking at cat photos and threads about history or whatever.
I just don’t engage with anyone there at all, not even ‘likes’ I just read, like a weird eavesdropper. Have learnt loads that way.
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