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Are YOU happy with the overall result & your [new] constituency MP ?

Are YOU happy with the overall result & your [new] constituency MP ?

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New constituency for me, but Labour incumbent retained her safe London seat. I get the feeling she's more Nu than Old Labour, but we'll see.

I voted Green, who increased their vote share, but still came fourth.

Of real concern is the fact Reform came second. A relatively distant second, but second nonetheless.

So, No, and Maybe.

<edit: oh, I've just realised they weren't both questions about the constituency :oops:

Thankfully, the answers remain the same>
Overall no. It's been fun watching Tories lose their seats but tbh you know what the Tories are, they don't pretend to be anything else. The visceral hatred I have for the Labour Right and the dismal wasted opportunity of the incoming administration makes me feel very sad and angry. Some real hope in the obvious appetite for genuine left wing politics in much of the country, but struggle to see how that can be achieved.

My new MP is a Starmerite hack with no links to Cardiff who was voted in despite a 13% decrease in the Labour vote. Grim.
No not really. Glad the Tories are out obviously but overall the whole thing is a bit depressing tbh. The opportunity was there for a government that would do something at least and we've got a massive majority for some twats who seem almost proud of not intending to, who've clearly only got elected due to others' failures, and a gloating narrative that says that's the only way to win. Load of shit.
Mostly, yes.

Not totally happy with it but then im usually not.

To clarify, delighted locally but fuck Farage & RefUK.
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No. I’m glad the Tories were trounced. But I’m not at all happy that Starmer won. No change change. And I’m very unhappy that Reform are going to be crowing, and setting the agenda for the regrouping of the UK right.

I think there’s a lot to be concerned about down the line.
Forgot to answer the constituency question. The result is what was expected: a Labour win of the redrawn constituency. No feelings about that. Very glad to report a tiny Reform vote here.

overall, glad the conservative party tories have been turfed out, uninspired by the labour party tories getting in. and at significant minority thinking that the tories aren't right wing enough.

locally - again good to see the tories turfed out (constituency has - as far as i can tell - never previously had a non tory MP, now got a lib dem who's been reasonable (by lib dem standards) at local council level

generally speaking, meh
Happy the Tories got smashed.

Bit meh both about what Starmer offers and the low size of the Labour national vote share; almost feels like ‘we’ cheated.

Really really fucked off that I have one of the four reform fuckers- and to make it worse the one no one had heard of.
I'm relieved. I voted tatically for labour and we only signed up to vote on the last day that we could, my politics are anarchist but realistically I'll never get the country run how I want.

BUT the Reform vote split the vote here and Yvette Cooper kept her seat.
At the end of the day we're still a mining town despite our pit closing in 2015, so there are a lot of socialists and anti racists to counteract the idiots who have fallen for populism.

Have to remember that the gobshites on the local FB group don't reflect the community.

I pointed out that Farage is just another self serving public schoolboy etc. on the local FB group and a woman called me, 'a very ignorant woman who agrees to Islam' :facepalm: and a ton of untrue stuff.

I then looked at her Facebook page and discovered that she's a Bumologist who has been on daytime tv. Also a freetard & tin foil hatter I think. :D I'm debating whether to send her a photo of my currently rather bruised arse (because I fell down the stairs on the bus), because she's got my politics SO wrong, maybe if she read my arse she might understand me better? I don't know.
I am slightly optimistic that we may see change. The status quo of the Tories ensured continued decline so Im glad they are gone.

Now that they have power, Labour have a mountain to climb. They may not be radical enough to achieve it. Populism will not get the job done. Hard choices and correct choices are needed.

Where my voted counted Oliver Dowden retained his seat. 😕

Might he try for Tory leader? Is entire career has been as a yes man. How can he say yes to his boss if there is no boss above him?

I not even sure he exists in this reality without a boss. He'll wink out of existence if they don't find him one soon.
Blairite MP replaced with a Green MP with a 10,000 majority, not even close. Despite reservations about the Green Party (too many ‘rainbow coalitions in the past where they’ve enabled the vermin, a bit Waitrose, not so good on big transport stuff) I’m not unhappy with that, and they have plenty of decent policies.

Overall a bit meh, fell short of expectations, and the worst Tories escaped which has led to a schadenfreude deficit. Can’t even take pleasure from Truss going because she’s a fucking liability to the party and probably better for them that she’s gone.



I'm back to feeling utterly disenfranchised by the UK election system. Only consolation is that the person I voted for came second with a decent showing. There are clearly lots of people out there who feel just like me.
I have lived in Chipping Barnet for twenty years. The seat was founded in the 50s and has been Tory ever since. I grew up in Aylesbury, which has been Tory since it stopped being a pocket borough for the Rothschilds, flipping Liberal to Unionist depending on their whims.

Both are now Labour. Pretty happy with that.
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