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Are you a liberal and/or LibDem? - a Poll

Are you a liberal and/or a LibDem?

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  • No

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Ah, go on then.

I don’t even like baked beans so I reckon that’s small ‘l’ liberalism.
So the thread question is really do you subscribe to liberalism as an ideology and/or happen to be a member of the minor UK party that happens to have the word Liberal in its name?
No one is going to admit it , they will say that they are some sort of anarchist instead. (this doesn't apply to the ACG who although not as good as the WSM especially their branch on the mainland in Darlington are reasonably ok)
So the thread question is really do you subscribe to liberalism as an ideology and/or happen to be a member of the minor UK party that happens to have the word Liberal in its name?

Pretty much, just needed something a bit more succinct.
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