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Are there no meat-eating anarchists?

What have I said that was shit? You're just being abusive realistic
This thread. Not only shit but you lied. You invented the whole thing. I know loads of anarchists who eat meat. Have you ever met an anarchist or did you just want/need attention?
And the other thread... Beating up the elderly is an institutional thing.
You're full of shit.
Because the issue of ethe ethics of diet interest me. I thought starting a conversation would be productive, but it seems all some people want to do is just be abusive

The other threads about not eating meat were insufficient in their hundreds of pages?
The other threads about not eating meat were insufficient in their hundreds of pages?
if you're going to whine every time someone brings up a topic that may or may not have already been had you're either going to have a very quite forum or a miserable time posting. No one's making you respond
that's exactly what you've been doing. Other than misrepresenting me for some reason. Why? Why respond at all if you don't like what I have to say. You've obviously no interest in hearing me explain anything. That's trolling
Trolling? :D
You said, and I quote... "Being vegan seems to be almost essential to an anarchist outlook or lifestyle"
Absolute bollocks. You made that up. If you talk bollocks, I'm allowed to tell you you're talking bollocks. If you don't like being pulled up for talking bollocks, don't talk bollocks.
if you're going to whine every time someone brings up a topic that may or may not have already been had you're either going to have a very quite forum or a miserable time posting. No one's making you respond

Is someone making you post this drivel? :confused:

If sorry I am sorry to hear it and I hope you escape their clutches soon :thumbs:
there wasn't one. It was a question
There was an implication in the first question that to fail to be a vegan is to be inconsistent with anarchist principles - that amounts to an argument. One that a few people have tried to get you to develop or support - with little to no success so far.

Being vegan seems to be almost essential to an anarchist outlook or lifestyle? Or indeed any kind of radical anticapitalist approach.

This doesn't seem to fit with your later position that

I don't consider eating meat per se to be a moral issue

Surely if the first is true the second can't be?
Food chain just doesn't work for me viewed as a hierarchy. It's not as if there's any intrinsic right predators have to their prey, in fact most hunts fail. Prey escapes in most cases. It's a pretty flawed system, but that's just how life is on earth. I don't consider eating meat per se to be a moral issue

I think you just don't understand what hierarchies are.

(and I don't consider eating meat per se to be a moral issue either)
There was an implication in the first question that to fail to be a vegan is to be inconsistent with anarchist principles - that amounts to an argument. One that a few people have tried to get you to develop or support - with little to no success so far.

This doesn't seem to fit with your later position that

Surely if the first is true the second can't be?
The implication, as you put it, is only present because taht is the question. If you mistake it for a premise, and you are, because of your own bias, then that's on you. You are essentially accusing me of a loaded question. It isn't. Why would it be? I dont' care if people choose not to eat meat. I simply asked a question. If you can't accept that, that's on you. Also, learn what the word 'seems' means
Trolling? :D
You said, and I quote... "Being vegan seems to be almost essential to an anarchist outlook or lifestyle"
Absolute bollocks. You made that up. If you talk bollocks, I'm allowed to tell you you're talking bollocks. If you don't like being pulled up for talking bollocks, don't talk bollocks.
You are accusing me of being dishonest about my experiences of anarchists on veganism? Why would you do that? Do you feel in some way offended by that? I didn't say it was essential, I said something quite different and quite deliberately so. Would you like me to clarify it for you or do you just want to continue trolling?
The implication, as you put it, is only present because taht is the question. If you mistake it for a premise, and you are, because of your own bias, then that's on you. You are essentially accusing me of a loaded question. It isn't. Why would it be? I dont' care if people choose not to eat meat. I simply asked a question. If you can't accept that, that's on you. Also, learn what the word 'seems' means
I don't mistake it for a premise. It openly is the premise for your OP. It's there in black and white. That's leaving aside the mess of your second question that you tried to construct on it. The one that couldn't exist without it being a premise for a follow up. I think maybe you don't quite understand what a premise is.
I don't mistake it for a premise. It openly is the premise for your OP. It's there in black and white. That's leaving aside the mess of your second question that you tried to construct on it. The one that couldn't exist without it being a premise for a follow up. I think maybe you don't quite understand what a premise is.
The premise of the question is fairly clear and quite benign, you're just trying to stir up shit. I only worded it that way because I assumed, based on my experience, that people here would be vegan. It was done in good faith. It's less likely to offend an anarchist that's vegan to assume they support killing animals than it is to assume they aren't a vegan if they eat meat. All you're doing is trying to score points. I don't care what you eat, I'm simply interested to find out whether veganism is in anyway intrinsic to anarchy. Get over yourself
The premise of the question is fairly clear and quite benign, you're just trying to stir up shit. I only worded it that way because I assumed, based on my experience, that people here would be vegan. It was done in good faith. It's less likely to offend an anarchist that's vegan to assume they support killing animals than it is to assume they aren't a vegan if they eat meat. All you're doing is trying to score points. I don't care what you eat, I'm simply interested to find out whether veganism is in anyway intrinsic to anarchy. Get over yourself
I didn't suggest that your OP was anything but benign or made in good faith. It's the inconsistency in it (and the incoherence of the second question i suppose) that i've asked you to clear up. You seemed reluctant or unable to do so when others have attempted the same so i don't really suppose this is going to go anywhere either. Maybe if you thought your posts through a bit more rather than just immediately blasting out not very worthwhile quick-fire responses this wouldn't keep happening to you.
Hierarchies are to do with a progressing directional series of different levels of *something* (influence/power/who eats who/emergence) with a directional progression in influence.
Morality is not necessarily involved - for example see Maszlow's Hierarchy Of Needs. It would be absurd to say that an organism's safety needs are oppressing its safety needs.
Is that what you think I've said?

I just don't see the food chain as a hierarchy. We have a simple disagreement.
I do think its' connected with an exisiting heirarchy, one based on capacity. So for example humans can dominate (some) animals because of his greater capacity; we've invnted animal husbandry and so we domesticate livestock and farm them, dominating them.
I didn't suggest that your OP was anything but benign or made in good faith. It's the inconsistency in it (and the incoherence of the second question i suppose) that i've asked you to clear up. You seemed reluctant or unable to do so when others have attempted the same so i don't really suppose this is going to go anywhere either. Maybe if you thought your posts through a bit more rather than just immediately blasting out not very worthwhile quick-fire responses this wouldn't keep happening to you.
There is no inconsistency. The problem you are having is one born of your own prejudice. I don't have to justify myself to you, nor do I need to explain the question. In other words: stop spoiling for a fight. The question was simple and straightforward, you're the one looking for things that aren't there
I just don't see the food chain as a hierarchy. We have a simple disagreement.

It's not a niche thing on my part; it's commonly described as such.
And in terms of capacity, that doesn't fit with Maszlow's hierarchy either, where the dependencies project downward (then again, in reality that's the case with many human social hierarchies).

I understand exactly what you're saying, it's just that the way you are using words is a bit off-kilter.
There is no inconsistency. The problem you are having is one born of your own prejudice. I don't have to justify myself to you, nor do I need to explain the question. In other words: stop spoiling for a fight. The question was simple and straightforward, you're the one looking for things that aren't there
At some point you're going to have to stop doing this. Or it will end as it has every other time.
At some point you're going to have to stop doing this. Or it will end as it has every other time.
I think the best thing would be for you to stop interacting with me. You were the one that started this line of inquiry by assuming my question was loaded. There was no reason for you to have done that other than to spoil for a fight. Since i've corrected you we have nothing further to say.
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