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Apparently, Feminism is dead!!!

That is exactly what it makes you.

You are a liar, and everyone can now see it.

Liar. Prove it, or be publically branded a DOUBLE liar.

Repetition does not confer veracity, and being "publically" [sic] branded a liar by you carries no weight, not even on Urban, where posters are all too familiar with your tactics and your posturing.
Panda, like most on here, just reads what he wants you to have said, not what you have said.

Take him with a pinch of salt.

Hmmm, and you're able to make a meaningful content and context analysis on the basis of a couple of dozen posts?

How very interesting. :)
Going by vp's posts

Let me stop you right there.

Now, you know sometimes grown-ups might say things that arenb't quite exactly what really happened? Well...

Oh bugger it. I'm off to wave. Weepiper, I forgive you. Go forth and sin no more.
already one on the thread.

Cesare, I find one part of your stance unhelpful.

You seem to think that as a man, I can have no stake in feminism, no understanding of it and can have nothing to offer in the attempt to identify, define and fight for it.

I think you're wrong on all counts. I have no right to attempt to control it, sure. But to shut 50% of the population from contributing is exceedingly unhelpful, counter-productive and even naïve. Any future for feminism will directly affect 50% of my nearest and dearest and include on the journey the other 50% in order to succeed. It isn't about shutting others out of your club, it's about the kind of society we are striving for. We all have a stake in that.
Kabbes, I don't object to men having opinions and a stake in feminism. I do object to men attempting to undermine women's own agency for change, and attempting to define what feminism is/should be. I make no apologies for this stance.
Further, Kabbes, I have not "shut out 50% of the population" and your attempt to misrepresent me in this manner is dishonest and misrepresentative.
So opinions are fine so long as we keep them to ourselves? We have a stake but can have no agency despite that stake?

This isn't an academic exercise for me just because it is my wife, mother and sister directly affected instead of me. I see and feel the injustice of those who matter most to me. This isn't the oppression of a segregated minority.

And as regards your last point: I bet I grew up in a much more radfem household than you did. But is comparing the size of our radfem really the level you want to descend to?
You can voice your opinions from the rooftops Kabbes, and present your "I bet I grew up in a more radfem environment than you" credentials as much as you like :)

Would you deign to give us your opinions on the cause of the radfem conference shitstorm?
You must be joking. I'm not touching that and especially not on here.

I'll tell you this though: the radical feminists I grew up surrounded by would have been incredibly pissed off at the claiming of Cheryl Cole as a female role model, strong or otherwise.
I should clarify that I am not aware of which shitstorm you are talking about, but I'm not touching any feminist shitstorm on this message board. I have resolved to have a lighter touch on this place.
You must be joking. I'm not touching that and especially not on here.

I'll tell you this though: the radical feminists I grew up surrounded by would have been incredibly pissed off at the claiming of Cheryl Cole as a female role model, strong or otherwise.
Well fuck the radfems then, whoever they may be.
Here is not a particularly feminist place, Kabbes. You might get a couple of views that are a bit stronger than yours, but you can relatively easily shut them up (look at how easy it is for you to convert my stance into one of denying 50% of the population of their opinions, for example).

And now faced with being asked for an opinion on radfem politics, from someone that grew up "in a much more radfem environment" you're reluctant and just offer again your opinion that you and your family don't think much of Cheryl Cole as a role model. Well, fine. Don't have her as one, then.
You must be joking. I'm not touching that and especially not on here.
From what I can see, it seems to be a split between different feminist groups/websites due to the RadFem conference only allowing born-women to attend. What's the unpleasant development you're talking about, cesare? The feminist non/acceptance of trans women has been an issue for as long as I can remember.
From what I can see, it seems to be a split between different feminist groups/websites due to the RadFem conference only allowing born-women to attend. What's the unpleasant development you're talking about, cesare? The feminist non/acceptance of trans women has been an issue for as long as I can remember.
Yes, the trans women acceptance has been an issue for a long time. But it seems to be getting far more vitriolic. Also, opinion seems to be polarising around the sex industry argument. There's also the "privilege" discourse, which seems to be gaining traction. And also this retreat into "safe spaces". So, off the top of my head, it's a number of factors which combine to make quite unpalatable reading at first glance. There's more to all of these on analysis, but I'm mainly observing about the cumulative effect.
And just to summarise my own position on sex workers and feminism. If you think that sex work is demeaning to the women involved, if you think they're being abused and you think it's damaging to women in general, then your move should surely be to support those workers, to find out what you can do to make their bargaining position stronger. Otherwise you're simply piling on the pressure on those people who're already facing a hard time.
And just to summarise my own position on sex workers and feminism. If you think that sex work is demeaning to the women involved, if you think they're being abused and you think it's damaging to women in general, then your move should surely be to support those workers, to find out what you can do to make their bargaining position stronger. Otherwise you're simply piling on the pressure on those people who're already facing a hard time.
And also some people do it from choice and not from conscription or economic necessity. And they shouldn't be demeaned for doing so. Far worse to become a copper out of choice!
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