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Anti war Anti Putin songs : got any?

Just had a look around and dug up the old 2014 manifesto against war from the Russian hardcore/antifa scene. It's very "plague on both sides", but I think that's reasonable enough in the 2014 conflict, which seemed a lot less one-sided than the current one imo:

We – representatives of music bands, antifascist groups and DIY-initiatives from around the world – believe that it is time to declare our stance on the situation in Ukraine, and its negative influence upon the antifascist scene in CIS countries.

We have been over many years, and still are, antifascist internationalists. Many of us have more than once faced direct threats to our health, life and freedom due to our views. Based on our beliefs and our perspective of the situation, we would like to make the following statement.

We call for an immediate ceasefire and a resolution of the conflict by means of peaceful, democratic negotiations. Human lives are more important than all national flags and borders put together.

We are convinced that professional contractors and criminals rule both sides of the conflict. They are fighting only for the interests of oligarchs and politicians, but dragging innocent civilians into the slaughter. Both sides have volunteers from infamous Russian ultra-right organisations fighting for them.

We condemn any member of the CIS antifascist scene who in any way supports the so-called “anti-terrorist operation” – the shameless genocide of civilians - in Eastern Ukraine. We do not wish to be associated with those who provide financial, moral or any other support to the armed forces fighting for the anti-people, pro-fascist and pro-oligarch government of Ukraine. The government of Ukraine which initiated the humanitarian and economic disaster. The government of Ukraine which is doing its best to take advantage of the crisis, acting not in the interest of the people of Ukraine, but for its selfish purposes.

We condemn any member of the CIS antifascist scene who supports puppet militarist regimes. The LNR and DNR founded in Eastern Ukraine are also sponsored by pro-russian oligarch sources, and take advantage of the civilian population in their dirty political games. We do not believe that rebel military actions are conducted in the interest of protecting the civilian population of East Ukraine. We do not believe in the open and honest declaration of will while held at gunpoint. And we do not believe in the sudden “antifascism” of armed militants who bring lawlessness to their controlled territory and bring harm upon innocent civilians.

We do not wish to have any association with the vast numbers of people now claiming to be “antifascists” and “anarchists”, who are actually nationalists and chauvinists; with those who glorify war and murder, instigate hate and ethnic conflict, who celebrate the death of others. Either intentionally or through stupidity, these individuals are widening the gap between activists from different countries. Through conspiracies and the spreading of false and unfounded information and propaganda they are destroying the united antifascist scene. We call for zero tolerance for all idiots and provocateurs.

Those who once declared their antifascist views but now form alliances with ultra-right football hooligans; who compromise and openly sympatise with nazi and ultra-right organisations and political parties; who excuse military criminals and those who rewrite history written with the blood of a generation, we consider to be traitors to the ideals of friendship and fraternity. History has demonstrated how Nazis and fascists mercilessly dispose of their allies of convenience. We are sure that this time will be no different.
We should remember how much blood has been spilled over the last ten years for the sake of creating a united, international antifascist movement in our countries. Our friends did not fight and die only for the next generation of antifascists to fall victim to the deceit of state propaganda.

No – to any and all kinds of compromise or union with nazis!
No – to any form of nationalism or imperial chauvinism!
No – to excusing or justifying war crimes and genocide!
No – to the policy of double standards and power of oligarchs!
All our support – to the peaceful population of Ukraine!

When our society is split by provocations and information war, we call upon all sensible people in anti-fascist scene to support our statement.

With anti-fascist salute,

(the list is not complete)

So I suppose anything by any of them would qualify really. Honourable mention to Igor Bancer from Mister X, who did time in a Belarusian prison for "a street performance involving dancing in front of a police car and showing his bare buttocks in front of it."
Kiev Calling.. we live for resistance ✌️

Oops.. song was posted already..
Another try.. this one is anti-war..

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Was just going to post this on the Russian anti-war thread and saw this thread. Nice one, Aladdin.
Russian rock star Zemfira has released an anti-war music video.


Zemfira, one of Russia’s leading rock artists, has released an anti-war music video amid her country’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine.
The iconic musician on Friday deleted all her existing videos from YouTube, replacing them with a new clip for her 2017 song “Don’t Shoot.”
The video contains footage from Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine as well as from anti-war protests in Moscow, where some 15,000 people have been detained.

Pretty powerful sruff.

this one is from the 60s, bout the great patriotic war. (eta: published 6 yrs after the invasion of hungary, 6 yrs before the invasion of czechoslovakia...)

beautiful song, but painful watching, with the subtitles, video & current context.
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Some older ones:

Hello sister, my dear, how are you?
The winter had probably swept the way home already? The stars are falling over Kandahar in the rays of dawn
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
The stars are falling over Kandahar in the rays of dawn
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
It's Saturday now, and it pours harder, along with the war
Smells like sweat here, boys sleep here, there was a hard battle
I made a bet with my friend Oleg, that he will be back
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
I made a bet with my friend Oleg, that he will be back
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
I send my big hello to my sister
Tell them to keep writing, it was a long time since last letter from home
And if they ask what I write to you about, well, just lie
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
And if they ask what I write to you about, well, just lie
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
Hello sister, my dear, how are you
The winter had probably swept the way home already?
The stars are falling over Kandahar in the rays of dawn
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
The stars are falling over Kandahar in the rays of dawn
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan
Just don't tell mom that I'm in Afghan

And a follow-up from another war:
Several threads I could post this on, but here's one of them: can anyone whose Deutsch ist ein bisschen less schrecklich than meine have a read of this PDF uber die Situation in Russland and let me know if there's owt interesting in it?

Posted this elsewhere, but that song - Andriy Khlyvnyuk, the singer from Ukrainian band Boombox, returned to Ukraine from a tour to fight, then was recorded singing it. This other guy in South Africa, the Kiffness, remixed the song with his permission, and royalties are going to humanitarian aid for UA armed forces.

Posted this elsewhere, but that song - Andriy Khlyvnyuk, the singer from Ukrainian band Boombox, returned to Ukraine from a tour to fight, then was recorded singing it. This other guy in South Africa, the Kiffness, remixed the song with his permission, and royalties are going to humanitarian aid for UA armed forces.

the Kiffness on twitter said
Volunteers in Odessa, Ukraine loading sand to protect their city. All while this legend rocks drums to my remix of Oy U Luzi Chervona Kalyna. Apart from raising funds, I wanted my remix to raise spirits, so seeing this makes me very happy
Protesters in occupied Kherson are now singing the Bayraktar song at Russian troops. Doesn’t really count as anti-war though!

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