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Another Malaysian airliner crashed in Ukraine

not just Ruskie, watching the news last night along with Israeli mobilization felt like dark days ahead, and only last month economists were talking about being in coffin corner.

Could end up with NATO involvement in pro west part of the Ukraine. Depends really on level of public outrage in EU. Push right up to the disputed territory and dig in! Get the UN to control some sort of buffer zone! Seems to be loads of speculation of what might, might not happen?
Could end up with NATO involvement in pro west part of the Ukraine. Depends really on level of public outrage in EU. Push right up to the disputed territory and dig in! Get the UN to control some sort of buffer zone! Seems to be loads of speculation of what might, might not happen?
aint 24hour rolling news wonderful
A large number of world-renowned AIDS researchers and activists heading to an international AIDS conference in Australia were on board a Malaysian jetliner that was shot down over Ukraine, officials said Friday, as news of their deaths sparked an outpouring of grief across the global scientific community.

There have been unconfirmed reports that up to 100 people on board the Boeing 777 were en route to the Victoria state capital of Melbourne to attend the 20th International AIDS conference, which starts Sunday, Victoria Premier Denis Napthine said, though he hastened to add that reports were conflicting and it was far too premature to give a precise figure.

"There's been confirmed a number of senior people who were coming out here who were researchers, who were medical scientists, doctors, people who've been to the forefront of dealing with AIDS across the world," Napthine told reporters in Melbourne. "The exact number is not yet known, but there is no doubt it's a substantial number.


Civilians, babies, and AIDS researchers. These idiots really hit the trifecta. :(
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17:51: Breaking News
  1. An OSCE source has said the team did not get full access to the plane crash site. The source said shots were fired in the vicinity but not at the monitors themselves.
So much for the theory that 7 is a lucky number...

What I like is the basic mathematical hoops they jump through to add more weight to their numerology. What about the numbers that don't fit?

Like 911. 9-1-1=7. But just as valid is 9x1x1=9 or 9+1+1=11. If they thought a little deeper they could probably turn every number into a 7. The relevance of it is anyone's guess.
What I like is the basic mathematical hoops they jump through to add more weight to their numerology. What about the numbers that don't fit?

Like 911. 9-1-1=7. But just as valid is 9x1x1=9 or 9+1+1=11. If they thought a little deeper they could probably turn every number into a 7. The relevance of it is anyone's guess.

Yeh Gods, you'd think they'd been at balancing my checkbook. ;)
so what did he say about dc10s?

Aren't they the scientology ones or was it DC9s? :D

So 17/07/14. 07 is a 7 and 14 is divisible by 7. The incorrect death toll can eventually be shoe horned into a 7. But what about 17? It contains a 7, but then there's a remainder. Unless they make that 1x7=7. :rolleyes: But following their other work it should be addition not multiplication.

The owl worshippers must be getting sloppy. Or it's too clever an algorithm.
So 17/07/14. 07 is a 7 and 14 is divisible by 7. The incorrect death toll can eventually be shoe horned into a 7. But what about 17? It contains a 7, but then there's a remainder. Unless they make that 1x7=7. :rolleyes: But following their other work it should be addition not multiplication.

The owl worshippers must be getting sloppy. Or it's too clever an algorithm.

youre gonna love this... ( not mine or my beliefs just direct from the Icke forums ) :D

'In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was killed on the 17th day of Athyr, the third month of the ancient calendar. Though not acknowledged, 17 seems to be a very meaningful number in the Mystery traditions, sort of equivalent to the Cross in Christianity. It symbolizes an unjust death and the promise of rebirth. Incidentally, Lazarus, whom many Biblical scholars believe was an adaptation of Osiris (Lazarus coming from El Ausur, Hebrew for "the god Osiris") was raised by Jesus in John 12:17. One of Lazarus’ sisters was named Marta, which means ‘mistress of the house’, the exact meaning of Nephthys.

The first officially acknowledged Masonic body, the Grand Lodge of England, was established on the Feast Day of John the Baptist in 1717. The most powerful Masonic body in the World, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite has its headquarters on 1733 16th St. in Washington, DC. There are 33 degrees in Scottish Rite Masonry.

The last manned mission to the Moon was the Apollo 17 mission. The next is the Orion 17.

As Herodotus tells us, the Greeks identified Horus with Apollo: "Before these men, they said, the rulers of Egypt were gods, but none had been contemporary with the human priests. Of these gods one or another had in succession been supreme; the last of them to rule the country was Osiris' son Horus, whom the Greeks call Apollo; he deposed Typhon, and was the last divine king of Egypt. Osiris is, in the Greek language, Dionysus." -Herodotus, Book 2, Chapter 144

Orion was identified with Osiris, who again died on the 17th day of the third month. "Month," of course, derives from the root word moon. So how many crescent moons do we see on the Orion 17 mission patch?'

or all a load of bollocks :) , except, I was born on the 17th day of the 3rd month :hmm: :D
I am sure they are sub-contracted and made under licence around the world. However the sick US individuals that put freedom of markets before common sense?

They want genuine ak47s not cheap knock offs:facepalm:

Considering his side has just killed a plane load of doctors and children and opened his side up to having Russia and the USA decide to settle their diffrences by seeing who can kill him first he is clutching at straws.
I wonder what happened when the US Warship (USS Vincennes IIRC) shot down the Iranian Airliner. Might be interesting to see what those parties said at the time.

I can understand the Ukranian separatists wanting SAMS to try to balance against the regime's air forces. And given they have had some success recently, can also understand their searching for new targets and especially if they were not very expert, mistakenly thinking they had found another regime plane.

What I can't understand is why commercial airliners were flying over this war zone, where aircraft had been only recently shot down by Surface to Air Missile Systems.
The United States did not apologize to Iran.[7] In 1996, the United States and Iran reached "an agreement in full and final settlement of all disputes, differences, claims, counterclaims" relating to the incident at the International Court of Justice.[8] As part of the settlement, the United States did not admit legal liability but agreed to pay US$61.8 million, ($92.9 million today), amounting to $213,103.45 ($320446 today) per passenger, in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.
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