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Another Malaysian airliner crashed in Ukraine

Earlier this month, in an article about the Russian push for military recruitment, the New York Times decribed one of those "alleged" perpetrators, Igor Girkin (aka Strelkov), as an "analyst" and also:

a former Russian intelligence colonel who went from being a military leader for the Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine to a frequent critic of Kremlin military strategy

Nothing else. No mention of his role in the Višegrad massacres in Bosnia-Herzegovina, atrocities in Chechnya, or the warcrimes he committed in Eastern Ukraine, let alone his role in the killing of everyone onboard Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17. Fuck the New York Times.

Apposite to say I found it very suspect that the only Buk from 3rd Battalion, deployed with that crew, happened to be the one responsible for the deaths of 298 innocent civilians. The rest of the Buks, from 2nd Battalion, 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade thankfully limited their behaviour to a lower level of outragous.
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Guilty -
  • Igor Girkin, the military leader of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic, was convicted of deploying the missile and seeking Russian help
  • Sergei Dubinsky was found to have ordered and overseen the transport of the Buk missile launcher
  • Leonid Kharchenko was found to have overseen the Buk, acting on Dubinsky's instructions.
Oleg Pulatov was acquitted, although the judges found he knew about the missile.

The judgment is unlikely to result in anyone serving time in jail for this mass murder, but the investigation has created an incontestable historical record and delivered the families some peace of mind.

MH17: Three guilty as court finds Russia-controlled group downed airliner
This from the Graun got me, such a waste of lives.

"The victims came from 17 countries and included 198 Dutch nationals, 43 Malaysians, 38 Australians and 10 from the UK. They were from all walks of life: families with children, young couples and retirees on the holiday of a lifetime, teenagers celebrating the end of exams, professionals heading to conferences, a nun, a shipping worker going home. Eighty of the victims were children.
Parents and uncles mourned children that would never go to school or graduate from college; others gave vivid family portraits of siblings and parents, their personalities, hobbies and dreams for the future. Many recounted the trauma of visiting the morgue to identify their relative’s body. Others told of the painful dawning reality that only a few bone fragments, or no remains at all, would be recovered."

The Dutch coming home.

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