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Angel, Coldharbour Lane Brixton: Brick Box applies for 7 day, 8am-5am alcohol/music/dance licence

As I said on the other thread, I quite enjoy the whole faux-Victorian thing sometimes (even if it's getting pretty tired by now) but to try to pretend that an evening like that has anything to do with local Brixton society is bollocks. It's a subcultural transplant.

In fact you probably _could_ do some sort of pseudo-historical night that had some connection to Brixton rather than just being generically steampunkoid, but I see no indication that this was tried.

Brixton was popular with the rich Victorians. Maybe this lot got confused and decided Victorians were popular in Brixton :hmm:

What Wiki says about Victorians

The Victorian era of British history was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.[1] It was a long period of peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confidence for Britain. Some scholars date the beginning of the period in terms of sensibilities and political concerns to the passage of the Reform Act 1832.

Peace, prosperity and refined sensibilities :D
That's only because it's your kind of thing anyway.

I don't think many people I know are busting a gut to hand over money to "lounge with fops and dandies in the Opium Den."

well my primary school teacher said I was always in the dressing box as soon as I finished my school work. :D

I'd consider going if it was cheap. It's my other half who loves this stuff. It's too art school for me!!

Anyway, my kinda thing now is murals and babies... though when I do get to wear my me hat (twice), I've been to someone's birthday and to Offline. :)
well my primary school teacher said I was always in the dressing box as soon as I finished my school work. :D

I'd consider going if it was cheap. It's my other half who loves this stuff. It's too art school for me!!

Anyway, my kinda thing now is murals and babies... though when I do get to wear my me hat (twice), I've been to someone's birthday and to Offline. :)

Are there any murals of babies?
As I said on the other thread, I quite enjoy the whole faux-Victorian thing sometimes (even if it's getting pretty tired by now) but to try to pretend that an evening like that has anything to do with local Brixton society is bollocks. It's a subcultural transplant.
I'm rather fascinated by Victorians/Edwardians too, and have been mulling over putting on a themed evening in Brixton for some time.

It will, of course, be free all night, advertised openly, not take place behind blacked out windows and will have a real historical connection with the area (I've already been talking to the Lambeth Archives about the event). Stay tuned!
How noisy was the Cool Tan? That was roughly in the same area wasn't it? I assume their parties were pretty late and noisy - but only at the weekends?
I'm sure they created some noise, but Cooltan was set a fair way back from the street in a detached building and the parties were usually held in the rooms at the back which were close to the railway viaduct.

The building didn't directly face on to residential properties either (the 'Viaduct' housing development was a tyre shop then) and it was adjacent to the Voice commercial building which was empty at night.

And, of course, their parties weren't every day/week.

The Angel is in a more residential area as it directly faces the Barrier Block.
How noisy was the Cooltan? That was roughly in the same area wasn't it? I assume their parties were pretty late and noisy - but only at the weekends?

Those Supper Club photos are horrific. It's like seeing pics of people from another planet.
they walk among us :(
Be careful Kanda, any minute now he'll accuse you of imagining something which he later reveals to be completely true.
It was a fiver to get in to that event wasn't it??
Forty quid to enjoy the full experience.

Brick Box could really learn from how other businesses have engaged with the Brixton community. Putting on expensive events behind blacked out windows with no local advertising isn't really the best way to make locals feel like it's an inclusive venture, IMO.
Forty quid to enjoy the full experience.

Brick Box could really learn from how other businesses have engaged with the Brixton community. Putting on expensive events behind blacked out windows with no local advertising isn't really the best way to make locals feel like it's an inclusive venture, IMO.

£5 for the full experience
£40 for the full experience with food

Was my understanding.
£5 for the full experience
£40 for the full experience with food

Was my understanding.
OK, so it was the full experience but with less of a full experience than those who paid £40 for the full full experience.

Forty quid to enjoy the full experience.

Brick Box could really learn from how other businesses have engaged with the Brixton community. Putting on expensive events behind blacked out windows with no local advertising isn't really the best way to make locals feel like it's an inclusive venture, IMO.
more like a way to make people think it's some sort of lapdancing venue or knocking shop
OK, so it was the full experience but with less of a full experience than those who paid £40 for the full full experience.


That's a negative way of putting it I think. But that seems to be how you feel about the whole venture, up to you.
That's a negative way of putting it I think. But that seems to be how you feel about the whole venture, up to you.
It's a factual way of putting it. You did not get the full experience for £5 no matter how you bizarrely try to twist and spin the facts. If you paid a fiver you missed out on the dinner which was clearly a major part of the night.
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