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Angel, Coldharbour Lane Brixton: Brick Box applies for 7 day, 8am-5am alcohol/music/dance licence

They're chancing their arm re the license and applying for the maximum possible. There's pretty much no way they would get that.
This ^^.

It's a common tactic by licensees to apply for really long hours, then 'make do' with something less, e.g. 9am to 3am or similar. I expect they're just put feelers out to see what the licensing/planning officers think.

Presumably once the 'arty' 6 month pilot is over they'll just turn into another Dogstar/Living-style bar, under the guise of theatre/supper clubs etc. Let's face it, if you're going to buy property in central Brixton and expensively develop it, you either need to be a national chain retailer or someone who sells lots and lots of alcohol late into the night to make ends meet.
They're chancing their arm re the license and applying for the maximum possible. There's pretty much no way they would get that. But to be sure immediately local residents are going to have to object and list what the previous situation is and what the impact the one they're applying for would be.
Let me tell you something. There was a person who applied for a licence to store alcohol in the Access storage in Acre Lane - in a shoe cupboard. I and Bill Linskey, chair of the BS objected. The lady in charge of "consultation" was highly displeased. She thought the applicants scheme to store alcohol in a cupboard, which would be offered for sale on the internet and on an 0845 telephone number was unobjectionable. She also pointed out that the council had already authorised a similar scheme for a wine club based in Soho which stored it's alcohol in the Red Devil storage place in Kennington. And there was a third one which I can't now remember.
Anyway when myself & Bill refused to withdraw our objections, it went to committee. And the committee passed it as we had no ground to suspect that delivering alcohol to parties at 4 am in various parts of Lambeth was in any way undesirable.

If they have that approach to licensing, they might as well close the department down altogether and lay off the staff.

I have had experience in the early 1980s objecting to a dodgy off-license on Brixton Hill - near what is or was the Fridge. That was when you had to go to the magistrates court & they took note.

I have also been an applicant under the old court system - I was helping to run a gay disco in Merton in the late 1970s when the Police suddenly decided that a fortnightly disco in a council hall was too frequent for an occasional license. Maybe the new Commander was "born again" - you know how it is. Anyway it ended up the group (WAGS=Wimbledon Area Gay Scoiety) had to go in with a pub (the Dog & Fox, Wimbledon Hill) and in due course lost the gig because the pub just took over a profitable income stream themselves - c'est la vie.

Anyway the long and the short of it is that the Brick Box will simply apply for the max, and the council will interpret that as simply covering all possibilities. Not that they will use all the time granted. After all the Beehive has a license till 1 am. They last used that on Christmas Eve I believe.

Sorry to bore the pants off everybody. The best bet for objecting to to get a petition up. They would take more notice of that.
Here's what the last Brick Box event at the Angel looked like:





That is the most depressing thing i've seen on the net for a while. Where the fuck did these cunts crawl out from? Fuck off.Cunts.

They should have just got the locals from the estate to act as their servants :rolleyes:

Only dressing up of course
and why do so many of them use their middle names or have double-barrelled names? Are we becoming American or is it purely for Facebook purposes? :hmm:
Can't even begin to explain how much object to this line: "With its positionality located so close to the buzzing town centre, The Brick Box looks set to become an exciting venue that will contribute to the cultural and creative melting pot that Brixton is fast becoming renowned and respected for."

Brixton was a 'cultural and creative melting pot' fucking years before Lexadon and Brick Box rocked into town.

Well apart from the stupidity postionality located in that sentence, they seem to saying 1. Brixton is a cultural and creative melting pot. 2. It's becoming renowned for that now, and 3. they are set to contribute to that. Not that it wasn't a melting pot before their arrival.
Well apart from the stupidity postionality located in that sentence, they seem to saying 1. Brixton is a cultural and creative melting pot. 2. It's becoming renowned for that now and 3. they are set to contribute to that. Not that it wasn't a melting pot before their arrival.

This lot have been thrown into the melting pot now though

Here's what the last Brick Box event at the Angel looked like
It's unbelievable to me- I feel like an alien-I just woke up- I must put my TV on RT immediately just to get back to some sense like the egalitarian 1970s! I bet that John Major would gave been shocked- he described himself as to the left of Blair at Levenson today- and he wasn't far wrong-night night
Wasn't there an offline where everyone want to come in tux and evening wear? I know, it wasn't £40 a head.
No, there wasn't. You've dreamt that one up, I'm afraid.

However, if I ever did put on such a night, it would be FREE to all, clearly advertised beforehand in the local community (so it wouldn't appear like an exclusive party for my vibrant Twitter chums), and it wouldn't take place in a blacked-out pub either.

It's saying that by keeping much, much longer hours and putting on bands, busy events and DJs throughout the week they're somehow going to end up making less noise than a pub that opened infrequently and kept very limited hours.

Well, no. Thats exactly what they are not saying. Clearly they are being deliberately vaugue, and saying we're going to be licence premises, just like the building used to be.
Well, no. Thats exactly what they are not saying. Clearly they are being deliberately vaugue, and saying we're going to be licence premises, just like the building used to be.
Except they have clearly specified that they want to be able to regularly put on booze, bands, performances and recorded music from 8am until 5am - something the previous owners never did.
Except they have clearly specified that they want to be able to regularly put on booze, bands, performances and recorded music from 8am until 5am - something the previous owners never did.

As many people have already pointed out, they are chancing their arm with that.
No, there wasn't. You've dreamt that one up, I'm afraid.

However, if I ever did put on such a night, it would be FREE to all, clearly advertised beforehand in the local community (so it wouldn't appear like an exclusive party for my vibrant Twitter chums), and it wouldn't take place in a blacked-out pub either.


You're good at missing the point of what people are saying, I wonder if you do it intentionally.

boohoo said- where everyone wanted to come in evening wear. NOT that you organised it that way.
You're good at missing the point of what people are saying, I wonder if you do it intentionally.

boohoo said- where everyone wanted to come in evening wear. NOT that you organised it that way.
You've got that completely wrong, as usual. When 'Toffline' was mooted (many years ago), people wanted it as a special one-off event which I would have organised as a one-off Offline event, possibly at a different (free) venue.

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