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Angel, Coldharbour Lane Brixton: Brick Box applies for 7 day, 8am-5am alcohol/music/dance licence

.....It's the way they reckon they've got the finger on the pulse of the Brixton community but come out with patronising guff about hanging out with and getting their inspiration from street drinkers that makes me cross.

To be honest it all seems a bit more The Crimson Petal And The White/Tipping The Velvet to me but it doesn't do their cred much good saying they've been heavily influenced by erotic costume drama on the telly.

If they were just doing their thing in a space awaiting the developers, doing their £40 a pop soirées, I don't think anyone would give a flying fuck. It's the unalloyed shite they come out with, pretending they're doing the community a favour. That's why I'm spitting blood and feathers.
They should have just got the locals from the estate to act as their servants :rolleyes:

Only dressing up of course

How about inviting the "Gas Gang":D .They are local, fit the criteria of Brick Box:

"It is the forgotten corners, the ‘uncool’ areas, and the dark empty, ‘difficult’ places that we seek. It is here that we weave the arts in to daily happenings; it is here that different people meet, and it is here that ideas are forged and birthed from the fruitful tension between creativity and every day life. "
How about inviting the "Gas Gang":D .They are local, fit the criteria of Brick Box:

"It is the forgotten corners, the ‘uncool’ areas, and the dark empty, ‘difficult’ places that we seek. It is here that we weave the arts in to daily happenings; it is here that different people meet, and it is here that ideas are forged and birthed from the fruitful tension between creativity and every day life. "

Great idea :D
Please stop responding to my posts accusing me of stuff. Thanks.
It's actually you bringing up my name for no reason once again.

Anyway, I'd be delighted to not respond to any more of your posts or mention you or allude to you in any way at all if you promise to do the same, because all this personal crap is just disrupting important discussions.

Do we have a deal?
It wasn't for no reason, it was because you always seem to make a point of disagreeing with me and twisting what I am saying. Even though on this thread 'my crime' was to simply point out that you had lied about what boohoo posted.

Bizarre behaviour.

I really think you need to chill out.

There will be no 'deal'. I will continue to answer any posts I wish.

It wasn't for no reason, it was because you always seem to make a point of disagreeing with me and twisting what I am saying. Even though on this thread 'my crime' was to simply point out that you had lied about what boohoo posted.

Bizarre behaviour.

I really think you need to chill out.

There will be no 'deal'. I will continue to answer any posts I wish.


For me these vibrant and edgy threads are what makes Brixton so marvellously wicked!! Why don't you two dress up historically, maybe Charles Fox and Pitt the Younger, and continue the debate on Ritzy Square and down the Nigel? We could charge punters £5 for a choice 18th century insult insult and £40 to have a plate of curry goat with you.
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