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Angel, Coldharbour Lane Brixton: Brick Box applies for 7 day, 8am-5am alcohol/music/dance licence

You've got that completely wrong, as usual. When 'Toffline' was mooted (many years ago), people wanted it as a special one-off event which I would have organised as a one-off Offline event, possibly at a different (free) venue.


So instead of flying off the handle & telling boohoo she'd imagined it. You could have replied with a straightforward, and far less confrontational, 'yes, that's right' or similar. :rolleyes:

HTH (but I know it won't, sadly)
It looks absolutely identical to the Angel too eh? (as described in their planning application of course)

Fuck me, there's another one at it now!! :D

(missing the point of what people are saying, before you pretend you don't know)
(missing the point of what people are saying, before you pretend you don't know)
Phew! What a relief you're on hand to offer your personalised interpretations of what everyone actually meant to say, while turning interesting threads into dull, dull pedantic point score-a-thons.

So, what do you think about Brick Box and the Angel? Any actual relevant opinions?
Here's what the last Brick Box event at the Angel looked like:







no poors, no blacks.

man, this makes me want to join class war.
We look for inspiration from the streets of the world; the places that are visceral and rough and ready; where the street drinkers hang out; where the bins are kept.

Good job they kept the windows blacked out all night and stopped any passing urchins and street drinkers from rubbing their grubby noses against the windows while the dandies were inside having fun, what! Tuck in, chaps!
Quite a few blacks attended if you look at photos as mentioned already

apparently so. at least that criticism is unfounded.

but... misrepresenting people on the internet is what i do best. incidentally, i was using the term "blacks" in a manner designed to evoke the unpleasant days when "no blacks" would be the sort of expression used by people whose attitude to integration wasn't beyond criticism. it seems that i may need to explain this as i feel my point may be poorly expressed, or just plain missed.

"We're all off to the Brick Box. It's vibrant. And edgy!"
Is that Nick Clegg bottom left? BTW anybody got one of those Free Eye test vouchers for SpecSavers? I refuse to pay £25 when I've had my benefit cut off by bloody IDS!
Is that Nick Clegg bottom left? BTW anybody got one of those Free Eye test vouchers for SpecSavers? I refuse to pay £25 when I've had my benefit cut off by bloody IDS!

If you're on Income Support you get free eye test anyway
Boots don't do it in Brixton it seems. Dolland & Aitcheson is £10.
One of the staff in Specsavers said they do cut-out vouchers in the Metro for free ones sometimes.
That was what I was looking for - but I seldom manage to bestir myself to get the Metro - its a load of rubbish really anyway, isn't it?
I might end up at D&A. There's one of those near the UCKG I think.
Thanks again for the tip
Boots don't do it in Brixton it seems. Dolland & Aitcheson is £10.
One of the staff in Specsavers said they do cut-out vouchers in the Metro for free ones sometimes.
That was what I was looking for - but I seldom manage to bestir myself to get the Metro - its a load of rubbish really anyway, isn't it?
I might end up at D&A. There's one of those near the UCKG I think.
Thanks again for the tip

Does Brixton Tescos do them?
Translation: we have no culture, or ideas. No imagination. So we dress us up as poor urchins from the street. To cover up our Oxbridge heritage.

You guys so didn't go to art school. Take plain object for example a cup of coffee. Put in gallery - talk loads of made up crap about it for example- My mug is chipped and broken like the cracked lives of the poor oppressed working classes of the estates. The caffeine in the coffee represents the potential for uprise amongst the individuals trapped. longing to see the cup as half full and not empty. To not be a mug. etc.etc. quote some obscure stuff. refer to an art movement - lets go for duchamp. he put the ordinary into gallery to subvert meaning. blah blah blah.
And actually all this controversy is a great way of promoting something! I'm even more curious to see what I'm missing!!:D
And actually all this controversy is a great way of promoting something! I'm even more curious to see what I'm missing!!:D
That's only because it's your kind of thing anyway.

I don't think many people I know are busting a gut to hand over money to "lounge with fops and dandies in the Opium Den."
Boots don't do it in Brixton it seems. Dolland & Aitcheson is £10.
One of the staff in Specsavers said they do cut-out vouchers in the Metro for free ones sometimes.
That was what I was looking for - but I seldom manage to bestir myself to get the Metro - its a load of rubbish really anyway, isn't it?
I might end up at D&A. There's one of those near the UCKG I think.
Thanks again for the tip
They often do deals at the independent one on CHL near the Albert, worth an ask.
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As I said on the other thread, I quite enjoy the whole faux-Victorian thing sometimes (even if it's getting pretty tired by now) but to try to pretend that an evening like that has anything to do with local Brixton society is bollocks. It's a subcultural transplant.

In fact you probably _could_ do some sort of pseudo-historical night that had some connection to Brixton rather than just being generically steampunkoid, but I see no indication that this was tried.
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