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And next, Syria?

Amazing pictures of what must be a horrific place - traffic cops determined to prove that they don't need traffic to exist, university students studying for futures that might not exist. That runway is gonna be fall of Saigon embassy rooftop chaos.
A bit like here in Damascus, look at nearby streets there's normal traffic (and those traffic cops), people shopping, students going to schools and university, raise your gaze and you see the utter destruction in the surrounding area. It's a bizarre place.
JAN executed 24 (some figures higher) druze in idlib day before yesterday. Claims that it was a new tunisian commander trying to impress battle hardened fighters. In the south, druze have also been blocking regime tanks and other things from leaving their areas. Questions of how they are going to relate to the (FSA & non islamist) southern front, who, having taken the second largest military base in the country earlier this week, have now immediately moved onto attacking the al-Thala airbase, actually getting inside for a while yesterday.

(Wow what that drivel above from cr?)
JAN executed 24 (some figures higher) druze in idlib day before yesterday. Claims that it was a new tunisian commander trying to impress battle hardened fighters. In the south, druze have also been blocking regime tanks and other things from leaving their areas. Questions of how they are going to relate to the (FSA & non islamist) southern front, who, having taken the second largest military base in the country earlier this week, have now immediately moved onto attacking the al-Thala airbase, actually getting inside for a while yesterday.

(Wow what that drivel above from cr?)

Walid Jumblatt was tweeting about the Druze position during the week, but it was in Arabic - I think he was stressing the importance of Syria maintaining statehood - which is the Moscow position.

The unusual part of those Time photos is the humanising of civilians under regime control - the captions present relatable modernity surrounded by jihadi baddie others. The piece you posted in the other thread referred to a possible situation where the US/NATO would have to pick between Assad & Isis, and would choose Assad - is this the beginning of a change of tone?

If the Army of Conquest were to be totally defeated and sundered between the hammer of the barrel bombs and the anvil of ISIL, and if the conflict turns to be Assad versus ISIL alone; then the US, and the world, would intervene on the side of Assad. After all, the US air raids in the region are directed only against ISIL. Even in Iraq, the US was forced, by the maneuver of pulling the Iraqi Security Forces quickly out of Ramadi, to accept what it had previously rejected—that is, involving the Shia militias in the war for Anbar. By accepting that, the US had to mute the facts of the Shia militias’ atrocities against the population of Anbar. Having done that, why would it not later mute the crimes of Assad against his people as well, in order to gather all forces to fight ISIL in Syria?
Walid Jumblatt was tweeting about the Druze position during the week, but it was in Arabic - I think he was stressing the importance of Syria maintaining statehood - which is the Moscow position.

The unusual part of those Time photos is the humanising of civilians under regime control - the captions present relatable modernity surrounded by jihadi baddie others. The piece you posted in the other thread referred to a possible situation where the US/NATO would have to pick between Assad & Isis, and would choose Assad - is this the beginning of a change of tone?

Someone once told me that Time magazine has always been especially close to US establishment foreign policy circles - anyone else ever hear this?

We used to have some back issues of Time in the house. One, which I wish I'd kept, had a front-page story on the Iran-Iraq war, which basically said "Saddam's a great guy, he's protecting us from the Mullahs'. This would have been from 1986.
Re: the ongoing battle for Druze loyalties...

Syrian Druze Join Battle to Push Back Rebels in South

BEIRUT — Members of Syria's Druze minority have helped repel a rebel attack on an army base in the south, mobilizing to confront insurgents including al Qaeda's Nusra Front who are trying to build on gains against President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based organization that tracks the war, said on Friday rebels had been driven from the base, which they had partly captured on Thursday, by air strikes and Druze fighters from nearby Sweida.
Walid Jumblatt was tweeting about the Druze position during the week, but it was in Arabic - I think he was stressing the importance of Syria maintaining statehood - which is the Moscow position.

The unusual part of those Time photos is the humanising of civilians under regime control - the captions present relatable modernity surrounded by jihadi baddie others. The piece you posted in the other thread referred to a possible situation where the US/NATO would have to pick between Assad & Isis, and would choose Assad - is this the beginning of a change of tone?
Some shift of focus in PR terms at least - need to find ground based examples etc. I can't commit to saying this is happening, i think they're waiting (but obv coming up with diff scenarios) on what happens in next two months i north and south.
JAN executed 24 (some figures higher) druze in idlib day before yesterday. Claims that it was a new tunisian commander trying to impress battle hardened fighters. In the south, druze have also been blocking regime tanks and other things from leaving their areas. Questions of how they are going to relate to the (FSA & non islamist) southern front, who, having taken the second largest military base in the country earlier this week, have now immediately moved onto attacking the al-Thala airbase, actually getting inside for a while yesterday.

(Wow what that drivel above from cr?)
Sounds like your wanking in yer pants, I won't mention your filthy name you CUNT.
At least C,R has a pair...
of braincells? Don't be too generous there!

On another note the Syrians seem to have a thing for the Queen! :D

Forget greenwashing and pinkwashing, this is Christ-washing

It's one of a number of looted statues and artefacts being returned by Muslims to the Christians of maloula , which was previously overrun by the " moderate "rebels and where some of the most ancient christian sites in the world were desecrated , destroyed and blown up . Stuff dating back 1700 years and more . Along with the statue they got back various bells , ornaments , crucifixes and the like . And they had a celebration in one of the now restored churches , we're all faiths attended . And prayed together for Syria , Iraq , Lebanon and Palestine , for Muslim and non Muslim alike . The Greek catholic patriarch who presided over the days events said they symbolised A resurrection in Syria of civilised values, Christian and Muslim alike, in the face of those who have no values .

So it was pretty symbolic really . And some badly needed good news in the midst of a lot of bad .
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Walid Jumblatt was tweeting about the Druze position during the week, but it was in Arabic - I think he was stressing the importance of Syria maintaining statehood - which is the Moscow position.

He openly backs Al Qaeda and is on record just recently as refusing to call them terrorists . Despite their incessant persecution of Druze in Syria . He's also regularly called for them to join the very jihadists persecuting them , and even travelled to turkey to meet Al Qaeda leaders to try and secure concessions for them , fruitlessly . Convert or die was the message he got . . The events in sweida, we're it seems the Druze have now joined the Syrian army and NDF en masse , appear to be a massive fuck off to him from the Syrian Druze . It also seems he's made a big miscalculation as regards the jihadists along the Syrian and Lebanese border , we're he was confident of them making a drive on Damascus . The SAA and HB have pretty much tanked them in the past month and driven them out of their mountain strongholds in arsal , badly wrong footing him on that prediction .
Other Druze leaders in Lebanon are now calling on all Druze to go to Syria to fight the rebels . While he's been pressuring Druze religious leaders to keep quiet about the persecution . Events seem to have overtaken him .
Looks to me like ISIS have decided to lose Tell Abyad/Gre Spi without much fuss, preferring to leave a small force to stall YPG and allies whilst remainder of fighters and weaponry is evacuated through turkey - to undoubtedly reappear at the Jarabulus border crossing in a short while. Maybe even heading straight over to the areas they're attempting to advance on around Aleppo.
Sat in my room with a bottle of Jameson's tonight getting rid of the shit!

Through my daughter I'm helping out the brother of one of the locals here who's managed to get to Germany, drop of water on a white hot stone!
The YPG and allies have been officially proclaiming the liberation (not the total freeing - just control of 90% of the area) since the middle of last night - didn't post i as it seemed too quick. But, fuck, it seems proper.

This looks great = produced by a Spanish anarchist collective, concentrating on the attempts at self-management within the revolution (all those who think rebels = ISIS or AQ dare not enter) - PLEASE DON'T put this on twitter btw:

edit: horrible REALLY non safe for work stuff from 25 mins in.

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