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And next, Syria?

Yes, seemed OK on skimming the first few paragraphs but it is always worth bearing in mind what someone's angle might be.

Yeah for sure, sorry if sounded a smart arse, it wasn't meant as a criticism for posting, just an observation. I'm happy to read most things from most people - especially as trying to make sense of the current and escalating mess over there.
Language of genocide promoters there :(

I guess its straight out of the war zone. The dehumanizing language of hatred that a society at war for years can make commonplace, it's the real deal right there. Scary disturbing stuff. It didn't strike me as aimed at an ethnic or religious group so much as the hated enemy... not that the category don't got flex.
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I guess its straight out of the the war zone. The dehumanizing language of hatred that a society at war for years can make commonplace, it's the real deal right there. Scary disturbing stuff. It didn't strike me as aimed at an ethnic or religious group so much as the hated enemy... not that the category don't got flex.
Yet you delighted in it. Like you chose to defend barrel bombs. You did that.

Does anyone know how long that government held area slap in the middle of ISIS territory has been there? How the hell is it supplied? Air drops?

I thought the FSA and Nusra supplies were now cut off? Seems controlled areas still border Turkey and are thus easily supplied or am I misunderstanding?
Yet you delighted in it. Like you chose to defend barrel bombs. You did that.

What do you mean I delighted in it, have you mixed me up with someone else again?

I never defended barrel bombs, just pointed out that in wars bombs get dropped where civilians live all the time, war involves a lot of that... essentially to me it's as if your main complaint is that the Syrian Army isn't rocking Hellfire, by L. Martin. If it's the tactic of targetting and terrorizing civilians that you're focused on then say that, talking about the sloppy but cheap weapon itself all the time as if a barrel full of exposives dropped from an aircraft is the most evil and insideous weapon of mass destruction yet devised by man doesn't really shed much light in my opinion, just saying "barrel bomb" a lot as if that in itself should mean something is bollocks.
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Syria: the last assignment

Cameraman Yasser al-Jumaili's unseen footage takes us into the lives of Syrian rebels – but he pays the ultimate price. .

Really interesting documentary about the rebels in Syria, with footage filmed by Yasser al-Jumaili, who was killed by unknown assailants in 2013.

That was the very last major rebel stronghold in Latakia . Pretty amazing how the Syrians liberated all those mountainous fortresses with such few casualties and often serious speed . They went down like dominoes once the push started .

Good article here by Fisk concerning that front . Mentions returned deserters from the so called FSA being in the front wave of the Syrian offensive , vastly improved Syrian training, tactics, equipment, morale . And highlights more Turkish border shenanigans .

Syrian soldiers are finally tasting the fruits of victory – but they know Isis isn't dead

And with that final bit of high ground taken the Syrian observation and artillery posts can now exercise control over the plains and highways right up to Idlib. Well within their sights now . Any rebel supply or fighter convoys in the open there will get picked off at will for miles around . Big offensive there next is highly likely and that'll be the Turkish border sealed . And game over . Well that major part of the game anyway .
After that's done the major decisive showdown with ISIS can get underway . And it's already started on a number of fronts .

Very informative piece here on the importance of Latakia to Turkish ambitions . Explains how for both Syria and Turkey it's loss means effectively losing the war .

The war's outcome will be decided in Latakia province

Obviously why Fisks article makes note of " Turkey is going nuts " .." Erdogan is going nuts " with such frequency . They've lost big time .
I think it would be fair to say that in this respect American foreign policy has been a complete shambles.

America Is Now Fighting A Proxy War With Itself In Syria

That's your " revolution " right there . In a nutshell .With the very same scenario played out endlessly between rival Turkish , Saudi and Qatari backed proxies ...full of chechens, uighirs, Dagestanis, morrocans, tunisians, turks, indonesians, saudis...all seeking the upper hand for their foreign sponsors too.
I guess its straight out of the war zone. The dehumanizing language of hatred that a society at war for years can make commonplace, it's the real deal right there. Scary disturbing stuff. It didn't strike me as aimed at an ethnic or religious group so much as the hated enemy... not that the category don't got flex.

The writer points out one of the towns he mentions was the birthplace of a close friend of his killed by the headchoppers . The bitterness is understandable . All those jihadi bastards have brought to Syria is untold misery , chaos and destruction everywhere they set foot , along with a myriad of competing foreign agendas that had nothing whatsoever to do with the interests of the Syrian people .
Vermin, rats and cockroaches is a fair enough description under the circumstances . They are a backward plague of nihilism and the sooner they're definitively stamped out for good the better .
Not forgetting all the loony tunes the regime released from prison, of whom this was one.

That was what the protestors demanded though . Wasn't it ? The release of their hero . It was his supporters doing the protesting . And western pressure demanding Assad make concessions to them .

Did Assad make the Western powers, Turkey and Saudi supply him with an army as well ? Because he was just some arsehole in flip flops when the Surians released him .

Luckily the Syrians finally tracked him down and blew him clean out of his flip flops .
Care to provide a specific link for that claim? Would you also care to comment on the targeting of medical facilities by both the regime and the Russian airforce? Something I have repeatedly asked you to do but which so far you have ignored.
The writer points out one of the towns he mentions was the birthplace of a close friend of his killed by the headchoppers . The bitterness is understandable . All those jihadi bastards have brought to Syria is untold misery , chaos and destruction everywhere they set foot , along with a myriad of competing foreign agendas that had nothing whatsoever to do with the interests of the Syrian people .
Vermin, rats and cockroaches is a fair enough description under the circumstances . They are a backward plague of nihilism and the sooner they're definitively stamped out for good the better .

Precisely. Why waste any sympathy on a load of dead jihadis? If they had the chance, they'd saw off your head without a second thought, so fuck them. Sideways with a rusty chainsaw.

Some pretty rare footage here of the Syrian army using ATGM to clear the beardies out of their rat nests .

Video: Syrian Forces Purge Terrorists with ATGM around Kinsabba in Latakia Province, Syria

The head choppers have made great play over the last number of years of posting up videos of TOW strikes against Syrian personnel . Guess that's just the Syrians rubbing it in as they don't usually broadcast their stuff in the same manner .

No gore in the link or anything like that, but obviously anyone who doesn't want to see fighters getting blown up shouldn't watch it .
Care to provide a specific link for that claim? Would you also care to comment on the targeting of medical facilities by both the regime and the Russian airforce? Something I have repeatedly asked you to do but which so far you have ignored.
Of course he wouldn't his head will explode due to the amount of cognitive dissonance.
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