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Anarchists and Lifestylism revisited…

catch said:
The majority of things that HI do are not "asking the council".

What we normally do is go out and speak directly to people where they live - knocking on doors for surveys - and distributing the newsletter. In the case of surveys, this isn't asking the council to do things, it's asking working class people about their own concerns - what they think is wrong, what they'd like to see happen etc. etc. We then feedback the results of this in a newsletter - sometimes just back to the blocks we did the survey on, sometimes the whole area, meaning that people can see what others in their area are thinking about, hopefully feel less isolated, maybe start to act together to improve things. Recently, one person we surveyed said "this is the first time in 25 years anyone's asked me what it's like to live on this estate". The fact that there's been a large concentration of political activists living in Hackney for decades, and people are largely ignored by them, certainly doesn't increase self-confidence does it? Surveys can lead to anything from helping individuals with getting repairs done*, organising public meetings, simply putting different people in touch with each other, contacting the local press, and yes, sometimes dealing with the council if they're responsible.
* although we're trying to move towards a situation where groups of people with repairs issues act collectively by taking on the landlord (not always the council) together, with or without practical help from us.<<<

In the case of Haggerston Pool - a situation that existed for a while before I got involved with HI and one I've not been directly involved with -the most recent thing we did was help out with the Laburnum Street Party:

This is organised by the community around Haggerston Pool - not by us, and we supported it by stewarding on the day, plus ran a stall (I personally didn't do anything 'cos I was in the middle of moving). As far as I know at no point have we tried to lead the campaign or bring it into HI, just support it with publicity and practical help where we can. Were we to squat haggerston pool and turn it into a social centre there's a number things that might happen:

1. We'd have to spend a lot of time making sure the place was secure and arrange for it to be occupied. Since most people in HI have families and/or jobs, this would take up all of our resources in terms of time (or more likely exhaust them). We'd therefore be unable to continue distributing our 8000 newsletters door-to-door, and wouldn't have time to do any surveys. Potentially breaking links with the communities we're active in.

2. The result of this would be that rather than going out and speaking to working class people where they lived, we'd be inviting them to come to us at the social centre. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. Were it to work, point 1 would be at least partly ameliorated, but not necessarily.

3. Most importantly, it would mean us imposing a specific form of organisation, a specific tactic, on a campaign that runs independently of HI. And attempting to use that tactic to bring more campaigns (Blue Hut, Clissold etc.) into that particular political space we'd created. It might boost all those campaigns, it might mean the people involved got really pissed off at us for hijacking them and acting on their behalf without consultation. Again, it could go both ways, I don't want to suggest it'd always be bad.

4. Whatever happened, it's very unlikely we'd be able to get it working as a swimming pool directly (I have no idea what the condition of the place is like personally - never been there), even with a lot of community help, unless a load of construction workers, engineers and lifeguards gave significant amounts of time for free. So it'd be largely symbolic, and at best provide facilities/meeting space for a few things (but not necessarily any better than existing ones, and possibly with a lot more time and effort for the same result).

If the result was we ended up with Haggerston Pool workers' and users' co-op with people around the world comparing it to the Zanon factory, that'd be great, it's also extremely unlikely, and would be an isolated event (like JoeBlack's 2020 Colchester uprising example), and therefore not allowed to last long.

To get it working as a pool again, realistically would mean getting funds from the council, so squatting becomes simply a more spectacular way of "asking the council", but one dressed up as direct action. This is my problem with the current state of direct action in general.

See that's the problem with your criticisms. If we approach Hackney Council, it's usually because people have asked us to help them get things sorted out, not because we love talking to them, or because we think they have any real power to change things long term. Either way, it's usually informed by either surveys or direct requests, not "whatever we feel is appropriate" - otherwise it runs the risk of substituting for the class, innit. If communities substantially disagree with our take on things, we'll often keep putting our arguments forward but we won't do things 'on their behalf' that they've clearly rejected when we've spoken to them.

I'd love it if HI was able to take on more campaigns, and more wide ranging ones, many of which would have nothing to do with the council, but at the moment we've got limited resources, and social housing and community facilities are decent things to concentrate on that provide real material benefits short term. Hackney Council are also incredibly shit, and attack working class people and public facilities whenever they get the chance, so they're an easy target as well.

maybe i shouldn't have expected anything less. The more you explain the more your 'lifestyle' intent becomes apparent. A kind of hanger-on at hackney independent doesn't really make you qualified to answer what they feel they can do. Maybe i should've gone directly to the people actively involved with hackney independent.

From what you've said i genuinely don't think you have a clue. You actually don't do anything & from the above you seem terrified of anything that expresses your 'politics' in a pactical real world way.
montevideo said:
maybe i shouldn't have expected anything less. The more you explain the more your 'lifestyle' intent becomes apparent. A kind of hanger-on at hackney independent doesn't really make you qualified to answer what they feel they can do. Maybe i should've gone directly to the people actively involved with hackney independent.
Catch - look at this post. What is the point of engaging with this? You've written thousands of words here, and that's the reply. It's nothing more than petty sniping and attempts at point scoring with an audience of no one.

sorry to interject, well not really. lots of interesting posts on U75...and i really should work. but this looks too juicy.


Anarchism is very enticing, decent, honest and so on. Like TD says Lifestyling does little if it isnt in combination with a lot of other efforts.

Trouble is that people are often rude/obnoxious and so on to each other within any `movement`. Even the neo-cons fight internally for example.

If one beleives in a soceity less hierarchical, more peaceful etc etc then we have to take every little chance going, whether it is done by an `anarchist` or by someone else. by design or accident.

An example...i dont really like the chap Galloway myself, he seems too egotistical, good down the pub etc but you get my drift. But i dont understand the obsession so mnay other leftys have dissing him. why bother?
is he worse than Labour, the Tories? yes i know parliament is a sham, but he is the least problem within it...ignore him if he pisses you off. who cares, he's just one part in a billion.

prioritise. galloway is not a priority is he? i cant see that myself.

so i dont like the lifestyler people really, or the clowns. but when you compare them - or even Bob Geldof and Bono - to the actions of the US Airforce or Northrupp Grumman or UTS who cares?

if people wanna live in a teepee and be a bit pious then ok...its a bit annoying....but its not a priority. if people wanna be in a Trade Union and not join a (insert anarchist group here) then so what...its not a priority.

priorities are about undermining a system of power that kills, that kills/has killed millions. not about differences between you and me and Galloway and XXX, YYY etc...

Also big power should be attacked, big stuff, the IMF, World Bank, G8, US govt, UK state, EU govts...

i dont get the infighting...the dissing...the amount of energy wasted...it shows a lack of discipline, if you have a row have it personally, indoors...get on creating your own thing, combine it with others, try and do you best...

stop judging each other, we have enough pharises as it is...
prioritise. galloway is not a priority is he? i cant see that myself.
But no anarchists I know prioritises Galloway in any way- what they do is have a go at him when necessary to expose him for for the hopeless, cynical, Baathist fandago-shaker that he is.

or even Bob Geldof and Bono - to the actions of the US Airforce or Northrupp Grumman or UTS who cares?
Geldof and Bono are just another wing to UTS.

Also big power should be attacked, big stuff, the IMF, World Bank, G8, US govt, UK state, EU govts...
Yes but how is the question.
Unless I'm mistaken you're just restating these things are bad?? :confused:
sihhi said:
But no anarchists I know prioritises Galloway in any way- what they do is have a go at him when necessary to expose him for for the hopeless, cynical, Baathist fandago-shaker that he is.

Geldof and Bono are just another wing to UTS.

Yes but how is the question.
Unless I'm mistaken you're just restating these things are bad?? :confused:
a "fandango-shaker" :D thats great im gonna use that everywhere
montevideo said:
maybe i shouldn't have expected anything less ... 'lifestyle' intent .. hanger-on ... doesn't really make you qualified... i genuinely don't think you have a clue. You actually don't do anything & from the above you seem terrified of anything that expresses your 'politics' in a pactical real world way.

I'm disappointed that you're unable to express any arguments outside ad-hominem attacks in your posts Monte.
catch said:
I'm disappointed that you're unable to express any arguments outside ad-hominem attacks in your posts Monte.

Sometimes life is disappointing catch. But if you want a few more of those ad-homenem attacks Monte is pitching up at the P&P meet up in October, swigging beer , spinning daring do tales of European anarchism an whispering sonnets of lurve in that Esperanto accent to the women folk.
haggy said:
i came across this this afternoon and thought it was pertinent to the v interesting discussion on this site:

"... those whose identity is based on 'their opposition' to the world as it is, have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. To change the world it is necessary to abandon those character traits that aid survival in capitalist society." (Stewart Home)


i guess what it means - in the context of this debate - is that clowning, various forms of 'art terrorism', etc - are "character traits that aid survival in capitalist society". moreover, these activities can and are co-opted very easily by mainstream consumer capitalism. on the other hand, if you just get on with it cos you genuinely see the need to (ie, politcal activity is not something you do to stoke your ego or something you affect to provide yourself with an identity) then this is less easily co-opted.

the problem becomes one that TD has raised: does this mean that imaginitive forms of political activity should be viewed with suspicion and only the tried and tested (and largely failed) 'mass' forms pursued?
Ive always been interested by Benjamin's points in the Author as Producer. Although discussing art, they are just as relevant to the sphere of politics. Essentially, the question of whether it is the content (by itself) that makes it revolutionary; or is it how the activity is done that gives it possibilities to break out of reproducing social relations...? ie. how things are done is as important (perhaps more so) as what is actually being said... A political newspaper or a group on a march might well have the correct political line on things, but their form of activity negates whatever revolutionary potential their words might have had to say.
ChrisBear said:
i dont get the infighting...the dissing...the amount of energy wasted...it shows a lack of discipline, if you have a row have it personally, indoors...get on creating your own thing, combine it with others, try and do you best...

stop judging each other, we have enough pharises as it is...

Welcome to the boards dude.

Top DOg said: There's the challenge then attica... lets have a post that doesnt feature the words 'Edward' or 'Thompson' :D

I must say that I am other things apart from a neo Thompsonian, you could say I am autonomist (Cleavor, Negri, etc) but what I do dislike are ideas without the class, that are not based on the class struggle as it actually has existed (and a second ago is in the past...)... "The Poverty of theory" correctly castigated some marxists for having no class (subjectivities/history), and it is something that is easy to see applies (to anarchists as well) today e.g. those who say 'we have to start again' are just elitist (and other things but I'll be diplomatic)... I owe a theoretical debt to Gramsci, Scraton, Lea, Ruggiero, and many more besides too... A lot not normally found within the orthodox ultra left/anarchist canon.

PS - did what you said Top DOg;)
Thora said:
Fuck off - insurgent desire's an excellent website.
Loads of new essays uploaded to the site. Including enlarged Feral Faun and John Zerzan sections, a Fredy Perlman archive, new stuff in the Misc section and additions to the Species Traitor archive.

Yeah, brilliant :D
Thora said:
Ok, say what you like about Zerzan, but Feral Faun was a brilliant writer.

This is an elaborate wind up right?

Feral Faun said:
I want to experience this vital energy again. I want to know the free-spirited wildness of my unrepressed desires realizing themselves in festive play. I want to smash down every wall that stands between me and the intense, passionate life of untamed freedom that I want. The sum of these walls is everything we call civilization, everything that comes between us and the direct, participatory experience of the wild world. Around us has grown a web of domination, a web of mediation that limits our experience, defining the boundaries of acceptable production and consumption.

Feral Faun said:
Chaos is a dance, a flowing dance of life, and this dance is erotic. Civilization hates chaos and, therefore, also hates Eros. Even in supposedly sexually free times, civilization represses the erotic. It teaches that orgasms are events that happen only in a few small parts of our bodies and only through the correct manipulation of those parts. It squeezes Eros into the armor of Mars, making sex into a competitive, achievement-centered job rather than joyful, innocent play.

Yet even in the midst of such repression, Eros refuses to accept this mold. His joyful, dancing form breaks through Mars' armor here and there. As blinded as we are by our civilized existence, the dance of life keeps seeping into our awareness in little ways. We look at a sunset, stand in the midst of the forest, climb on a mountain, hear a bird song, walk barefoot on a beach, and we start to feel a certain elation, a sense of awe and joy. It is the beginning of an orgasm of the entire body, one not limited to civilization's so-called "erogenous zones", but civilization never lets the feeling fulfill itself. Otherwise, we'd realize that everything that is not a product of civilization is alive and joyfully erotic.

Feral Faun said:
those who squat and steal as part of an insurgeent
life, do so in defiance of the logic of economic property. Refusing to
accept the scarcity imposed by this logic or to bow to the demands of a
world they did not create, such insurgents take what they desire without
asking anyone's permission whenever the possibility arises. In this
defiance of society's economic rule, one takes back the abundance of the
world as one's own -- and this is an act of insurrection.

And this is from one of the least demented writers on the website.
montevideo said:
what do you reckon your sswearing to post ratio is here? Pretty high i reckon.

Peppering posts with swearing is contrary to popular myth both big and clever.

what you reckon your post to cogent point ratio is?
tis true i am but a dwarf of a man lumbered with heavy weight of post modern malaise and an overriding desire to live out my lack of assertiveness via the internet.

will some kind woman please take pity on me. ;)
Chaos is a dance, a flowing dance of life, and this dance is erotic. Civilization hates chaos and, therefore, also hates Eros. Even in supposedly sexually free times, civilization represses the erotic. It teaches that orgasms are events that happen only in a few small parts of our bodies and only through the correct manipulation of those parts. It squeezes Eros into the armor of Mars, making sex into a competitive, achievement-centered job rather than joyful, innocent play.

If this didn't engage in meaningless essentialist statements about civilization or hippy nonsense about fucking sunsets I might well agree with it's central thesis.

Please don't call me a hippy. :(
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