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Anarchist Bookfair 2013 October 19th

what's the word again for someone who threatens to shoot their political opponents

General? "War is the continuation of politics with the admixture of other means"

By the definition you're employing all political violence is terrorism. Every war ever fought in human history is terrorism. It's stupid sensationalist tabloid shit that you deliberately chose to smear in the most dangerous way the wider anarchist movement. Only someone deliberately trying to smear Anarchists would go out of their way to mis-use a term like that.

I'd go into the details but somehow I think you're smart enough to know what I'm on about. I'm not buying this faux-sincerity for a moment.

Someone going out of their way to brand them terrorists, knowing full well the draconian anti-terror legislation in this country and what it would mean should these people be caught, you might as well be working for the police I mean you're doing their job for them as it is.
I do apologise, what's the word again for someone who threatens to shoot their political opponents and sabotages public transport?

Oh please, you watched from the other side as the Evening Standard and The Daily Mail churned out ridiculous alarmist bullshit about anarchists stockpiling grenades and so on - you know what utter horseshit it is and you know the (fairly mundane) reality of most anarchist groups. I can't believe even you thought that article you wrote was anything more than specious nonsense.
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It is curious how the movement is far more concerned with covering up the emergence of the IAF than dealing with the fallout that these people are going to bring down on them - regardless of media attention or not. That the police haven't lifted a single IAF member should ring alarm bells. I point at the moon, you look at my hand.
It is curious how the movement is far more concerned with covering up the emergence of the IAF than dealing with the fallout that these people are going to bring down on them - regardless of media attention or not. That the police haven't lifted a single IAF member should ring alarm bells. I point at the moon, you look at my hand.
I think the thread that your story was first posted on should tell you that this picture is not true at best and self-serving (i did you a favour) nonsense at worst.
It is curious how the movement is far more concerned with covering up the emergence of the IAF than dealing with the fallout that these people are going to bring down on them - regardless of media attention or not. That the police haven't lifted a single IAF member should ring alarm bells. I point at the moon, you look at my hand.
Covering up? I've seen enough tabloid bullshit stories and know enough about the (pretty tame) reality of our groups to discount even the merest possibility that it exists in any serious way.

(As you should've done. What was it? First draft you submitted handed back with a request for more drama?)
That the police haven't lifted a single member should ring alarm bells.

And what's your theory about this? If you have important information or insight the movement ought to know, perhaps you should share it? Or do your loyalties lie elsewhere now*

For what it's worth this IAF lot look like a bunch of sub-Angry Brigade cretins. I'd be loathed to call it terrorism, since by their own logic they're not trying to instigate political change by terrorising the populous, which is generally seen as the definition of terrorism, but trying to disrupt the infastructure capitalism needs to exist - a laughable approach and not one I agree with, but at least get it right.

*bit of a rhetorical one that
It is curious how the movement is far more concerned with covering up the emergence of the IAF than dealing with the fallout that these people are going to bring down on them - regardless of media attention or not. That the police haven't lifted a single IAF member should ring alarm bells. I point at the moon, you look at my hand.
seeing if your rings are worth anything
Hysteria. Everything is a conspiracy against the anarchists.

i don't know about everything. but that cartoon is basically the same as the person who thought they were being clever when they commented that 'dogs weren't allowed'. i assume you did it then? are the digs in it meant to be friendly digs?
It is curious how the movement is far more concerned with covering up the emergence of the IAF than dealing with the fallout that these people are going to bring down on them - regardless of media attention or not. That the police haven't lifted a single IAF member should ring alarm bells. I point at the moon, you look at my hand.
Are you seriously saying that you wrote that piece to highlight spooks at work in anarchist groups? Why didn't you suggest anything of the sort or link it to past examples then?
Most amusing how the totalitarian so called anarchists on here try so hard to attack a cartoon. And apparently the cartoon must be part of a conspiracy!!

FWIW IAF actions look pretty terroristic to me. And whoever is doing them would be idiots if they didn't expect a robust state response. As for the so called anarchists who bleat that they should never be considered a threat by the state, the absurdity of their position speaks for itself.
Kenny the only person who used the word "conspiracy" was Brian, not the anarchists.

And I didn't think it was a particularly good cartoon, but Scene and Heard is regularly one of Eye's least interesting and amusing features so I don't see much evidence of a conspiracy, or even an deliberate anti-anarchist bias.

There's a horrible sneering tone to Private Eye's humour. It's regularly featured sexist reactionary and witless crap as humour, Viz-reject standard.

And the reporting is often really shockingly poor. The literary review (Bookworm?) is fucking dire. Remember the MMR stuff they were pushing concerning Andrew Wakefield? They kept flogging that dead horse for ages. No wonder they don't put names on the bylines of their articles.

The only thing that's consistently any good is the City stuff at the back, and not being a City type much of the things he's referencing go over my head, but at least there's a consistent standard there but otherwise Eye is really very poor. The stuff about football in particular is excellent.

I'd like to start a "Why Private Eye is going down the Pan" thread coz I got left a mountain of back issues when my ex's dad died, but I really want to avoid spending too much time here coz i've got real world commitments to deal with.
I really want to avoid spending too much time here coz i've got real world commitments to deal with.

Fully appreciate that. I agree about Private Eye - stopped reading it years back. The cartoon wasn't exactly biting satire, and heavens knows there was enough material this year.

Here's the anti-O'Reilly side of the story in considerable detail. It certainly makes the Assangists look like complete dicks.

I note that the unfortunate anarcha-feminist who was so inadequately intersectionalised that she suggested having room to debate sex work and abortion gets listed under "other incidents". In its own way that says more about the drive to delegitimise disagreement running through this form of politics than the main set of incidents.
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Here's the anti-O'Reilly side of the story in considerable detail. It certainly makes the Assangists look like complete dicks.

I note that the unfortunate anarcha-feminist who was so inadequately intersectionalised that she suggested having room to debate sex work and abortion gets listed under "other incidents". In its own way that says more about the drive to delegitimise disagreement running through this form of politics than the main set of incidents.

He and his entourage should of got slapped. I'm not a violent person but that is taking the piss.

Here's the anti-O'Reilly side of the story in considerable detail. It certainly makes the Assangists look like complete dicks.

I note that the unfortunate anarcha-feminist who was so inadequately intersectionalised that she suggested having room to debate sex work and abortion gets listed under "other incidents". In its own way that says more about the drive to delegitimise disagreement running through this form of politics than the main set of incidents.

"A woman in the anarcha-feminist conference planning meeting, identifying herself as a radical feminist, described sex work and abortion as ‘contentious issues’ within anarchist feminism." Is absurd as supposed evidence of a lack of a safer space.

I am not really sure what the timeline authors want the bookfair organisers to do. Should they close it down? Have SIA registered security on the doors and in the courtyard? Publish a longwinded safer spaces policy that excludes contentious issues being raised? I would support a brief statement saying that anyone fighting, filming, drunk, or engaging in generic hate speech will be told to leave. This would cover both people saying "Kill all men" and all the transphobic crap that was being said. PLUS free hugs are obviously well out of order. HOWEVER - there is no way anyone can say that because they choose to be offended by someone saying sex work and abortion are contentious issues this should not be discussed at the book fair.
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I'm sure it'll never ever reach the rich pungency one would wade through when attending the Anarchist Bookfair at Conway Hall.
re: smell, the main room is too hot and the windows dont open. any well attended bookfair in there would get a bit smelly
Why would you assume I did it? It is one of the few Eye pieces that actually carries a byline. The clue is on the page.

i don't know who you are and I don't read Private Eye. I'd never even noticed your username before you accused me of being hysterical because I suggested that the cartoon might not be entirely sympathetic to the anarchist cause.
I note that the unfortunate anarcha-feminist who was so inadequately intersectionalised that she suggested having room to debate sex work and abortion gets listed under "other incidents". In its own way that says more about the drive to delegitimise disagreement running through this form of politics than the main set of incidents.

i agree with this. whilst there are some areas of anarchist thought that you need to agree with to be an anarchist, there are others where there is no agreement. how dare these people try and present those areas as Problems because it doesn't fit in with their interpretation. I mean, FFS, O'Reilly's behaviour gets censured because he's a dickhead and fair enough, but he's a fucking catholic and they don't critique that but anarcho-feminists holding a talk are?

Here's the anti-O'Reilly side of the story in considerable detail. It certainly makes the Assangists look like complete dicks.

I note that the unfortunate anarcha-feminist who was so inadequately intersectionalised that she suggested having room to debate sex work and abortion gets listed under "other incidents". In its own way that says more about the drive to delegitimise disagreement running through this form of politics than the main set of incidents.
It's a hilariously partial account.
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