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Anarchist Bookfair 2013 October 19th

well yes, you know who you know, and obviously deserve attacks because of it. especially the ones you know online.

It's a bit tenuous.

I'm not about to cheerlead her politics, they're not mine and never will be, and I'm perfectly happy to see them deconstructed. But the lazy smear, ...commentariat... income...ego...... who she knows... does nothing useful. It's just drawing the waggons into a circle, demonstrating the essence of her last line

Why would you believe me? You are after all, the oppressor.
well yes, you know who you know, and obviously deserve attacks because of it. especially the ones you know online.

It's a bit tenuous.

I'm not about to cheerlead her politics, they're not mine and never will be, and I'm perfectly happy to see them deconstructed. But the lazy smear, ...commentariat... income...ego...... who she knows... does nothing useful. It's just drawing the waggons into a circle, demonstrating the essence of her last line

Why would you believe me? You are after all, the oppressor.
What smear? Can you point to someone arguing that logic? Isn't this itself a smear? Unless you can evidence it up of course.
Bakunin's post and the bit of yours. your initial point, and subsequent retraction, fine, no problem at all. so why the sting in the tail?

By their associates so ye shall know them? come on, that's not a worthy attack and never will be, especially if you have no clue how well they know their associate. at best it's a little bit of supporting rhetoric, at worst a simple sneer.
Bakunin's post and the bit of yours. your initial point, and subsequent retraction, fine, no problem at all. so why the sting in the tail?

By their associates so ye shall know them? come on, that's not a worthy attack and never will be, especially if you have no clue how well they know their associate. at best it's a little bit of supporting rhetoric, at worst a simple sneer.
commentariat... income...ego.?
Where did i suggest this? Where did i even hint at it?
No, thats YOUR problem with me. Plain old simple jealousy.

Go ahead.. claim I did something to someone and fail to back it up again. Rumour and pettiness...thats all you got.
I am jealous of your gropey tendencies, i am jealous of your bullshit to justify it? That's really what you think? Wow.

edit: nice unacknowledged edit btw.
No, thats YOUR problem with me. Plain old simple jealousy.

Go ahead.. claim I did something to someone and fail to back it up again. Rumour and pettiness...thats all you got.
You know that i have more than that, you know that others do too. Hence these posts of yours. Your long running attempts at policing discussions about sexual assault are part of that knowledge.
Justify what? Something you made up?

Its only long running cos you keep bringing it up hoping that other easily led folk will believe it through repetition. :D

It works, but then thats how fuckers like you do politics. :)
Its also the reason why people like Sam are a cut above you. Misguided or not at least she is honest and believes what she says. Whereas you get everything you say out of a book.
It's only long running because you keep bringing it up. Genius logic. I haven't convinced a single person about you as far as i know. Your own actions, though, have.

Look at this oozing last post, you openly say that to think you're dodgy is to agree with me, to agree with someone that you probably don't like, and if you get past that then you're some kind of sheeple. Policing. You know that you're fucked.
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I'm content to be the bad guy for you and all your lame internet mates. I just wish you had the balls to actually tackle me in some subject instead of making up rumours over and over again.

But since you got your arse handed to you every time you tried I dont blame you for being a bit scared.
I'm content to be the bad guy for you and all your lame internet mates. I just wish you had the balls to actually tackle me in some subject instead of making up rumours over and over again.

But since you got your arse handed to you every time you tried I dont blame you for being a bit scared.

Not sure i even need reply to this post, beyond highlighting that this arrogance is how it happens.
Not sure i even need reply to this post,

But you will anyway... because its true... and it stings.

beyond highlighting that this arrogance is how it happens.

This arrogance is how it started. Because you think you should be the only one allowed to be arrogant. And the jealousy started when you realised that my arrogance is mostly self confidence whereas yours is as faked as one of your partners orgasms.
To be honest I dont even know what you are blathering on about half the time... much less care. Because of your deep seated repression... to you a sex-case is anyone who ever had sex and enjoyed it. I cant really get myself too worked up over it. But please do feel free to blather on about it. :D
Well, since we are offering out advice.. heres mine... go get yourself a self-help dvd about repression and take some time away from the internet. Go spend some serious quality time with the missus. Learn to cook and look after yourself, you're a full grown man fer chrissakes! Put down those fucking books and learn to live a little.

Learn to be proud of yourself butchy, not full of yourself.
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You're an ugly one inside and out, aintcha? Now I'm not smiling.

You should back away from this now before I poke you into exposing more about just what kind of person you really are.
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