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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

I was given a recommendation of The Green Inferno. I should have known better. One of the shittest films I've ever seen. Doesn't even deliver on the torture porn/gore that it's supposed to be.


Horribly racist as well. Don't bother
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This might only be available if you have a Hulu add-on, so apologies if it’s not available ‘for free’ on Prime. Just discovered and started watching The Great, a genre-bending farcical comedy about Catherine the Great. I had not heard of this before but it has some well known talent and very good critic reviews. It’s by the same writer who wrote The Favourite.

Not vintage so far but certainly more than sufficiently amusing and entertaining.
On the other hand, whereas I reasonably enjoy S1 of Doom Patrol, S2 is not really doing it for me.
On the other hand, whereas I reasonably enjoy S1 of Doom Patrol, S2 is not really doing it for me.
Was that on prime? I didn't think it was. Anyway I gave up after about three episodes so you did better than me. Can't believe it got a second series.
This might only be available if you have a Hulu add-on, so apologies if it’s not available ‘for free’ on Prime. Just discovered and started watching The Great, a genre-bending farcical comedy about Catherine the Great. I had not heard of this before but it has some well known talent and very good critic reviews. It’s by the same writer who wrote The Favourite.

Not vintage so far but certainly more than sufficiently amusing and entertaining.

I bloody loved that. Got the free trial of Hulu and binged it. Brilliant. Historically, nonsense, but the characters are fantastic and the acting is all superb and it's funny as hell and has the right level of pathos. Recommended.
I'm enjoying the Bureau which is a French spy caper. As you'd expect some of it is implausible but this doesn't spoil it.
This might only be available if you have a Hulu add-on, so apologies if it’s not available ‘for free’ on Prime. Just discovered and started watching The Great, a genre-bending farcical comedy about Catherine the Great. I had not heard of this before but it has some well known talent and very good critic reviews. It’s by the same writer who wrote The Favourite.

Not vintage so far but certainly more than sufficiently amusing and entertaining.
I've just watched about 20 mins of this and I absolutely adore it! I love these series now where historical accuracy is thrown to the wind and we get great frock and 21st century mores on the past. But somehow it feels more accurate because I feel human nature does not change.

Catherine the Great has been decried for her sexual appetite and bad things have been said about her. Maybe she just had precisely that - a sexual appetite - but at the time, this was not considered a good thing.
I think what I like about these new things is that although 21st century language is used, the way they actually spoke to one another would have sounded the same at the time.
I just watched Knives Out and massively enjoyed it. Twists and turns and a genuine heart behind it all. The kabbess only lasted 25 minutes but this is twice as long as she normally manages with a film, so that’s maybe not as negative as it sounds.
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I bloody loved that. Got the free trial of Hulu and binged it. Brilliant. Historically, nonsense, but the characters are fantastic and the acting is all superb and it's funny as hell and has the right level of pathos. Recommended.
This ^^

After my slightly drunken musings on Friday evening, I've been watching this at every available moment and I absolutely love it. It's superb.

It has some of my favourite actors in it and the chap playing the emperor is fantastic. Mad, cruel, self absorbed, exciting, utterly unaware of what a massive cunt he is. Which is exactly how I imagine such people may have been.

I love the crazy aunt as well. I want her to be my friend.
This ^^

After my slightly drunken musings on Friday evening, I've been watching this at every available moment and I absolutely love it. It's superb.

It has some of my favourite actors in it and the chap playing the emperor is fantastic. Mad, cruel, self absorbed, exciting, utterly unaware of what a massive cunt he is. Which is exactly how I imagine such people may have been.

I love the crazy aunt as well. I want her to be my friend.

Huzzah! :D
Public Service Announcement: I meant the free trial of Starzplay, which also has Counterpart and Castle Rock, both v good. Counterpart works even tho cancelled after S2 (in fact I suspect it stopped it turning into a load of old shite) and S1 of Castle Rock is excellent and worth the whole thing for the one episode that revolves around the mother; absolutely stand out beautiful film making, just amazing. You'll know it when you see it.
Public Service Announcement: I meant the free trial of Starzplay, which also has Counterpart and Castle Rock, both v good. Counterpart works even tho cancelled after S2 (in fact I suspect it stopped it turning into a load of old shite) and S1 of Castle Rock is excellent and worth the whole thing for the one episode that revolves around the mother; absolutely stand out beautiful film making, just amazing. You'll know it when you see it.

That episode is one of the saddest things I've ever seen
Counterpart works even tho cancelled after S2 (in fact I suspect it stopped it turning into a load of old shite)
Enjoyed this a lot and it wrapped up pretty well I thought.
You can tell the actors really enjoyed playing two versions of themselves :)
Enjoyed this a lot and it wrapped up pretty well I thought.
You can tell the actors really enjoyed playing two versions of themselves :)

JK Simmons was particularly good at it I thought, both parts utterly believable.

I really loved it and was actually glad there was no more, as you say, it wrapped pretty well and saved me from losing interest halfway through S3 or 4
Nearly half way though The Great and still enjoying it. It has the right blend of comedy and drama/ darkness, some very quotable lines :D
Finished The Great last night. I think it's just excellent. One of the best things I've seen in a while. I'm left feeling sad it's over.
A bit of family-friendly superhero comedy action: Stargirl. Watched the first episode last night and it was very entertaining. Massive ratings on Rotten Tomatoes as well

I watched Stargirl. It was okay if you’re a genre fan, but not great even then. I’ve been rewatching Buffy recently and Stargirl suffers hugely in the comparison. It feels a bit superhero-teen-by-numbers.

I’m currently on season two of Archer, which I’d never previously heard of but apparently won massive plaudits as well as a tonne of awards back in the early 2010s. It’s an animated spy agency spoof, with the main character (Sterling Archer) voiced by the same guy who does Bob in Bob’s Burgers. It’s crude, inappropriate and hugely, laugh-out-loud funny. Archer himself is a narcissistic, mumbling, misogynistic arsehole that everybody hates, just how James Bond would actually be in real life. But the rest of the characters are just as distinctively awful. Give it a watch.

I’m also half way through the second season of Hanna, which is honestly brilliant. It took a bit of time to warm up but it’s a beautifully psychological joy. Also, the music is worth a special mention. It’s done by the same people that did the music from DEVS, if you saw that, and rises to the level of being an integral feature of the experience.
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