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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

I’m thinking of canning prime. I can’t be arsed reading all these pages back. Give me a good film recommendation? Sci-fi, crime, not repeat with stupid violence but some intelligence. Or a stand-up comedy show?
Just watching that Fallout. Only one ep deep so far.
A decent enough show. Good quality and so far a compelling enough story I hope connects up as it progresses.
I don't want to sound like an old man, but some of the gore seems a little unnecessary for a show such as this (fine for body shock or horror film). Only a little mind, I don't think it's super bad, just would have liked one or two bits dialed back in editing.

Why are the episodes so long? It's waaay to much.
And why release it all at once? I think this one would have been more fun to drip out. Read internet speculation week on week, keep the excitement going. They could have broken eps in half (maybe even 3) and done two or three a week.

Also have a few questions about the radiation. . . . But I think I know that's not going to add up.
Gore is fun and is part of the game. There's even a perk that intensifies the gore.

I agree about dropping all episodes at once. It's the single worst thing about streaming. It lessens the impact of great tv shows and makes them more forgettable. It needs to stop.
You could always watch one a week, if that's your thing.
I managed one at a time, over about a week, but that's not the point. It needs to be done so everyone watches one a week, thus making it a proper talking point and increasing the suspense and the impact of the show on audiences. people don't know what's good for them and their demands for instant gratification should be ignored for the sake of the greater good.
Just watching that Fallout. Only one ep deep so far.
A decent enough show. Good quality and so far a compelling enough story I hope connects up as it progresses.
I don't want to sound like an old man, but some of the gore seems a little unnecessary for a show such as this (fine for body shock or horror film). Only a little mind, I don't think it's super bad, just would have liked one or two bits dialed back in editing.

Why are the episodes so long? It's waaay to much.
And why release it all at once? I think this one would have been more fun to drip out. Read internet speculation week on week, keep the excitement going. They could have broken eps in half (maybe even 3) and done two or three a week.

Also have a few questions about the radiation. . . . But I think I know that's not going to add up.
The violence is cartoonish, and it's darkly funny like in 2000AD.

The episodes are of a 45 to 75 minute duration and worked just fine for us. We were so so about the show for the first 2 eps and then we "got" the vibe in the 3rd and absolutely loved it for the rest.
I managed one at a time, over about a week, but that's not the point. It needs to be done so everyone watches one a week, thus making it a proper talking point and increasing the suspense and the impact of the show on audiences. people don't know what's good for them and their demands for instant gratification should be ignored for the sake of the greater good.
What's needed for greater social cohesion and communal happiness is regression to a mode of media delivery in which everyone is forced to discuss the latest episode of a TV show at the same time as Orang Utan and ATOMIC SUPLEX, definite vote winner 🤣
What's needed for greater social cohesion and communal happiness is regression to a mode of media delivery in which everyone is forced to discuss the latest episode of a TV show at the same time as Orang Utan and ATOMIC SUPLEX, definite vote winner 🤣
You’ll thank us for it
I managed one at a time, over about a week, but that's not the point. It needs to be done so everyone watches one a week, thus making it a proper talking point and increasing the suspense and the impact of the show on audiences. people don't know what's good for them and their demands for instant gratification should be ignored for the sake of the greater good.
It's better released in one lump, so people can wind others up with spoilers.
What's needed for greater social cohesion and communal happiness is regression to a mode of media delivery in which everyone is forced to discuss the latest episode of a TV show at the same time as Orang Utan and ATOMIC SUPLEX, definite vote winner 🤣

On a black and white set that you have to fiddle around with the ariel for decent reception.
Just watching that Fallout. Only one ep deep so far.
A decent enough show. Good quality and so far a compelling enough story I hope connects up as it progresses.
I don't want to sound like an old man, but some of the gore seems a little unnecessary for a show such as this (fine for body shock or horror film). Only a little mind, I don't think it's super bad, just would have liked one or two bits dialed back in editing.

Why are the episodes so long? It's waaay to much.
And why release it all at once? I think this one would have been more fun to drip out. Read internet speculation week on week, keep the excitement going. They could have broken eps in half (maybe even 3) and done two or three a week.

Also have a few questions about the radiation. . . . But I think I know that's not going to add up.
I haven’t played the game, but assuming it is similarly gory, it would have been a complete travesty if the TV adaptation was not. As others have already said, it is cartoonish in nature and whereas I don’t have kids myself I’d be surprised if anyone even as young as 13 would be bothered by it, let alone adults.
I've only seen ep one. It wasn't 'cartoonish' violence, it was violent in nature. I don't hate it, but it seemed a bit unnecessary in a couple of places.

Re weekly release . . It is fun to see all the speculation on line brew for a week. Its part of the viewing drama, along with "ooh goody, a new episode".
Of course I can ration myself, but that's obviously not the same. This thread for instance, we can now only really discuss the whole series as a whole. It would have probably got its own thread and eight weeks of content.
I'll have forgotten about it in a week or so.
I’d be surprised if anyone even as young as 13 would be bothered by it, let alone adults.
Man with face ripped off? Cocks wiped on curtains? Not really what I'd want a 13yr old to see.

I was generally just a bit sad though that, as you say, most kids probably aren't that bothered.
Robocop is an 18 rated film originally only viewable at the cinema.
I haven’t played the game, but assuming it is similarly gory, it would have been a complete travesty if the TV adaptation was not. As others have already said, it is cartoonish in nature and whereas I don’t have kids myself I’d be surprised if anyone even as young as 13 would be bothered by it, let alone adults.
It's akin to the violence in a certain comic I've mentioned several times, it really can't be taken too seriously. Hell, as an 8 year old seeing Fergie smashing Kleggs with a baseball bat and didn't er, bat and eyelid.

Whereas just over a decade later, the violence in Goodfellas was horrific and much more affecting.

Design in the show is top notch, from the retro futurism, to the Cursed Earth style wastelands, to the - yes - hilarious comic/cartoonish styled violence.
I haven’t played the game, but assuming it is similarly gory, it would have been a complete travesty if the TV adaptation was not. As others have already said, it is cartoonish in nature and whereas I don’t have kids myself I’d be surprised if anyone even as young as 13 would be bothered by it, let alone adults.

yes, that's one of the (many) things the show got right, and added tremendously to my enjoyment, was the gore; there were a few things that vaguely broke with the lore (which i didn't expect it to be as exacting as it was to begin with tbh), but had it been tame with the violence then that would have been hugely to its detriment (for fans of the ip).

Just watching that Fallout. Only one ep deep so far.
A decent enough show. Good quality and so far a compelling enough story I hope connects up as it progresses.

it does, but admittedly it is rather convoluted by the end. it pays off, though, i think. i'm very much looking forward to what they do with it next.
I managed one at a time, over about a week, but that's not the point. It needs to be done so everyone watches one a week, thus making it a proper talking point and increasing the suspense and the impact of the show on audiences. people don't know what's good for them and their demands for instant gratification should be ignored for the sake of the greater good.
I forget what happens in between shows though. What about people with shit memories like me?
Can recommend these two films anyway:

Luz - Simón is a physicist who measures the length of Karma in space-time. This opens a new perception of reality where everything will collapse. Justice, truth and knowledge are metaphical representations of reality..

Cobweb - if you like your pants shit scared!!
Yes. Cos the impatient binging cunts are also blabbermouths who drop spoilers into conversations and ruin it for everyone else.
When you say 'everyone else', I assume you mean the small percentage of people who don't have the staying power to watch the full series in one go? They really don't matter, as they're only TV tourists.
Anyway, it’s the no-life bingers who seem to think their viewing experiences are more important than everyone else’s, not the other way round.
And they're right, evidently. Even Amazon are aware of this.
You mean as opposed to people with no life who have the time to watch 8 episodes in a row?
I think your definition of 'a life' may be somewhat misguided. I managed to cram all episodes of Fallout into my busy schedule, between coffee, shower, cat herding, visiting my mother, shopping, touristing, eating, etc.
It might not be your life but it's certainly a life. Or are other people's lives less important than yours?
Yes. Cos the impatient binging cunts are also blabbermouths who drop spoilers into conversations and ruin it for everyone else.
I think you know me better than that. I am kinda known for being uber sensitive to spoilers.

I think you're probably not being serious, but if you are, you're totally prioritising your own wants over my needs.
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