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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

2 eps into Fallout and not sure about it. The 50s influence is gorgeous and it certainly looks impressive, there's a Cursed Earth vibe to the surface with mutants and the lawless. Walton Goggins gives off a Red Skull/Jonah Hexx feel to his Ghoul character...

But don't feel any real investment with the characters. Apart from the dog...
Ok, episode 3 a significant improvement. Loving the dark humour and the penny finally dropped about the ghoul... His look is clearly inspired by 2000ADs The Dead Man.

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To mix the Netflix and Prime threads... I'd thought Fallout was pretty good, and watched it back-to-back a few times (which is rare for me and hour-long episodes). Still have 2 episodes to go. But then I started on Netflix's Baby Reindeer and my god that's fantastic. Fallout will have to wait.
Fallout was great.

Not sure what to watch now. I am bereft.
Of that subject or in general?

If the former, The Last of Us (Sky/ NowTV) is a given if you haven’t watched it yet. And from a more entertaining, faster paced dark comedy side of post-apocalyptic shows, I strongly recommend Twisted Metal, though that might require a separate Paramount subscription.

As previously mentioned upthread, if you’re just looking for other quality content regardless of subject, head no further than Baby Reindeer on Netflix.
Of that subject or in general?

If the former, The Last of Us (Sky/ NowTV) is a given if you haven’t watched it yet. And from a more entertaining, faster paced dark comedy side of post-apocalyptic shows, I strongly recommend Twisted Metal, though that might require a separate Paramount subscription.

As previously mentioned upthread, if you’re just looking for other quality content regardless of subject, head no further than Baby Reindeer on Netflix.

twisted metal turned out good? i recall first hearing about it a while back, and everyone was saying it looked like it was going to be awful - this being before the show released admittedly, but. i wasn't exactly convinced by the trailer either. it just seems like such a bizarre ip to try to adapt into a series. also the last of us was 'on my list,' but very near the bottom so i never got around to it. the casting seemed quite strange, but i never played the games anyway so i was largely enough indifferent about that - but just in a 'desperate for something to watch' sense it was on the list.

that said, fallout i thought was fantastic, near flawless even. i probably have close to as many hours in 3 and new vegas as i do in all other videogames combined. maybe. in any case i thought they really nailed the atmosphere of the games, it was shockingly good. and what's more is i'd heard from everywhere that it was just superb, so i went in with very high expectations, and was not disappointed one bit. it was the most i've enjoyed something from the jump since the righteous gemstones - another show that's great thanks in no small part to walton goggins actually.

i'm curious though, how many of you who enjoyed fallout were big fans of the games? i would have thoroughly enjoyed the show regardless i think, as the humor and the gore are right up my alley, i'm just curious how recommendable it would really be to those going in completely blind.
Ok, episode 3 a significant improvement. Loving the dark humour and the penny finally dropped about the ghoul... His look is clearly inspired by 2000ADs The Dead Man.

I wonder who the dead man is? It seems like they are leading up to some sort of big reveal.
What's that? The chronicles of who?
It's like when they put the statue of liberty on the cover of the video for the planet of the apes.
twisted metal turned out good? i recall first hearing about it a while back, and everyone was saying it looked like it was going to be awful - this being before the show released admittedly, but. i wasn't exactly convinced by the trailer either. it just seems like such a bizarre ip to try to adapt into a series. also the last of us was 'on my list,' but very near the bottom so i never got around to it. the casting seemed quite strange, but i never played the games anyway so i was largely enough indifferent about that - but just in a 'desperate for something to watch' sense it was on the list.
It's certainly very watchable in a trashy gory comedy way. Not amazing but not bad either.
The mrs isn't a gamer and enjoyed it well enough. I just had to explain why I was chuckling at some of the nods put in for the gamers. The "hacking" interface cracked me right up.
The mrs isn't a gamer and enjoyed it well enough. I just had to explain why I was chuckling at some of the nods put in for the gamers. The "hacking" interface cracked me right up.
Thinking back on it, and having listened to the views of a few people who watched it, I think it was probably far less enjoyable for anyone who hadn't played the game.
I wonder who the dead man is? It seems like they are leading up to some sort of big reveal.
What's that? The chronicles of who?
It's like when they put the statue of liberty on the cover of the video for the planet of the apes.
Well, the Dead Man in 2000AD is obvious and the chap in Fallout was revealed pretty much early on...
Well, the Dead Man in 2000AD is obvious and the chap in Fallout was revealed pretty much early on...
I don't know anything about Fall Out.
Deadman is so long ago now I can't even remember what it was a precursor too (a Dredd story that was running at the same time as I recall) . . . I remember guessing immediately that it was Dredd, but had nobody to tell. Nobody who would care. I'm not even sure I did by then.
Of that subject or in general?

If the former, The Last of Us (Sky/ NowTV) is a given if you haven’t watched it yet. And from a more entertaining, faster paced dark comedy side of post-apocalyptic shows, I strongly recommend Twisted Metal, though that might require a separate Paramount subscription.

As previously mentioned upthread, if you’re just looking for other quality content regardless of subject, head no further than Baby Reindeer on Netflix.
I started watchign Invincible. I liked the comic when i read it years ago.

I don't have Sky or Now so have to give TLOU a miss. I did play the gme though.

I also don't have a Paramount Subscription and since the only way to watch it is with an Amazon subscroption as well I don't see tha thappening since I can't afford to renew Prime past this free month they gave me. Unless I binge the shit out of everything.
I wonder who the dead man is? It seems like they are leading up to some sort of big reveal.
What's that? The chronicles of who?
It's like when they put the statue of liberty on the cover of the video for the planet of the apes.
The Deadman in 2000ad? It's
Judge Dredd

The Deadman in Fallout the TV Show?
It's Cooper the Cowboy (unless I missed something very big).

Pretty sure I didn't need to spoil that.

The Deadman in something else that I'm too thick to get what you were referring to?
No idea cowboy
I also don't have a Paramount Subscription and since the only way to watch it is with an Amazon subscroption as well I don't see tha thappening since I can't afford to renew Prime past this free month they gave me. Unless I binge the shit out of everything.
Is that so? What a bizarre set-up :confused: Are they sister companies?
Is that so? What a bizarre set-up :confused: Are they sister companies?
No idea. I think Amazon host other services as well. Just a consequence of their power.

You can sub to Paramount separately I think, it's just being able to watch it. My laptop is no good so I use my ps4 and there's no separate P+ app. If you did sub you'd still need a separate Prime sub to watch it through Amazon, and thus the Amazon app.

All very bizarre
No idea. I think Amazon host other services as well. Just a consequence of their power.

You can sub to Paramount separately I think, it's just being able to watch it. My laptop is no good so I use my ps4 and there's no separate P+ app. If you did sub you'd still need a separate Prime sub to watch it through Amazon, and thus the Amazon app.

All very bizarre
I can access it on my PS4 through my Apple TV+ app
Big fan of the games but i dont think the show would have held me if I hadnt been

yeah, that's what i've been trying to figure in my head, if it's worth recommending to certain people as the sort of experience i got out of it personally. or, obviously it wouldn't be the same experience for 'certain people' (who hadn't played), but whether a similarly or far less so enjoyable experience. i begin to question if whether the notion of the vaults for example might be too wacky/corny juxtaposed with the drama, excessive violence (etc) of the show for someone going in blind - whereas for fans of the game the 'wackiness' is a selling point - but idk really.

eta as far as where to watch, if you don't mind sacrificing the big screen, i didn't watch on amazon prime i just pirated it (like i do pretty much everything). there are a million pretty good sites out there.
No idea. I think Amazon host other services as well. Just a consequence of their power.

You can sub to Paramount separately I think, it's just being able to watch it. My laptop is no good so I use my ps4 and there's no separate P+ app. If you did sub you'd still need a separate Prime sub to watch it through Amazon, and thus the Amazon app.

All very bizarre
I’m clueless at such techie stuff but Paramount+ has an app, so even if your laptop is useless, if you have a smartphone or a tablet you should be able to connect it to your TV to watch it.
I’m clueless at such techie stuff but Paramount+ has an app, so even if your laptop is useless, if you have a smartphone or a tablet you should be able to connect it to your TV to watch it.
No i can watch P+ on my laptop, I just don't want to because the screen is small. I'm not that desperate to watch it.
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