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Amazon Prime streaming video recommendations thread

I think you know me better than that. I am kinda known for being uber sensitive to spoilers.

I think you're probably not being serious, but if you are, you're totally prioritising your own wants over my needs.
I was responding in kind to Saul.
But it seems each ‘side’ is demanding restraint from the other here and putting their own needs first. So we have an impasse.
I will, however, appeal to the greater good and say that it is better for everyone for a tv show to have as wider and long lasting impact as possible. And for that to happen, releasing all episodes in one go has to stop.
I was responding in kind to Saul.
But it seems each ‘side’ is demanding restraint from the other here and putting their own needs first. So we have an impasse.
I will, however, appeal to the greater good and say that it is better for everyone for a tv show to have as wider and long lasting impact as possible. And for that to happen, releasing all episodes in one go has to stop.
I have some sympathy for your nostalgia but your plan would only work if you eliminated catch-up TV* altogether. Otherwise, people will still binge watch, they’ll just do it in arrears.

*and torrenting, of course
I have some sympathy for your nostalgia but your plan would only work if you eliminated catch-up TV* altogether. Otherwise, people will still binge watch, they’ll just do it in arrears.

*and torrenting, of course
That’s fine though, doing it in arrears.
I was responding in kind to Saul.
But it seems each ‘side’ is demanding restraint from the other here and putting their own needs first. So we have an impasse.
I will, however, appeal to the greater good and say that it is better for everyone for a tv show to have as wider and long lasting impact as possible. And for that to happen, releasing all episodes in one go has to stop.
Selfish. You can choose to watch one at a time. I can't choose to remember or forget, it just happens.
Selfish. You can choose to watch one at a time. I can't choose to remember or forget, it just happens.
No it isn’t. It works the other way round too. People can wait and save them up to watch if they so choose. That way it works for everyone.
I’m forgetful too, but in a different way, dropping all episodes at once will usually mean that’ll I’ll never get round to seeing it. A show needs to be in the cultural ether for longer to get me to remember to watch it.
We really don't. You can continue to watch weekly, while others choose to do it in one sitting. It just means you'll have to ask people politely not to drop spoilers within earshot, and hope they respect your wishes... Or wear earplugs.
And that’s why we have an impasse. Someone’s enjoyment will get spoilt whichever way we have it.
Anyway let me grumble. I’m aware Pandora’s Box has been opened and people just can’t resist bingeing and doomscrolling even though it’s bad for their health and diminishes an already ephemeral artform. It’s Big Media’s fault, not ours
This is a mad and lost cause even for OU.
Yeah, but I do agree with him that telly was more fun back in the days when we all used to wait in breathless anticipation for the next episode of something and then discuss it all week. But maybe that enjoyment was also tied up with being young and uncynical.
Enjoyed Tramps! A look at music/fashion scene in London in the 70s/80s - and how Punks/New Romantics evolved, who they were, how they lived. London may as well be another planet, so different!
Rising from the nihilistic ashes of the punk movement in the late 1970s, a fresh crowd of flamboyant fashionistas, who would later be christened the New Romantics, began to materialize on the streets of London, England.

Free art education for anyone who wanted it. Squalid Squats... Lots of speed :D
I am enjoying fallout. I've never seen the computer game but the one thing that is erking me about it is some very 'computer gamey' elements. Rad packs, health boosts and the miracle shots. . . Also trudging around from location to location with no pointers, as if following a . . Game.
But these are minor grumbles that I am only grumbling about because the rest is pretty good so far. Good casting and story. Well rounded characters. It's got the audience caring about all of them despite the obvious flaws.
Finished that Fallout show.
Disappointing end.
I liked that there was plenty of ambiguity about Maximus actually being good. The last episode pretty much stomped all over that. He didn't do the boots, he wasn't proud to have won the battle. I liked that he could do something seemingly brave one minute but then turn in the face of death and just go with the flow. I like that he was different from Lucy, who would basically always do the right thing (and would not have let Titus die).
I feels like they have spunked every single bit of mystery all in one go. The bomb, the vaults, the cryogenics. I would have much rather this had been drip fed. Why are people from 200 years ago popping up? Is Lucys dad bad or good? Who was the zombie woman? Would have been nice for that to not have come out all at once. Would have been fine if it was an ending clearly made for a stand alone series, but it danced too close to pushing a second series and not rounding out all the characters and their stories for that.

I'm only moaning because it was good and it was almost something great.
Finished that Fallout show.
Disappointing end.
I liked that there was plenty of ambiguity about Maximus actually being good. The last episode pretty much stomped all over that. He didn't do the boots, he wasn't proud to have won the battle. I liked that he could do something seemingly brave one minute but then turn in the face of death and just go with the flow. I like that he was different from Lucy, who would basically always do the right thing (and would not have let Titus die).
I feels like they have spunked every single bit of mystery all in one go. The bomb, the vaults, the cryogenics. I would have much rather this had been drip fed. Why are people from 200 years ago popping up? Is Lucys dad bad or good? Who was the zombie woman? Would have been nice for that to not have come out all at once. Would have been fine if it was an ending clearly made for a stand alone series, but it danced too close to pushing a second series and not rounding out all the characters and their stories for that.

I'm only moaning because it was good and it was almost something great.

While watching it I thought it went a bit Marvel at the end. It was the weakest point in the show and I did finish it feeling a bit let down; especially as a lot felt crammed in to that final hour.
Yeah, but I do agree with him that telly was more fun back in the days when we all used to wait in breathless anticipation for the next episode of something and then discuss it all week. But maybe that enjoyment was also tied up with being young and uncynical.

I think the volume of quality TV available prevents this from being a modern-day reality. It does still happen, and when it does happen it genuinely is a thing of social zeitgeist beauty, from the darkest corners of baby eating anarchism forums to Mum chatting to her hairdresser, to every waking minute of radio 5live...But I can think of probably the Happy Valley final series, Line of Duty (most series IIRC), and I wasn't around for GoT (long story*). Actually Succession final series got pretty close to this (even tho I'm not that fussed about it).

Succession was an odd on too, I was 2 weeks behind schedule, and all the papers thought it was appropriate to have the 'thing that happens during the boat wedding' broadcast on the front page, as it was a show about media stuff. The fuckers!

But with recaps, I have a massive hate/love/hate relationship with them.

The 'hate' comes from the feeling of being spoon-fed the plot and not commit this art to memory and basically not act like the debased moronic American (the birth of recaps) that needs a reminder of last weeks show. Every fucking thing signposted just incase you had to think or remember about something - finally TV assistance to match the convenience of their microwave meals.

The Love is that sometimes...err...they can be quite useful. Especially (and this is the crucial bit) because some modern shows have some really decent writing and foreshadowing that spans series (I'm just thinking of breaking bad, tbh). And also I've potentially got the intricate (and modern day telly is getting intricater and intricater) plot-points of about 5 premium series on the go at any one time.

And the final hate is the fact it telegraphs the plot point "OH DO YOU REMEMBER THAT INNOCUOUS SCENE WITH THE GUY WITH THE LAWNMOWER IN TRUE DETECTIVE S1 (E...5ish?)". I'd rather miss it and then read a forum page afterwards to catch up anything that I missed referencing prior events :D (not to mention realisation you are becoming the lazier American trope you richly despise)

The most bizarre of all these (ok, a preview, but still) was the ol' "Tonight on Murder She Wrote" ...Like wtf, I'm going to find out in about 30 minutes m8.

*To avoid any PM's about this intriguing story I hint at...My GoT experience is that I found it too difficult (too many threads, nerdy fantasy (lets make anything up, shall we?) dragon hobbity nonsense) to follow on first run (I think I saw the first series). I watched it all, finally, 6 months after the last episode had been broadcast - I did have the foresight to avoid pretty much all plot points, impressively)...So whilst GoT,for me, is easily one of the top 3 shows ever, but my experience of it was significantly impaired by not watching it at the same time as you lot. Once I had seen the final episode (and only once I had watched them all), I read all the threads on here, especially the callouts for rumours of who had been cast for certain roles...That would have been great to have been a part of at the time. :cool:.

Epilogue to the story: It also sparked a bit of envy...The GoT Books are such engrossing tales, I admired from afar (even if it wasn't contemporaneous) the chat in the threads here where all the characters, plot points, references were discussed to a level of real application (and affection). Funnily enough, I slightly closed the loop on said feeling of envy and missing out, as I was now able to play the "I've read them all" role and be the authoritative figure when the Reacher TV series was announced (well, was aired). :cool:
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But with recaps, I have a massive hate/love/hate relationship with them.

The 'hate' comes from the feeling of being spoon-fed the plot and not commit this art to memory and basically not act like the debased moronic American (the birth of recaps) that needs a reminder of last weeks show. Every fucking thing signposted just incase you had to think or remember about something - finally TV assistance to match the convenience of their microwave meals.

British serial Doctor Who used to do recaps back in the 70s.

Anyway, some of us older folks have memory issues which means recaps are appreciated ...
Zone of Interest is up on there now, watched it last night. Wow. Right from the absolute get go, I was gripped. Went through all kinds of emotions. So much more than 'just' a film too. Thoroughly recommend.

The Confession - documentary about a fella in Leeds whose wife went missing. Also excellent.
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